21 Day Abundance Challenge ~ Day 2

ABC.Abundance.Day2Abundance Challenge

Week One:  Abundance Abounds

Day 2 Centering Thought

[highlight] I live in a universe of infinite abundance.[/highlight]

The Stream of abundance expands proportionately to satisfy the ever-increasing requests, not only keeping perfect pace with the requests, but expanding because of them. ~  Abraham

Because you have the power to create absolutely anything you want, your natural state is one of Infinite Abundance. ~  Robert Scheinfeld, author Busting Loose from the Money Game

Money itself cannot make you financially free.  Only you can make yourself financially free, and you can do it – and so much more.  You have that power. ~  Suze Orman


Pulsating Potential

The unified field that we are in and of is electromagnetic energy. Things in our physical world may look and feel solid, but everything seen and unseen is actually vibrating energy.  We and everything else are pulsating potential with attraction power.


The vibrating thought waves that emanate from us are attracted by similar vibrations forming clusters or nets.  Added attention to a subject brings us into physical rendezvous with what we have been thinking about. So, since thoughts become things, unless you have stopped thinking, abundance abounds.

Creation Not Competition

Each thought request expands possibilities. There is no using up of potential. There is no lack.  There is no competition.  We each have our own personal creative track.

Everything that exists contains the seed of its reproduction and proliferation ad infinitum.  How many mangoes can one mango seed eventually produce? An infinite number.  That’s just one seed.

Phenomenally Abundant Universe

Signs of an abundant universe surround us. If you ever heard scientist, Carl Sagan, speak, you heard him talk about the billions and billions of galaxies. Scientists estimate there are 125 billion galaxies with 70 sextrillion stars in the visible universe. The most distant visible object in space is 15 billion light-years away from earth. Thirteen billion gallons of water flow over Niagara Falls every day.  Our hearts beat 100,000 times a day.  A giraffe can clean its own ear with a twenty-one-inch tongue.  IBM scientists have developed a nanocarbon computer logic circuit, composed of a single molecule of carbon, operating on a material 100,000 times thinner than a human hair, and stronger than steel. There is even abundance in the minuscule.

Yes, there is physical, emotional and financial starvation in the world.  We present the keys to end it.


Week One Processes

  • Meditation: Certainly this is the challenge:  to appreciate the abundance of thoughts of the Voice in your head.  If your mind wanders (which it will) from your chosen focus, appreciate the never-ending stream of thoughts you do have and bring your attention back to focus.
  • Observable Abundance: Look out your window or go outside.  Name five things you can see that exist in great abundance right where you are.
  • Questions to Ponder: How many blades of grass are in your lawn?
    • How many leaves are on a nearby tree?
    • How many cherry blossoms blanket Washington DC every spring?
    • How much sand is on all the beaches of the world?
    • How many cars are on L.A. freeways at rush hour?
    • How many bytes fly around the Internet each day?
  • What If:  Using a different response each time, at least three times complete the following sentence:

If I knew I lived in an abundant universe that supplies all my needs, I would__________________________.

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