21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 11

Alignment Challenge Day 11 Week Two – Moment to moment intentional alignment Day 11 Centering Thought: I can relax into my natural Well-being. Look for things to feel good about, and watch how everything in your life will unfold to reflect that good-feeling vibration….

21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 10

Alignment Challenge Day 10 Week Two – Moment to moment intentional alignment Day 10 Centering Thought: I Divide My Day into Many Aligned Moments Your day may be divided into many segments.  It is not necessary to have a rigid schedule of segments, but…

21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 9

Alignment Challenge Day Nine Week Two – Moment to moment intentional alignment Day 9 Centering Thought:  As I Intend Aligned Moments, I Am Attracting What I desire. The way you feel is your point of attraction.  And so, the value of Segment Intending is…

21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 8

Alignment Challenge Day Eight (Week two begins) Week One – The universe and your to do list Week Two – Moment to moment intentional alignment Week Three – Aligned Action ALIGNED MOMENTS We live our lives present moment to present moment.  The idea of…

21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 7

Alignment Challenge Week One – The universe and your to do list. Day Seven Centering Thought: I see this day as a positive, new Beginning.  It’s never too late to have a new beginning.  Today and tomorrow can be very different from yesterday if…

21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 6

Alignment Challenge Week One – The universe and your to do list. Day Six Centering Thought: The Universe is big enough to fulfill my every intent. The “Universal Manager” has the ability to bring everyone a vibrational match to what they are giving their…

21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 5

Alignment Challenge Week One – The universe and your to do list. Day Five Centering Thought: I act when clearly aligned.  You achieve far more success when you act from a place of clear alignment. ~ Abraham I act freely when I am tuned…

21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 4

Alignment Challenge Week One – The universe and your to do list. Day Four Centering Thought: What is my big hurry?  You’re not ever going to get it done, so what are you racing toward?  ~ Abraham The greatest remedy for anger is delay….

21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 3

Alignment Challenge Week One – The universe and your to do list. Day Three Centering Thought: Laugh more. All is well. It’s all for joy.  that’s why it all exists.  ~ Abraham Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a…

21 Day Alignment Challenge ~ Day 2

Alignment Challenge Week One – The universe and your to do list. Day Two Centering Thought: Lighten up.  Every single activity that you’re involved in is for one purpose only, and that is to give you a moment of joy. ~ Abraham Rather than…