21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 19

Awareness Challenge Day 19 Week Three – Awareness of our creative ability. Centering Thought for the day: I Can Change My Life by Changing My Thoughts By choosing a thought that feels slightly better than the thoughts you have been thinking, you can gradually…

21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 18

Awareness Challenge Day 18   Week Three – Awareness of our creative ability. Day Eighteen centering thought and quotes follow.  Because of the events in Boston, I wanted to share with you this paragraph from an article on the events by Gary Zukav.  Thanks…

21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 16

Awareness Challenge Day 16  Week Three – Awareness of our creative ability. Centering Thought for the day: I Am a Magnet, Attracting to Myself What I Focus On See yourself as a magnet attracting to yourself the essence of whatever you are thinking and…

21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 15

Awareness Challenge Day 15 (begins week three) Week One  – Awareness of the Attraction Based Consciousness concepts and the presences of Spirit Week Two – Awareness of our Seat of the Soul/Self and the voice in our head Week Three – Awareness of our…

Live Stream Law of Attraction Workshop

Live Stream Law of Attraction Workshop [dropcap]J[/dropcap]oin people from over one hundred countries for this live Broadcast from Orlando of Esther and Abraham Hicks discussing how to deliberately create your life experiences. Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Christiana Northrup, and Louise Hay all talk of…


Oftentimes, because we have a well-worn neuropathway and the law of attraction keeps attracting thoughts similar to what we have been thinking, shifting from thoughts that are not clearly aligned with our source energy seems difficult if not impossible. Distraction may very well be…

The Refreshed Story

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ften most of our conversations and thoughts are about what we don’t like or want. We feel it is necessary to speak with historical accuracy about the events in our lives, about “what is.” These conversations resist the clear alignment between our physical and…

Attraction Based Conciousness Blog

[dropcap]B[/dropcap]eing the love you are is an ever-expanding mindful journey. Watch for posts of insights, inspirational one-liners and new processes to try as you live more fully who you are, gaining mastery of the energies of love. The intent is to clearly align your…