The Stories

Stories Tell the Tale

[box]Dear Readers,

On this page we share people’s stories that tell of their appreciation for the teachings and what is happening in their lives as they understand the concepts and put into practice the processes of Attraction Based Consciousness.  [/box]


Talie M.

Back when I first started to focus on the concepts of attraction-based consciousness, I was skeptical of the validity of the premises. Then my  brother and I visited our mother for probably the last time in this lifetime.

As siblings we were raised in the same household but had opposing views on almost every subject, usually arguing our sides in any conversation, just as we did at dinner that night. Later in my hotel room, I longed for a different relationship with him, especially now with our mother close to death.

I got out a journal and searched for positive aspects to write about my brother. They did not come easily, but what did ring true for me was that he loved his mother. After all, he had come for this final visit. He was a loving, supportive father. It was not a long list but a heartfelt one. The next day we had the most cordial time together since we were infants. As of this writing, I am just back to New Zealand after flying to Florida to be with my brother for his last days.

Parry M.

My son was asking us for a major loan for a business he was continuing to build. We had already fronted him a significant amount of money, and we were not comfortable making a further investment. We decided to say no to more. I e-mailed him with the news and waited for a return e-mail. Several days passed, and we had heard nothing back. We knew he needed the money now and that we were leaving him in pinch. We are not a bank was the rationale.

I had bad feelings about the decision, and there was a pit in my stomach. I was not being a supportive parent. Our son would fail because of the decision. He would be crushed. Heaven only knows what would happen to him next. How would he handle the crisis?

I went to my Monday-night spirit, mind, body meeting and asked the group to help me do a focus wheel process. The first thing to do was to choose what I was feeling, which was not good. My statement was I feel guilty about my decision not to give my son money. The next step was to make the statement about how I did want to feel, which was I want to feel at peace regarding my decision.

Next I filled in the twelve boxes around the center of the wheel with positive thoughts supporting my center thought of being at peace: I still love my son no matter what. There is more security in my non-involvement. My son has had a great education. I trust that he can do it himself. By giving him money I am only enabling his inability to do it himself. This decision will clear the way for future loans and business success. My son has an unlimited vibrational escrow of his own. My son is fabulous at manifesting. In the future my son will be wiser and stronger for this decision. The decision will bring a better source of money to him. There are better options out there than parents for attaining money. Something always appears for my son when he needs it.

I read this focus wheel several times a day over the next few days and then let it go, holding the best in mind. We spoke with him a week later, and he sounded surprised that we were concerned about what was happening. He said, “Oh, no worry, I found another private investor to loan me the money.” We were thrilled! I was and continue to be content and comfortable with the decision. He never ceases to amaze us with his energy and ability to put everything together on his own.

Every Day Living Made Easy

Lou B.

As part of the scouting party for a group campout, I and my friend found a flat meadow (hard to come by high in the Rockies) we thought would work fine, even though brush coverage for potty stops was fairly far off.  When we returned the next day to set up camp, there was a porta potty right there in the meadow!

Parry M.

As I left Crested Butte the morning of July 5 to make the five-hour drive to the Denver airport. It hadn’t occurred to her that there would be extra traffic because of the holiday. Besides lots of RVs, there were construction sites slowing down progress.

Recognizing she had too far to go in too short of time, she clearly stated her intention. Feeling sure her plan to get on her flight was in her virtual reality, she felt the feeling of being in the plane, looking forward to her visit with old friends in Alaska.

Even though there was a car in front of her at the long-term parking, she got a front slot, and the bus to the airport had just enough room for her and was set to get on its way. The flight attendant at the check-in counter first said she was too late but called her back when the computer showed that the flight had been delayed, giving her plenty of time to get to the gate.

Kim W.

I was searching for a book on Buddhism for the spiritual book group at the Union Congregational Church: I am so pleased to let you know that Gunnison’s Book Worm Bookstore owner also wanted to learn about Buddhism. The only Dummies book in her religion section was Buddhism for Dummies because she was eventually planning to read it. (There are no coincidences.) You should have seen the surprised look on her face when I asked for that specific title!

Judy C.

My old story was that my computer is separate from me, beyond my understanding and control, completely different from the way I think and am. Then it got a virus and closed down.

When I went into clear alignment, all possibilities opened up. I was inspired to a new story. My computer connects me to the whole world. I Google my heart’s desire. It exists to fulfill those desires. I direct and give commands for my highest good, interest, fun, and then all of the intricacies of the computer that I cannot understand (and do not need to understand) go into action. I command in love from my wholeness that I am ‘at one’ with my computer, an extension of myself. Since then, my computer has worked just fine for years.

Dawn D.

I had a great experience of contrast and opportunity when I arrived in Bangkok this year. Having pre-arranged an apartment sight unseen, I had hoped to hit the ground running with story writing. But sometimes it is contrast which helps us sharpen our focus on what we truly want. Such was my experience here on Saturday.

I had wanted a budget rental for about six weeks in order to get some stories written, have a place to settle in after forty-one days of living out of a backpack, and a nice place to welcome Doug for his first visit to Southeast Asia.

I’ve stayed in Bangkok budget apartments before, visited friends in quite a few as well. I know that about $200–$300 will get you a small, clean cement box with a bed, desk, toilet, and shower. Humble but functional. So when a friend told me about a place fixed up by a Frenchman, I thought this could work. More than a cement box painted white, the handful of apartments had been redone to include some pleasing colors, wooden shelving, on-demand hot water, and a tiny kitchenette. In principle—and looking at the pictures—it should have been perfect. Alas, it was not—not for me, anyway. The location just didn’t vibe with me at all, and the place stunk like cleaning chemicals so bad that my eyes watered through the night and I could hardly sleep. By 6:30 a.m. the next morning, I was out the door and pounding the streets in search of a new place.

But before I left, I took the time to align my thoughts with my highest, most positive intent for a place to call ‘home’ these next weeks. I knew what I wanted in terms of amenities and type of location. I also knew what I wanted it to feel like. I got excited—nay, enthusiastic—about the place I was about to find, and then I walked out the door.

After a couple of hours of looking at some places I knew of nearby, I let go of my prioritizing budget and headed back to what I really knew—my old apartment building on the other side of town. This cozy Japanese-style place ( has only about fifteen or sixteen two-room apartments with all the things I need and want to feel at ease and able to focus on my work. It is well above and beyond a cement box.

When I arrived they had one only room available and it was exactly the same layout (two floors down) as my former home of fifteen months back in 2004–2005. I was and remain utterly delighted! Not only do I feel at ease here, but I have been whole-heartedly welcomed by the staff that remembers me, and this little place is simply gorgeous!

I feel complete appreciation for that first apartment, for if I had not been so very uncomfortable there, had it not felt so very wrong to me, I may have thought to settle. The intense contrast between my sense of comfort and ease and the vibe of that apartment was enough to propel into something much, much better indeed.”

Physical Well-Being

Lou B.

I have went for a  biopsie of supposed breast lump on my mammogram X-rays only to have both the technician and surgeon give up on finding anything to biopsy.


I had long-time back pain when I did a number of expansion spirals with Corinne.  I got clear that I was manifesting pain when I felt fear of losing friends as folks moved out of town. As I soothed that feeling. Knowing loving relations are all around, the back pain subsided. I and my husband are now going to hike the length of the Rocky Mountain trail.

Judy Cox

It was a Sunday in early November, and my husband and I were leaving the restaurant in a nearby town where we had eaten brunch. He suggested that we go back home by way of the dirt road over the pass instead of the highway. So we decided to see if we could still get over it before it was snowed in for the winter. Although it had been a sunny day, a storm was coming in on the other side of the mountain. As we climbed from the valley, the snow got deeper on the road, and I asked him and then begged him to turn around, but he wanted to find a more convenient place. Then we were stuck! It was late afternoon. We didn’t have boots, gloves, hats, or warm coats. It was miles back to the nearest house. We had told no one where we were going. It was the last day of hunting season, and then the road would be officially closed. We had not seen another soul. I was so angry and was feeling desperate.

I knew that these emotions would only hold us in this pattern and that I had to let go. My mind became a focus wheel, and I gradually changed my thoughts to bring better feelings in. I became calmer and felt truly hopeful but had no idea how things could turn out. My husband was quiet, but generally he believes that everything will turn out well for him (and usually it does.)

Within thirty minutes two hunters on snow mobiles appeared. They cut their hunting short to help us. They couldn’t get us out but went back to town for their heavy truck. We waited in the dark storm for their return in complete gratitude and amazement.

All was well, and our lives were given back to us.

Financial Well-Being

Priscilla S.

My new accountant found out that for a number of years the bank had not adjusted the mortgage rate on the loan on my company’s building, so the bank paid me back $100,000.

Karen S.

The construction company owned by Karen Stock and her husband landed enough projects to keep them busy for the next few years in an “economic downturn.”

Mary L.

I am a massage therapist and I been booked solid, and when I wanted to go to a training conference, I found $1000 in a sock and then $1000 in my bath robe pocket.

May L.

My fiancé and I were living in a house that he had built for resale. We planned on living in it for two years and selling it when the economy did its thing, and there we were with a beautiful, very large custom home and a very large mortgage that required us to work a great deal and be stressed out. During the height of the depressed economy, we put it on the market. We didn’t have one person look at it all summer! We decided to foreclose.

On an emotional level, I was near despair. I vividly remember one day walking into our healing group and completely breaking down. All of this brought up feelings of failure, low self-worth, and abandonment. God bless my wonderful friends because they had me seeing a bit more clearly after just a few moments. I realized that number one, none of this really had to do with the house selling (the manifestation) but that I was not up to speed with who I had become. I was out of the vortex.

As I look back, it makes me giggle to remember how hard I tried to get that house to sell. I did all of the things that I thought I should do. I would visualize angels surrounding it and have conversations with it. I kept it so clean that no one could have been comfortable. I even baked apple pies to make it smell good. I worked so hard—and there is the problem. Nonaligned action brought me right to despair.

I changed my focus and began to let go. I looked at the emotions that I had and found ways to ease myself out of them. We distracted our attention to it all and did a lot of camping and hiking—things we love to do. The communication between Jeff and me became so wonderful. We focused on all of the positives; our love and communication were so enhanced. I remember one morning when I was stressing, Jeff came downstairs and said “You know, this whole thing has taught me what is really important in life: you and I, my daughter, our health, and all of the great adventures we will have together.” Wow. We have pivotal moments in life, and that was one of them. Contrast brings clarity. With all of this being said, you guessed it … the bidding wars began. The house sold, and we are appreciating our lives all the more.

Spiritual Growth

Sandy S.

I have an overall sense of calm and peace since she has studied these teachings and does the practices.

Denise  D.

To me these teachings are a way of being, a way of loving, living, and feeling. It is from the heart I begin and end each day, practicing releasing resistance along the way. I can feel my connection to source throughout my day. I can practice ease and flow and loving what life gives. These teachings have saved me from swimming upstream and have taught me to ‘just allow being.

What People are Saying …

Corinne Cram, is brilliant. This is a fabulous opportunity for the community. She has been my teacher for over 10 years, and I am proof that these teachings work! – Priscilla Swanson

Really like this message today.  You are the best, the way you put forth beautiful ways of helping us focus.  Thanks!
Judy Cox

Hi Corrine,

Your work and sharing is awesome!  I appreciate all that you do and share.  Thank you.  Hugs and love, Caroline
Caroline McLean

Love these!

Eva Paul

This is a great daily inspirational focus.  I especially enjoy the quotes by other voices that you’ve included.  Thank you Corinne!
  Blessings, Janet Crawley

Hello Corinne and Barb,
Thank you so much for filling my brain with such helpful thoughts, tools and more love!  I look forward to seeing you all sometime soon.  Thank you for all you do, Erika

Thank you again for being an amazing inspiration in my life!
Hugs, Carolyn McClean

Thanks! This is so poignant for me. My happiness does not need to be contingent on buying a house! Home is where your heart is, not in a particular physical structure.
Keli Colbey

The challenges are great.  So helpful keeping me focused.  Thank you.
should  be in  town mid-august. looking forward to seeing everyone.
Linda Zackof

Corinne and Barb – great job on the website!  Thank you for sending the daily emails w meditation themes, appreciation and gratitude ideas, and beautiful pictures too!     Cathy Frank

These women are awesome practitioners/healers.  Their energy and love vibrates with the lay of the land that locals call paradise! Come to Crested Butte and experience a higher vibration with Barb and Corrine!  Thumbs up!  Caroline McClean

I can’t thank you enough for all the guidance you’ve provided with the law of attraction – life changing ideas that have made a difference.  You do great work… Love you, C   Cathy Frank



You are a point of consciousness within source energy (all-that-is, the field—God) that has projected a facet of your energy into physical form. As a human you have two focus points: your source energy perspective and your physical perspective.

Your thoughts initiate emotions, which are your internal guidance system, indicating if the two perspectives resonate with each other or clearly align. Clear alignment feels good; clogged or misalignment feels unpleasant.

As you emanate thought vibrations, your source energy attracts the positive or higher vibration of the wave, incorporates its essence, and expands. Since you are always thinking, you are always expanding.

Because it is an attraction-based universe, your source energy then attracts the vibrational possibilities of the people, places, things, and experiences you desire.

When you do your job of clearly aligning your two perspectives, when you feel good and love unconditionally, you master the energies of love and allow the construction of thought ways that manifest into physical reality.

All you need do is be the love you are, and all else will be given unto you.

You are an energy being
in a vibrational, attraction-based universe.
You create your own reality.

It is the time of awakening. A time when more of us will know that we are spirits in these bodies. We will know that, as Nelson Mandela often quotes from the poem “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley, “We are masters of our own destiny and captains of our souls.” It is the time when we can, in Teilhard de Chardin’s words, “Harness the energies of love.”

Because we all learn in different ways, we offer our way of saying what many have said for those who will find this helpful on their journeys to wholeness.

As Abraham says, “Have fun with all of this.”

It is an inside job!
