21 Day Abundance Challenge ~ Day 4

ABC.Abundance.Day4Abundance Challenge

Week One:  Abundance Abounds

Day 4 Centering Thought

[highlight]Everywhere I look I can observe abundance.[/highlight]

Your abundance that is banked in your Vortex of Creation will continue to expand, because your life will continue to call more abundance through you. ~  Abraham

Every person is surrounded by a thought atmosphere… Through this power we are either attracting or repelling.  Like attracts like and…we attract what we are in mind. ~    Ernest Holmes

To go anywhere in the universe, begin by knowing that you have already arrived. ~  Richard Bach


Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds. ~ Napoleon Hill

Give yourself abundant pleasure, And you will have abundant pleasure to give to others. ~  Neal Donald Walsch


Pulsating Potential

The unified field that we are in and of is electromagnetic energy. Things in our physical world may look and feel solid, but everything seen and unseen is actually vibrating energy.  We and everything else are pulsating potential with attraction power.


The vibrating thought waves that emanate from us are attracted by similar vibrations forming clusters or nets.  Added attention to a subject brings us into physical rendezvous with what we have been thinking about. So, since thoughts become things, unless you have stopped thinking, abundance abounds.

Creation Not Competition

Each thought request expands possibilities. There is no using up of potential. There is no lack.  There is no competition.  We each have our own personal creative track.

Everything that exists contains the seed of its reproduction and proliferation ad infinitum.  How many mangoes can one mango seed eventually produce? An infinite number.  That’s just one seed.

Phenomenally Abundant Universe

Signs of an abundant universe surround us. If you ever heard scientist, Carl Sagan, speak, you heard him talk about the billions and billions of galaxies. Scientists estimate there are 125 billion galaxies with 70 sextrillion stars in the visible universe. The most distant visible object in space is 15 billion light-years away from earth. Thirteen billion gallons of water flow over Niagara Falls every day.  Our hearts beat 100,000 times a day.  A giraffe can clean its own ear with a twenty-one-inch tongue.  IBM scientists have developed a nanocarbon computer logic circuit, composed of a single molecule of carbon, operating on a material 100,000 times thinner than a human hair, and stronger than steel. There is even abundance in the minuscule.

Yes, there is physical, emotional and financial starvation in the world.  We present the keys to end it.


Week One Processes

  • Meditation: Certainly this is the challenge:  to appreciate the abundance of thoughts of the Voice in your head.  If your mind wanders (which it will) from your chosen focus, appreciate the never-ending stream of thoughts you do have and bring your attention back to focus.
  • Observable Abundance: Look out your window or go outside.  Name five things you can see that exist in great abundance right where you are.
  • Questions to Ponder: How many blades of grass are in your lawn?
    • How many leaves are on a nearby tree?
    • How many cherry blossoms blanket Washington DC every spring?
    • How much sand is on all the beaches of the world?
    • How many cars are on L.A. freeways at rush hour?
    • How many bytes fly around the Internet each day?
  • What If:  Using a different response each time, at least three times complete the following sentence:

If I knew I lived in an abundant universe that supplies all my needs, I would__________________________.

21 Day Abundance Challenge ~ Day 3

ABC.Abundance.Day3Abundance Challenge

Week One:  Abundance Abounds

Day 3 Centering Thought

[highlight]When I look for abundance, it is everywhere.[/highlight]

There is great-untapped abundance not yet allowed by the very humans who have created it. ~  Abraham

The quantum field is just another label for the field of pure consciousness or pure potentiality.  And this quantum field is influenced by intention and desire. ~ Deepak Chopra

A rich and abundant life can be yours if you watch what you think about. ~  Suze Orman


Pulsating Potential

The unified field that we are in and of is electromagnetic energy. Things in our physical world may look and feel solid, but everything seen and unseen is actually vibrating energy.  We and everything else are pulsating potential with attraction power.


The vibrating thought waves that emanate from us are attracted by similar vibrations forming clusters or nets.  Added attention to a subject brings us into physical rendezvous with what we have been thinking about. So, since thoughts become things, unless you have stopped thinking, abundance abounds.

Creation Not Competition

Each thought request expands possibilities. There is no using up of potential. There is no lack.  There is no competition.  We each have our own personal creative track.

Everything that exists contains the seed of its reproduction and proliferation ad infinitum.  How many mangoes can one mango seed eventually produce? An infinite number.  That’s just one seed.

Phenomenally Abundant Universe

Signs of an abundant universe surround us. If you ever heard scientist, Carl Sagan, speak, you heard him talk about the billions and billions of galaxies. Scientists estimate there are 125 billion galaxies with 70 sextrillion stars in the visible universe. The most distant visible object in space is 15 billion light-years away from earth. Thirteen billion gallons of water flow over Niagara Falls every day.  Our hearts beat 100,000 times a day.  A giraffe can clean its own ear with a twenty-one-inch tongue.  IBM scientists have developed a nanocarbon computer logic circuit, composed of a single molecule of carbon, operating on a material 100,000 times thinner than a human hair, and stronger than steel. There is even abundance in the minuscule.

Yes, there is physical, emotional and financial starvation in the world.  We present the keys to end it.


Week One Processes

  • Meditation: Certainly this is the challenge:  to appreciate the abundance of thoughts of the Voice in your head.  If your mind wanders (which it will) from your chosen focus, appreciate the never-ending stream of thoughts you do have and bring your attention back to focus.
  • Observable Abundance: Look out your window or go outside.  Name five things you can see that exist in great abundance right where you are.
  • Questions to Ponder: How many blades of grass are in your lawn?
    • How many leaves are on a nearby tree?
    • How many cherry blossoms blanket Washington DC every spring?
    • How much sand is on all the beaches of the world?
    • How many cars are on L.A. freeways at rush hour?
    • How many bytes fly around the Internet each day?
  • What If:  Using a different response each time, at least three times complete the following sentence:

If I knew I lived in an abundant universe that supplies all my needs, I would__________________________.

21 Day Abundance Challenge ~ Day 2

ABC.Abundance.Day2Abundance Challenge

Week One:  Abundance Abounds

Day 2 Centering Thought

[highlight] I live in a universe of infinite abundance.[/highlight]

The Stream of abundance expands proportionately to satisfy the ever-increasing requests, not only keeping perfect pace with the requests, but expanding because of them. ~  Abraham

Because you have the power to create absolutely anything you want, your natural state is one of Infinite Abundance. ~  Robert Scheinfeld, author Busting Loose from the Money Game

Money itself cannot make you financially free.  Only you can make yourself financially free, and you can do it – and so much more.  You have that power. ~  Suze Orman


Pulsating Potential

The unified field that we are in and of is electromagnetic energy. Things in our physical world may look and feel solid, but everything seen and unseen is actually vibrating energy.  We and everything else are pulsating potential with attraction power.


The vibrating thought waves that emanate from us are attracted by similar vibrations forming clusters or nets.  Added attention to a subject brings us into physical rendezvous with what we have been thinking about. So, since thoughts become things, unless you have stopped thinking, abundance abounds.

Creation Not Competition

Each thought request expands possibilities. There is no using up of potential. There is no lack.  There is no competition.  We each have our own personal creative track.

Everything that exists contains the seed of its reproduction and proliferation ad infinitum.  How many mangoes can one mango seed eventually produce? An infinite number.  That’s just one seed.

Phenomenally Abundant Universe

Signs of an abundant universe surround us. If you ever heard scientist, Carl Sagan, speak, you heard him talk about the billions and billions of galaxies. Scientists estimate there are 125 billion galaxies with 70 sextrillion stars in the visible universe. The most distant visible object in space is 15 billion light-years away from earth. Thirteen billion gallons of water flow over Niagara Falls every day.  Our hearts beat 100,000 times a day.  A giraffe can clean its own ear with a twenty-one-inch tongue.  IBM scientists have developed a nanocarbon computer logic circuit, composed of a single molecule of carbon, operating on a material 100,000 times thinner than a human hair, and stronger than steel. There is even abundance in the minuscule.

Yes, there is physical, emotional and financial starvation in the world.  We present the keys to end it.


Week One Processes

  • Meditation: Certainly this is the challenge:  to appreciate the abundance of thoughts of the Voice in your head.  If your mind wanders (which it will) from your chosen focus, appreciate the never-ending stream of thoughts you do have and bring your attention back to focus.
  • Observable Abundance: Look out your window or go outside.  Name five things you can see that exist in great abundance right where you are.
  • Questions to Ponder: How many blades of grass are in your lawn?
    • How many leaves are on a nearby tree?
    • How many cherry blossoms blanket Washington DC every spring?
    • How much sand is on all the beaches of the world?
    • How many cars are on L.A. freeways at rush hour?
    • How many bytes fly around the Internet each day?
  • What If:  Using a different response each time, at least three times complete the following sentence:

If I knew I lived in an abundant universe that supplies all my needs, I would__________________________.

21 Day Abundance Challenge ~ Day 1

ABC.Abundance.Day1Abundance Challenge

Week One:  Abundance Abounds

Week Two: The Emotional Path to Prosperity

Week Three: The Abundance Story


Abundance Thoughts = Abundant Living

The Attraction Based Consciousness construct echoes what these experts teach, that financial success, like all else in life, is created by your thoughts. Because the Law of Attraction rules, the unified field, the universe, all-that-is, responds in kind to the requests of the thoughts of the Voice in our heads and the words of our mouths. The concept is simple. Creating what you want takes a dedicated focus to clearly align your Voice, Inner Being, Emotions and Soul to attract all you want to be, do, and have.

We suggest reviewing the 21-Day Challenge, Conscious Creating on this website for background information on the creative process.  Also, our book, Attraction Based Consciousness gives a more detailed description.

Week One:  Abundance Abounds

Day 1 Centering Thought


I give my attention to the

abundance that surrounds me.



The Stream of abundance is not a quantifiable volume to be fairly proportioned until its limits have been reached, for there is no limit to this abundance or to those who drink from its Stream. ~  Abraham


The universe was created in absolute, utter, glorious, eternal, non-stop, never-ending, over-the top, knock-your socks-off abundance.  Not just enough.  More than enough.  Extravagant, actually. ~  Alan Cohen, author Relax Into Wealth


Pulsating Potential

The unified field that we are in and of is electromagnetic energy. Things in our physical world may look and feel solid, but everything seen and unseen is actually vibrating energy.  We and everything else are pulsating potential with attraction power.


The vibrating thought waves that emanate from us are attracted by similar vibrations forming clusters or nets.  Added attention to a subject brings us into physical rendezvous with what we have been thinking about. So, since thoughts become things, unless you have stopped thinking, abundance abounds.

Creation Not Competition

Each thought request expands possibilities. There is no using up of potential. There is no lack.  There is no competition.  We each have our own personal creative track.

Everything that exists contains the seed of its reproduction and proliferation ad infinitum.  How many mangoes can one mango seed eventually produce? An infinite number.  That’s just one seed.

Phenomenally Abundant Universe

Signs of an abundant universe surround us. If you ever heard scientist, Carl Sagan, speak, you heard him talk about the billions and billions of galaxies. Scientists estimate there are 125 billion galaxies with 70 sextrillion stars in the visible universe. The most distant visible object in space is 15 billion light-years away from earth. Thirteen billion gallons of water flow over Niagara Falls every day.  Our hearts beat 100,000 times a day.  A giraffe can clean its own ear with a twenty-one-inch tongue.  IBM scientists have developed a nanocarbon computer logic circuit, composed of a single molecule of carbon, operating on a material 100,000 times thinner than a human hair, and stronger than steel. There is even abundance in the minuscule.

Yes, there is physical, emotional and financial starvation in the world.  We present the keys to end it.


Week One Processes

  • Meditation: Certainly this is the challenge:  to appreciate the abundance of thoughts of the Voice in your head.  If your mind wanders (which it will) from your chosen focus, appreciate the never-ending stream of thoughts you do have and bring your attention back to focus.
  • Observable Abundance: Look out your window or go outside.  Name five things you can see that exist in great abundance right where you are.
  • Questions to Ponder: How many blades of grass are in your lawn?
    • How many leaves are on a nearby tree?
    • How many cherry blossoms blanket Washington DC every spring?
    • How much sand is on all the beaches of the world?
    • How many cars are on L.A. freeways at rush hour?
    • How many bytes fly around the Internet each day?
  • What If:  Using a different response each time, at least three times complete the following sentence:

If I knew I lived in an abundant universe that supplies all my needs, I would__________________________.

The Abundance Challenge ~ Starting Soon!


The Next 21 Day Challenge, the Abundance Challenge will begin September 1st.  We invite you to participate and join us for the Daily Centering Thought and Weekly messages.

21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 21

Alignment.Day21Alignment Challenge Day 21

Week Three – Aligned Action

Day Twenty One Centering Thought:

I Do Not Need to Monitor My Thoughts

 Rather than trying to monitor your thoughts, pay attention to how you are feeling.  For if you should choose a thought not in harmony with your broader intentions, you will feel the discord; and then you can redirect your thought to something that feels, and therefore serves you, better. ~ Abraham

Write it on your heart that everyday Is the best day of the year.~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Week Three Processes:

  • Meditate: Continue meditation as an aligned action each day.
  • CEO Planner:  Continue using the planner as a way to structure your day.
  • Aligned Moments:  Continue to set your intentions activity by activity.
  • Aligned Action: As a part of your “to-do” list in your CEO planner, include the “to-dos” for a particular project you want to work on or set up a separate Aligned Action schedule.
    • Down the first vertical column on a columnar pad, list the actions you will do each day.
    • List the dates of the week across the top of the columns.
    • Each day, check off the actions you complete and savor the good feeling.
    • At the beginning of the next week, make any changes needed for the actions to evoke clear alignment.  Change some or all and add or subtract actions.

More important than getting the job done is feeling good, so make the actions very “do-able.”  You can always do extra and feel even better.

Example: If you want to lose weight, planning a big life style change of going to the gym every day is probably destined for failure.  Start with actions like drinking an extra glass of water, walking around the block, and doing three stretches each day.  See how the week goes and what you are inspired to do the next week.


21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 20

Alignment.Day20Alignment Challenge Day 20

Week Three – Aligned Action

Day Twenty Centering Thought:

I was destined to a life of fulfillment and never-ending joy.

Today and tomorrow are about your NOW vibration, and you have complete control over that.   ~ Abraham

Light tomorrow with today. ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Week Three Processes:

  • Meditate: Continue meditation as an aligned action each day.
  • CEO Planner:  Continue using the planner as a way to structure your day.
  • Aligned Moments:  Continue to set your intentions activity by activity.
  • Aligned Action: As a part of your “to-do” list in your CEO planner, include the “to-dos” for a particular project you want to work on or set up a separate Aligned Action schedule.
    • Down the first vertical column on a columnar pad, list the actions you will do each day.
    • List the dates of the week across the top of the columns.
    • Each day, check off the actions you complete and savor the good feeling.
    • At the beginning of the next week, make any changes needed for the actions to evoke clear alignment.  Change some or all and add or subtract actions.

More important than getting the job done is feeling good, so make the actions very “do-able.”  You can always do extra and feel even better.

Example: If you want to lose weight, planning a big life style change of going to the gym every day is probably destined for failure.  Start with actions like drinking an extra glass of water, walking around the block, and doing three stretches each day.  See how the week goes and what you are inspired to do the next week.


21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 19

Alignment.Day19Alignment Challenge Day 19

Week Three – Aligned Action

Day Nineteen Centering Thought:

My Action Inspired from Aligned Thoughts Is Joyful Action

Action offered from a place of contradicted thought is hard, unsatisfying work and does not yield good results; but when you really feel good about jumping into action, that is a clear sign that you are not offering thoughts that are contradictory to your own desire.   ~ Abraham

By writing down your intentions and having them readily available to refer to, you nurture the inspirational energy to follow through on your interests. ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

Week Three Processes:

  • Meditate: Continue meditation as an aligned action each day.
  • CEO Planner:  Continue using the planner as a way to structure your day.
  • Aligned Moments:  Continue to set your intentions activity by activity.
  • Aligned Action: As a part of your “to-do” list in your CEO planner, include the “to-dos” for a particular project you want to work on or set up a separate Aligned Action schedule.
    • Down the first vertical column on a columnar pad, list the actions you will do each day.
    • List the dates of the week across the top of the columns.
    • Each day, check off the actions you complete and savor the good feeling.
    • At the beginning of the next week, make any changes needed for the actions to evoke clear alignment.  Change some or all and add or subtract actions.

More important than getting the job done is feeling good, so make the actions very “do-able.”  You can always do extra and feel even better.

Example: If you want to lose weight, planning a big life style change of going to the gym every day is probably destined for failure.  Start with actions like drinking an extra glass of water, walking around the block, and doing three stretches each day.  See how the week goes and what you are inspired to do the next week.


21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 18

Alignment.Day18Alignment Challenge Day 18

Week Three – Aligned Action

Day Eighteen Centering Thought:

I Let My Action Be Action in Joy

Action is part of the deliciousness of your physical world.  But you did not intend to create through physical bodily action – you intended to use your body to enjoy the actions that you have created through your thought.  ~ Abraham

 Think like a man of action and act like a man of thought.  ~ Henri Bergson

Week Three Processes:

  • Meditate: Continue meditation as an aligned action each day.
  • CEO Planner:  Continue using the planner as a way to structure your day.
  • Aligned Moments:  Continue to set your intentions activity by activity.
  • Aligned Action: As a part of your “to-do” list in your CEO planner, include the “to-dos” for a particular project you want to work on or set up a separate Aligned Action schedule.
    • Down the first vertical column on a columnar pad, list the actions you will do each day.
    • List the dates of the week across the top of the columns.
    • Each day, check off the actions you complete and savor the good feeling.
    • At the beginning of the next week, make any changes needed for the actions to evoke clear alignment.  Change some or all and add or subtract actions.

More important than getting the job done is feeling good, so make the actions very “do-able.”  You can always do extra and feel even better.

Example: If you want to lose weight, planning a big life style change of going to the gym every day is probably destined for failure.  Start with actions like drinking an extra glass of water, walking around the block, and doing three stretches each day.  See how the week goes and what you are inspired to do the next week.


21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 17

Alignment.Day17Alignment Challenge Day 17

Week Three – Aligned Action

Day Seventeen Centering Thought:

The vibrations of my Being influence the Universe.

 Everything vibrates and is communicating, reacting, responding, and integrating with other vibrating things.  Once you begin to offer your vibrations on purpose – now you are in absolute control of your experience. ~ Abraham

In the field of observation, chance favors the prepared mind. ~Louis Pasteur

Week Three Processes:

  • Meditate: Continue meditation as an aligned action each day.
  • CEO Planner:  Continue using the planner as a way to structure your day.
  • Aligned Moments:  Continue to set your intentions activity by activity.
  • Aligned Action: As a part of your “to-do” list in your CEO planner, include the “to-dos” for a particular project you want to work on or set up a separate Aligned Action schedule.
    • Down the first vertical column on a columnar pad, list the actions you will do each day.
    • List the dates of the week across the top of the columns.
    • Each day, check off the actions you complete and savor the good feeling.
    • At the beginning of the next week, make any changes needed for the actions to evoke clear alignment.  Change some or all and add or subtract actions.

More important than getting the job done is feeling good, so make the actions very “do-able.”  You can always do extra and feel even better.

Example: If you want to lose weight, planning a big life style change of going to the gym every day is probably destined for failure.  Start with actions like drinking an extra glass of water, walking around the block, and doing three stretches each day.  See how the week goes and what you are inspired to do the next week.