21 Day Conscious Creating Challenge Day 1


21-Day Challenge – Conscious Creating

Week One: Ask and Believe It Is Given

Week Two: Cooperate- calibrating your vibrations

Week Three: Imagination – Your Power Tool



From Lau Tzu, Jesus and Buddha to contemporary wisdom teachers, scientists and business leaders the concept that we create our own reality has been taught and practiced. Certainly it is an empowering idea, but many question how can it be that we create my own reality when there certainly have been experiences in our lives that we would not have chosen to create.

Because we do not know our part in the manifestation process, we create by default.  But create we do.

For reasons not always understood, many of us humans have not been aware of the magnitude of our power or how to wield it.  Based on the thread of knowledge woven through ancient and contemporary teachings, the Attraction Based Consciousness construct gives a structure that explains why and how we have the power to create our own reality.  The concepts are simple the implementation takes dedicated practice.


The ABC of manifesting . . .


ASKWe actually do step A with each thought all day, every day.  Each thought and word we speak vibrates out into the universe as a request. To be alive is to ask.

BELIEVE:  Step B is to Believe that when you ask it is assembled in virtual vibrational reality.

Our Source Energy attracts and becomes the vibrational essences of what the thought “asks” and then attracts the vibrations of possible cooperative stakeholders forming a virtual reality net.  Ask and it is done vibrationally in nonphysical energy.  Because of the Law of Attraction, the vibrational essences of possible people, places, things, and experiences have been assembled.

COOPERATE: (Clearly Align with your Source Energy)

Because we have a Voice in our heads that thinks, we are always asking. Conscious Creating is directing that Voice to ask for what you desire.  To be a cooperative component, to vibrationally clearly align the voice in your head and your spoken words with your Inner Being and Source Energy is the workout.

Unpleasant Feelings

When you think thoughts that bring unpleasant feelings, you align with the vibrational possibilities of what you do not want, attracting the unwanted into physical form.

Pleasant Feelings

Think thoughts that give you pleasant feelings, which indicate that you have clearly aligned the vibrations of your Voice and words with the vibrations of your Inner Being, Source Energy and your virtual reality net. Then you allow the attraction of what you want into manifestation.


Conscious Creating is being aware of the choices you are making in order to deliberately be, do, and have all you desire. The intent of week one is:

  • to gain a heightened awareness of what you are asking for
  • to believe that what you have asked for is there virtually awaiting the allowing
  • to expect that you do manifest what the Voice focuses on.

Virtual Net

Each time that thought wave emanates from you, it is your point of attraction.  If it is a new vibrational request, the higher vibrational end hangs out on its own within your virtual net.  The lower vibrational end floats off. Often, though, the thought is a clarification or addition to an existing net, and a larger virtual net is formed.

The questions are:

  • What is the vibration of that net? What does it feel like?
  • Is it a match to the high, fast, light and clear vibrations of your Source Energy?
  • Do you want to create more intensity and momentum in that direction?


Week One: Ask and Believe It Is Given

Day 1 Centering Thought


The thoughts I think today are pre-paving my future.

Whether thinking of vitality and health, or decline and disease . . . you are pre-paving your future. ~  Abraham

 Change your thoughts and you change your world. ~ Norman Vincent Peale

Ask and it is given. ~  Jesus


Meditation: This ancient tool gives you an awareness of your Inner Being, the silent witness within. Important for this challenge is that meditation is a super manifestation tool. When you focus your thoughts and calm your mind, you eliminate resistant thoughts and your vibration raises. You clearly align your Voice with Source Energy. You allow the attraction of what you desire.

When your mind wanders, and it will, appreciate that you were aware that it wandered and gently bring it back to your chosen focus.


Alignment GPS:  Emotions, our Alignment GPS, tell us if the vibrations of our Voice and Inner Being and Source are in clear alignment. Awareness of the emotions our thoughts are generating is the first step in conscious creating. This week, for an hour a day or all day one day a week or more (whatever works for you), observe and record your feelings.  What vibrational net are they being attached to or are they creating?


Journal:  Did you notice a pattern?  What emotions occurred the most?  Which had the most intensity or momentum? Is your average point of attraction in or out of clear alignment?  Did you notice a connection between what you were thinking and feeling and your experiences?


Emotions as an Alignment GPS

  • Emotions that Indicate Clear Alignment: optimism, confidence, trust, positive expectation, belief, happiness, eagerness, enthusiasm, serenity, passion, empowerment, love, appreciation, joy, and bliss
  • Emotions that indicate being on the cusp of clear alignment:contentment and hopefulness
  • Emotions that indicate resisting clear alignment or misalignment: fear, grief, depression, despair, powerlessness, humiliation, insecurity, guilt, unworthiness, jealousy, hatred, rage, revenge, anger, discouragement, blame, scorn, worry, craving, doubt, disappointment, “overwhelment”, frustration, irritation, impatience, pessimism, or boredom

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