21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 16


Awareness Challenge Day 16

 Week Three – Awareness of our creative ability.

Centering Thought for the day:

I Am a Magnet, Attracting to Myself What I Focus On

See yourself as a magnet attracting to yourself the essence of whatever you are thinking and feeling.  For example, if you feel poor, you cannot attract prosperity…It defies the Law.

When you offer a vibration, the Universal forces are working in concert with each other  in order to satisfy you. You really are the center of the Universe.  ~Abraham

The choice not to choose is the choice to remain unconscious and therefore to wield power irresponsibly.  ~Gary Zukav


  • Meditate to clearly align your two perspectives.
  • Thinking/Manifesting Correlation: Give a subject some attention and see what occurs during the week in relationship to that particular subject.
  • Journal: Record your experiences with your “subject”. Did it show up during the week?  How?
    • Also write about the times you experience a direct correlation between what you were thinking and what happened next.  Did you think of a friend you had not seen in a while and then they called? Any instances this week of something manifesting after you had thoughts or conversation about it?


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