21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 9

Alignment Challenge Day Nine Week Two – Moment to moment intentional alignment Day 9 Centering Thought:  As I Intend Aligned Moments, I Am Attracting What I desire. The way you feel is your point of attraction.  And so, the value of Segment Intending is…

21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 8

Alignment Challenge Day Eight (Week two begins) Week One – The universe and your to do list Week Two – Moment to moment intentional alignment Week Three – Aligned Action ALIGNED MOMENTS We live our lives present moment to present moment.  The idea of…

21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 17

Awareness Challenge Day 17 Week Three – Awareness of our creative ability Centering Thought for the day: The Law of Attraction Is My Life’s Basis  Since the Law of Attraction is the basis of your experience, an understanding of it is essential to living…

21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 15

Awareness Challenge Day 15 (begins week three) Week One  – Awareness of the Attraction Based Consciousness concepts and the presences of Spirit Week Two – Awareness of our Seat of the Soul/Self and the voice in our head Week Three – Awareness of our…

21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 12

Awareness Challenge Day 12 Week Two – Awareness of our Seat of the Soul/Self and the voice in our head. [box]A man came to Buddha And asked him, “Are you the Messiah?” “No,” answered Buddha “Then are you a saint?” “No.” “Then are you…

21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 11

Awareness Challenge Day 11 Week Two – Awareness of our Seat of the Soul/Self and the voice in our head. The Critical Voice is Not Your Own You were born with wide-eyed innocence and extraordinary confidence to explore the world as a grand adventure. …

21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 10

Awareness Challenge Day 10 Week Two – Awareness of our Seat of the Soul/Self and the voice in our head Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts. ~ Louise L Hay •    Meditate: fifteen minutes a day.  Sometimes changing the cadence of your breathing gives…