21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 19

Awareness.Day19Awareness Challenge Day 19

Week Three – Awareness of our creative ability.

Centering Thought for the day:

I Can Change My Life by Changing My Thoughts

By choosing a thought that feels slightly better than the thoughts you have been thinking, you can gradually change the direction of your thoughts.  By focusing upon a better-feeling thought, the Law of Attraction will respond to that thought; and therefore the balance of your thoughts will now improve.

 Everything that you will some day live, in terms of life experience — and by some day, we mean as soon as right now, tomorrow, the next day, or some day — anything that you will some day live, you have first imagined. Because nothing will manifest in your experience without the imagination process happening first.   ~Abraham

Consciousness is the creative element in the universe. Without it nothing would appear.   ~ Fred Alan Wolf, PhD


  • Meditate to clearly align your two perspectives.
  • Thinking/Manifesting Correlation: Give a subject some attention and see what occurs during the week in relationship to that particular subject.
  • Journal: Record your experiences with your “subject”. Did it show up during the week?  How?
    • Also write to times you experience a direct correlation between what you were thinking and what happened next.  Did you think of a friend you had not seen in a while and then they called? Any instances this week of something manifesting after you had thoughts or conversation about it?

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