My powerful medicine is making a wholehearted commitment to being happy.
To heal is to make happy. ~ A Course in Miracles
Joy is inevitable when you are aligned with spirit. ~ Gabrielle Bernstein in Spirit Junkie
Week Three: Nurturing Happiness with Appreciation
Like Vibes
Appreciation is the same vibration as love and happiness. So, to appreciate is to practice happiness. Following your happiness has a deeply spiritual meaning for many people who interpret the function of happiness as helping you to focus on the essential truth of your life. Happiness is what helps you to discern truth from illusion, busyness from purpose, and love from fear. Happiness helps you to keep that which is most important to you in the forefront of your awareness and in the forefront of your life.
The Shortcut
There is an intimate relationship between appreciation and happiness. This beautiful intimacy is best summed up by happiness coach Barry Neil Kaufman, author of Happiness Is a Choice and co-founder of The Option Institute. Barry says that appreciation is the shortest shortcut to happiness. Heartfelt appreciation really is the fastest way to experience happiness now. It is impossible to be truly appreciative and neurotic; it is also impossible to be truly appreciative and not happy.
Robert Holden writes of different types of appreciation. Appreciation can be a conscious reaction to things, people, situations, and outcomes that you declare good and positive. This kind of appreciation is personal and interpretative. Appreciation can also be a philosophy based on the premise that we live in a purposeful universe in which everything that happens or doesn’t happen based on the Law of Attraction. Everything that occurs is a reflection of the vibration you are emanating. And thus, can be appreciated for it’s clarifying information. A third type of appreciation comes from a holy revelation that you are what you seek. This appreciation is based on a knowing of your true identity. Happiness does not leave its source. What comes and goes is your awareness of what is truly valuable already belonging to you. Your true nature has the capacity to love unconditionally, to be unreasonably happy, and to be truly wise. You can enjoy these things now, because of who you are.
Week Three Processes:
This week the processes use appreciation to nurture what feels good to think about.
First, I seek happiness, and all else follows.
If you will make the improved feeling your real destination, then anything and everything that you want will quickly follow. ~ Abraham
The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience. ~ Emily Dickinson
Week Three: Nurturing Happiness with Appreciation
Like Vibes
Appreciation is the same vibration as love and happiness. So, to appreciate is to practice happiness. Following your happiness has a deeply spiritual meaning for many people who interpret the function of happiness as helping you to focus on the essential truth of your life. Happiness is what helps you to discern truth from illusion, busyness from purpose, and love from fear. Happiness helps you to keep that which is most important to you in the forefront of your awareness and in the forefront of your life.
The Shortcut
There is an intimate relationship between appreciation and happiness. This beautiful intimacy is best summed up by happiness coach Barry Neil Kaufman, author of Happiness Is a Choice and co-founder of The Option Institute. Barry says that appreciation is the shortest shortcut to happiness. Heartfelt appreciation really is the fastest way to experience happiness now. It is impossible to be truly appreciative and neurotic; it is also impossible to be truly appreciative and not happy.
Robert Holden writes of different types of appreciation. Appreciation can be a conscious reaction to things, people, situations, and outcomes that you declare good and positive. This kind of appreciation is personal and interpretative. Appreciation can also be a philosophy based on the premise that we live in a purposeful universe in which everything that happens or doesn’t happen based on the Law of Attraction. Everything that occurs is a reflection of the vibration you are emanating. And thus, can be appreciated for it’s clarifying information. A third type of appreciation comes from a holy revelation that you are what you seek. This appreciation is based on a knowing of your true identity. Happiness does not leave its source. What comes and goes is your awareness of what is truly valuable already belonging to you. Your true nature has the capacity to love unconditionally, to be unreasonably happy, and to be truly wise. You can enjoy these things now, because of who you are.
Week Three Processes:
This week the processes use appreciation to nurture what feels good to think about.
My happiness is the measure of my success.
Whenever you are feeling good, you are an enormous (successful) contributor. ~ Abraham
Nothing is beyond the Great Spirit’s ability to use to uplift. ~ Alan Cohen
Week Three: Nurturing Happiness with Appreciation
Like Vibes
Appreciation is the same vibration as love and happiness. So, to appreciate is to practice happiness. Following your happiness has a deeply spiritual meaning for many people who interpret the function of happiness as helping you to focus on the essential truth of your life. Happiness is what helps you to discern truth from illusion, busyness from purpose, and love from fear. Happiness helps you to keep that which is most important to you in the forefront of your awareness and in the forefront of your life.
The Shortcut
There is an intimate relationship between appreciation and happiness. This beautiful intimacy is best summed up by happiness coach Barry Neil Kaufman, author of Happiness Is a Choice and co-founder of The Option Institute. Barry says that appreciation is the shortest shortcut to happiness. Heartfelt appreciation really is the fastest way to experience happiness now. It is impossible to be truly appreciative and neurotic; it is also impossible to be truly appreciative and not happy.
Robert Holden writes of different types of appreciation. Appreciation can be a conscious reaction to things, people, situations, and outcomes that you declare good and positive. This kind of appreciation is personal and interpretative. Appreciation can also be a philosophy based on the premise that we live in a purposeful universe in which everything that happens or doesn’t happen based on the Law of Attraction. Everything that occurs is a reflection of the vibration you are emanating. And thus, can be appreciated for it’s clarifying information. A third type of appreciation comes from a holy revelation that you are what you seek. This appreciation is based on a knowing of your true identity. Happiness does not leave its source. What comes and goes is your awareness of what is truly valuable already belonging to you. Your true nature has the capacity to love unconditionally, to be unreasonably happy, and to be truly wise. You can enjoy these things now, because of who you are.
Week Three Processes:
This week the processes use appreciation to nurture what feels good to think about.
Nothing is more important than I feel good.
Reach for the thought that feels better – and watch what happens. ~ Abraham
The healing influence of happiness travels literally at the speed of light. Like a single inspiring thought that goes on the Internet and reaches millions of people in a matter of hours, one person’s happiness is unbounded. It multiplies exponentially, like a benign infection, creating greater order in places of disorder, greater unity in places of separation. ~ Deepak Chopra
Week Three: Nurturing Happiness with Appreciation
Like Vibes
Appreciation is the same vibration as love and happiness. So, to appreciate is to practice happiness. Following your happiness has a deeply spiritual meaning for many people who interpret the function of happiness as helping you to focus on the essential truth of your life. Happiness is what helps you to discern truth from illusion, busyness from purpose, and love from fear. Happiness helps you to keep that which is most important to you in the forefront of your awareness and in the forefront of your life.
The Shortcut
There is an intimate relationship between appreciation and happiness. This beautiful intimacy is best summed up by happiness coach Barry Neil Kaufman, author of Happiness Is a Choice and co-founder of The Option Institute. Barry says that appreciation is the shortest shortcut to happiness. Heartfelt appreciation really is the fastest way to experience happiness now. It is impossible to be truly appreciative and neurotic; it is also impossible to be truly appreciative and not happy.
Robert Holden writes of different types of appreciation. Appreciation can be a conscious reaction to things, people, situations, and outcomes that you declare good and positive. This kind of appreciation is personal and interpretative. Appreciation can also be a philosophy based on the premise that we live in a purposeful universe in which everything that happens or doesn’t happen based on the Law of Attraction. Everything that occurs is a reflection of the vibration you are emanating. And thus, can be appreciated for its clarifying information. A third type of appreciation comes from a holy revelation that you are what you seek. This appreciation is based on a knowing of your true identity. Happiness does not leave its source. What comes and goes is your awareness of what is truly valuable already belonging to you. Your true nature has the capacity to love unconditionally, to be unreasonably happy, and to be truly wise. You can enjoy these things now, because of who you are.
Week Three Processes:
This week the processes use appreciation to nurture what feels good to think about.
My purpose in life is happiness.
When joy is really important to you, you will not allow yourself to focus upon things that do not feel good, and the result of thinking thoughts that feel good will then cause you to create a wonderful life filled with all the things you desire. ~ Abraham
Bringing those feelings of joy very deeply into the totality of your life is what is going to trigger that brain back into complete openness. ~ Sheradon Bryce in Joy Riding the Universe
Week Three: Nurturing Happiness with Appreciation
Like Vibes
Appreciation is the same vibration as love and happiness. So, to appreciate is to practice happiness. Following your happiness has a deeply spiritual meaning for many people who interpret the function of happiness as helping you to focus on the essential truth of your life. Happiness is what helps you to discern truth from illusion, busyness from purpose, and love from fear. Happiness helps you to keep that which is most important to you in the forefront of your awareness and in the forefront of your life.
The Shortcut
There is an intimate relationship between appreciation and happiness. This beautiful intimacy is best summed up by happiness coach Barry Neil Kaufman, author of Happiness Is a Choice and co-founder of The Option Institute. Barry says that appreciation is the shortest shortcut to happiness. Heartfelt appreciation really is the fastest way to experience happiness now. It is impossible to be truly appreciative and neurotic; it is also impossible to be truly appreciative and not happy.
Robert Holden writes of different types of appreciation. Appreciation can be a conscious reaction to things, people, situations, and outcomes that you declare good and positive. This kind of appreciation is personal and interpretative. Appreciation can also be a philosophy based on the premise that we live in a purposeful universe in which everything that happens or doesn’t happen based on the Law of Attraction. Everything that occurs is a reflection of the vibration you are emanating. And thus, can be appreciated for its clarifying information. A third type of appreciation comes from a holy revelation that you are what you seek. This appreciation is based on a knowing of your true identity. Happiness does not leave its source. What comes and goes is your awareness of what is truly valuable already belonging to you. Your true nature has the capacity to love unconditionally, to be unreasonably happy, and to be truly wise. You can enjoy these things now, because of who you are.
Week Three Processes:
This week the processes use appreciation to nurture what feels good to think about.
When I am truly happy, I am being myself.
Feelings of love, happiness, passion, exhilaration, fun, interest…are indications of your vibrational match to well-being. ~ Abraham
When you are fiercely feeling joy beyond description…know that such an intense state of mind is fully permeated with the spanda, the creative vibration of divine Shakti. Find her there. ~ Spanda Karikas
Week Two – Savoring Moments of Happiness
Freedom is our basis . . .
Our physical perspective is free to use the thoughts of its Voice to choose harmony or disharmony with its Inner Being and nonphysical Soul or Source Energy.
Growth happens . . .
because we are continually emanating thought vibrations that are incorporated by our Source Energy, thus expanding or growing who we are.
Happiness is our purpose . . .
if we want our two perspectives to resonate with each other; to be the fullness of who we are; to be in clear alignment with Source – so that the power that creates universes has our backs.
From Abraham:
The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy, and the result of that perfect combination is motion forward, or growth. Your goal is to find objects of attention that let your cork rise.
Harvard Students in the Know
Harvard students must have caught on to happiness being our purpose and the underlying cause of success, since the most popular class there is Psychology 1504 which is referred to as the “Happiness Class”. Shawn Achor, author of four books including the new one, Before Happiness, teaches the Harvard students the five steps to achieving success, spreading happiness and sustaining positive change. These five steps are not simple tricks, but the building blocks of how people can change. The class is based on the principles of positive psychology, the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive.
You were born to be happy. Happiness is natural. It suits you completely. You look good and you feel good when you let happiness ooze from within you. Your step is light, your mind is free, and your spirit soars when you let happiness happen.
Alignment GPS
A most important concept in the Attraction Based Consciousness construct is that happiness, like all emotions, is absolutely an inside job. Our emotions are a guidance system, our Alignment GPS. They indicate the degree of vibrational alignment between the focus of our thoughts of the Voice in our heads and our Inner Being and Soul.
Week Two Process
Many times, throughout the day we are happy indicating our clear alignment with Source. The focus of this week is to be aware of those moments of happiness and savor them to build your feel-good muscles and neuropathways and attract more of what you desire.
Happiness will always bring out the best in me.
Happiness is quite clearly much more than just the absence of pain or problems. Until you develop a healthy conscious, reactive, and unconditional relationship to happiness, you’ll always experience unhappiness and illness. ~ Robert Holden, Ph.D.
Ecstasy is the final stage of knowing yourself. ~ Rumi
Week Two – Savoring Moments of Happiness
Freedom is our basis . . .
Our physical perspective is free to use the thoughts of its Voice to choose harmony or disharmony with its Inner Being and nonphysical Soul or Source Energy.
Growth happens . . .
because we are continually emanating thought vibrations that are incorporated by our Source Energy, thus expanding or growing who we are.
Happiness is our purpose . . .
if we want our two perspectives to resonate with each other; to be the fullness of who we are; to be in clear alignment with Source – so that the power that creates universes has our backs.
From Abraham:
The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy, and the result of that perfect combination is motion forward, or growth. Your goal is to find objects of attention that let your cork rise.
Harvard Students in the Know
Harvard students must have caught on to happiness being our purpose and the underlying cause of success, since the most popular class there is Psychology 1504 which is referred to as the “Happiness Class”. Shawn Achor, author of four books including the new one, Before Happiness, teaches the Harvard students the five steps to achieving success, spreading happiness and sustaining positive change. These five steps are not simple tricks, but the building blocks of how people can change. The class is based on the principles of positive psychology, the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive.
You were born to be happy. Happiness is natural. It suits you completely. You look good and you feel good when you let happiness ooze from within you. Your step is light, your mind is free, and your spirit soars when you let happiness happen.
Alignment GPS
A most important concept in the Attraction Based Consciousness construct is that happiness, like all emotions, is absolutely an inside job. Our emotions are a guidance system, our Alignment GPS. They indicate the degree of vibrational alignment between the focus of our thoughts of the Voice in our heads and our Inner Being and Soul.
Week Two Process
Many times, throughout the day we are happy indicating our clear alignment with Source. The focus of this week is to be aware of those moments of happiness and savor them to build your feel-good muscles and neuropathways and attract more of what you desire.
To allow well-being, I must be happy.
If you want to hear the songs on 98.6, you can’t set your tuner to 101. If you want to feel happy, you must set your own vibrational tuner to well-being. ~ Abraham
Feelings of love, happiness, passion, exhilaration, fun, interest…are indications of your vibrational match to well-being. ~ Abraham
If you only knew just how incredibly well everything is going to turn out, for you and those close to you, right now you’d likely feel light as a feather, free as the wind, happy, confident, giddy. Whoops, kind of let the cat out of the bag there. Well, now you know. Love, The Universe. ~ Mike Dooley.
Week Two – Savoring Moments of Happiness
Freedom is our basis . . .
Our physical perspective is free to use the thoughts of its Voice to choose harmony or disharmony with its Inner Being and nonphysical Soul or Source Energy.
Growth happens . . .
because we are continually emanating thought vibrations that are incorporated by our Source Energy, thus expanding or growing who we are.
Happiness is our purpose . . .
if we want our two perspectives to resonate with each other; to be the fullness of who we are; to be in clear alignment with Source – so that the power that creates universes has our backs.
From Abraham:
The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy, and the result of that perfect combination is motion forward, or growth. Your goal is to find objects of attention that let your cork rise.
Harvard Students in the Know
Harvard students must have caught on to happiness being our purpose and the underlying cause of success, since the most popular class there is Psychology 1504 which is referred to as the “Happiness Class”. Shawn Achor, author of four books including the new one, Before Happiness, teaches the Harvard students the five steps to achieving success, spreading happiness and sustaining positive change. These five steps are not simple tricks, but the building blocks of how people can change. The class is based on the principles of positive psychology, the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive.
You were born to be happy. Happiness is natural. It suits you completely. You look good and you feel good when you let happiness ooze from within you. Your step is light, your mind is free, and your spirit soars when you let happiness happen.
Alignment GPS
A most important concept in the Attraction Based Consciousness construct is that happiness, like all emotions, is absolutely an inside job. Our emotions are a guidance system, our Alignment GPS. They indicate the degree of vibrational alignment between the focus of our thoughts of the Voice in our heads and our Inner Being and Soul.
Week Two Process
Many times, throughout the day we are happy indicating our clear alignment with Source. The focus of this week is to be aware of those moments of happiness and savor them to build your feel-good muscles and neuropathways and attract more of what you desire.
When I feel momentary happiness, or want to burst out laughing, or smile for no apparent reason, I am glimpsing eternal reality.
In a fleeting moment of happiness, the curtain has parted so you can experience something beyond the illusion. In time these moments of joy will begin to knit together. Instead of the exception, they will become the norm. There is no better way to know that you are growing in God-realization. ~ Deepak Chopra
If there is no joy, ease, or lightness in what you are doing … see if you can give much more attention to the doing than to the result that you want to achieve. ~ Eckhart Tolle
Week Two – Savoring Moments of Happiness
Freedom is our basis . . .
Our physical perspective is free to use the thoughts of its Voice to choose harmony or disharmony with its Inner Being and nonphysical Soul or Source Energy.
Growth happens . . .
because we are continually emanating thought vibrations that are incorporated by our Source Energy, thus expanding or growing who we are.
Happiness is our purpose . . .
if we want our two perspectives to resonate with each other; to be the fullness of who we are; to be in clear alignment with Source – so that the power that creates universes has our backs.
From Abraham:
The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy, and the result of that perfect combination is motion forward, or growth. Your goal is to find objects of attention that let your cork rise.
Harvard Students in the Know
Harvard students must have caught on to happiness being our purpose and the underlying cause of success, since the most popular class there is Psychology 1504 which is referred to as the “Happiness Class”. Shawn Achor, author of four books including the new one, Before Happiness, teaches the Harvard students the five steps to achieving success, spreading happiness and sustaining positive change. These five steps are not simple tricks, but the building blocks of how people can change. The class is based on the principles of positive psychology, the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive.
You were born to be happy. Happiness is natural. It suits you completely. You look good and you feel good when you let happiness ooze from within you. Your step is light, your mind is free, and your spirit soars when you let happiness happen.
Alignment GPS
A most important concept in the Attraction Based Consciousness construct is that happiness, like all emotions, is absolutely an inside job. Our emotions are a guidance system, our Alignment GPS. They indicate the degree of vibrational alignment between the focus of our thoughts of the Voice in our heads and our Inner Being and Soul.
Week Two Process
Many times, throughout the day we are happy indicating our clear alignment with Source. The focus of this week is to be aware of those moments of happiness and savor them to build your feel-good muscles and neuropathways and attract more of what you desire.
As I practice happy thoughts, I practice my connection with Source and well-being.
You have been oriented that you must pay a price in order to get somewhere, and in the process, you’ve come to believe that getting there must be really important; therefore, it must be your purpose. And we say, but if you’re not getting to joy, then you’ve gotten nowhere. Joy is really where you’re going. ~ Abraham.
True happiness is an inner power – natural, healing, abundant, and always available. ~ Robert Holden, Ph.D.
Week Two – Savoring Moments of Happiness
Freedom is our basis . . .
Our physical perspective is free to use the thoughts of its Voice to choose harmony or disharmony with its Inner Being and nonphysical Soul or Source Energy.
Growth happens . . .
because we are continually emanating thought vibrations that are incorporated by our Source Energy, thus expanding or growing who we are.
Happiness is our purpose . . .
if we want our two perspectives to resonate with each other; to be the fullness of who we are; to be in clear alignment with Source – so that the power that creates universes has our backs.
From Abraham:
The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy, and the result of that perfect combination is motion forward, or growth. Your goal is to find objects of attention that let your cork rise.
Harvard Students in the Know
Harvard students must have caught on to happiness being our purpose and the underlying cause of success, since the most popular class there is Psychology 1504 which is referred to as the “Happiness Class”. Shawn Achor, author of four books including the new one, Before Happiness, teaches the Harvard students the five steps to achieving success, spreading happiness and sustaining positive change. These five steps are not simple tricks, but the building blocks of how people can change. The class is based on the principles of positive psychology, the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive.
You were born to be happy. Happiness is natural. It suits you completely. You look good and you feel good when you let happiness ooze from within you. Your step is light, your mind is free, and your spirit soars when you let happiness happen.
Alignment GPS
A most important concept in the Attraction Based Consciousness construct is that happiness, like all emotions, is absolutely an inside job. Our emotions are a guidance system, our Alignment GPS. They indicate the degree of vibrational alignment between the focus of our thoughts of the Voice in our heads and our Inner Being and Soul.
Week Two Process
Many times, throughout the day we are happy indicating our clear alignment with Source. The focus of this week is to be aware of those moments of happiness and savor them to build your feel-good muscles and neuropathways and attract more of what you desire.