21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 18

Awareness.Day18Awareness Challenge Day 18

  Week Three – Awareness of our creative ability.

Day Eighteen centering thought and quotes follow.  Because of the events in Boston, I wanted to share with you this paragraph from an article on the events by Gary Zukav.  Thanks to my friend, Shirley in California, for sending it to me.  He brings home the magnitude of us training ourselves to choose clear alignment with our immortal essence, to be models of being fully who we are.

Two different understandings of power now present themselves to humankind.  The first is the understanding of power as the ability to manipulate and control, the alignment of yourself with your time-bound personality, its five-sensory limitations, and its self-focused wants.  This kind of power is the obsolete remnant of a dying human consciousness.  The second is the understanding of power as the alignment of yourself with your immortal, timeless soul and its intentions – humbleness, forgiveness, clarity, and love – and the world that it longs to create of harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life.  This kind of power is now necessary for human evolution.  Love is the energy of the soul.  Fear is the energy of the personality.  You must choose between them moment by moment.

Centering Thought for the day:

My Life is Unlimited in Every Respect

 I know I am a magnet and I attract whatever level of prosperity, health, and relationships I choose.

We would be ignoring anything that did not please us.  We would get our eyes on what feels good.  ~Abraham

Desire is possibility seeking expression.   ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


  • Meditate to clearly align your two perspectives.
  • Thinking/Manifesting Correlation: Give a subject some attention and see what occurs during the week in relationship to that particular subject.
  • Journal: Record your experiences with your “subject”. Did it show up during the week?  How?
    • Also write to times you experience a direct correlation between what you were thinking and what happened next.  Did you think of a friend you had not seen in a while and then they called? Any instances this week of something manifesting after you had thoughts or conversation about it?

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