January Daily Vibes | Happiness Path to Empowerment Day 9

Day 9 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

To feel better is the root of my every desire.

You didn’t say, “I’ll go forth and struggle into joy,” because from your Nonphysical Perspective you know it is vibrationally not possible.  You cannot struggle to joy.  Struggle and joy are not on the same channel.  You joy your way to joy.  You laugh your way to success.  ~  Abraham

The beauty is already there.  I do not create the beauty; I merely chip away the surrounding marble so as to reveal the beauty.  The beauty is already within.  It is already perfectly in place.  ~  Michelangelo

Week Two – Savoring Moments of Happiness

Freedom is our basis . . .
Our physical perspective is free to use the thoughts of its Voice to choose harmony or disharmony with its Inner Being and nonphysical Soul or Source Energy.

Growth happens . . .
because we are continually emanating thought vibrations that are incorporated by our Source Energy, thus expanding or growing who we are.

Happiness is our purpose . . .
if we want our two perspectives to resonate with each other; to be the fullness of who we are; to be in clear alignment with Source – so that the power that creates universes has our backs.

From Abraham:
The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy, and the result of that perfect combination is motion forward, or growth. Your goal is to find objects of attention that let your cork rise.

Harvard Students in the Know

Harvard students must have caught on to happiness being our purpose and the underlying cause of success, since the most popular class there is Psychology 1504 which is referred to as the “Happiness Class”. Shawn Achor, author of four books including the new one, Before Happiness, teaches the Harvard students the five steps to achieving success, spreading happiness and sustaining positive change. These five steps are not simple tricks, but the building blocks of how people can change. The class is based on the principles of positive psychology, the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive.

You were born to be happy. Happiness is natural. It suits you completely. You look good and you feel good when you let happiness ooze from within you. Your step is light, your mind is free, and your spirit soars when you let happiness happen.

Alignment GPS

A most important concept in the Attraction Based Consciousness construct is that happiness, like all emotions, is absolutely an inside job. Our emotions are a guidance system, our Alignment GPS. They indicate the degree of vibrational alignment between the focus of our thoughts of the Voice in our heads and our Inner Being and Soul.

Week Two Process

Many times, throughout the day we are happy indicating our clear alignment with Source. The focus of this week is to be aware of those moments of happiness and savor them to build your feel-good muscles and neuropathways and attract more of what you desire.

  • Meditate: Of course, we include this time-tested tool for knowing the happiness, love and peace that we can evoke within. A suggestion: Start your meditation by saying – Dear Inner Heart, I honor you. Please open to the sweetness that is your real nature and allow my meditation to be filled with your grace.
  • Savor moments of happiness: As mentioned, we do have times of happiness through the day, even if they are infrequent and fleeting. To build our happiness neuropathways and attract more thoughts that feel happy to think about, become aware when you do feel happy during the day. Then savor, relish, and milk the details of the experience. Why did it feel happy? Where were you? What was the scene? What where you doing? Who was there? Think about the happiness happenings and use them as topics of conversation.
  • Journal: Write of the happiness moments you experienced through the day. Writing increases focus, thus the developing of a new habit.

January Daily Vibes | Happiness Path to Empowerment Day 8

Day 8 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

My happiness is an inside job.

Beyond the pursuit of happiness is the how to be happy.  ~  Shawn Achor

If you think something is missing in your life, it is probably you.  Happiness requires you to be present in your life, to be authentic, and to really show up.  ~  Robert Holden, Ph.D.

Week Two – Savoring Moments of Happiness

Freedom is our basis. . ..  
Our physical perspective is free to use the thoughts of its Voice to choose harmony or disharmony with its Inner Being and nonphysical Soul or Source Energy.

Growth happens . . .
because we are continually emanating thought vibrations that are incorporated by our Source Energy, thus expanding or growing who we are.

Happiness is our purpose . . .
if we want our two perspectives to resonate with each other; to be the fullness of who we are; to be in clear alignment with Source – so that the power that creates universes has our backs.

From Abraham:
The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy, and the result of that perfect combination is motion forward, or growth.  Your goal is to find objects of attention that let your cork rise.

Harvard Students in the Know

Harvard students must have caught on to happiness being our purpose and the underlying cause of success, since the most popular class there is Psychology 1504 which is referred to as the “Happiness Class”.  Shawn Achor, author of four books including the new one, Before Happiness, teaches the Harvard students the five steps to achieving success, spreading happiness and sustaining positive change. These five steps are not simple tricks, but the building blocks of how people can change.  The class is based on the principles of positive psychology, the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive.

You were born to be happy.  Happiness is natural.  It suits you completely.  You look good and you feel good when you let happiness ooze from within you.  Your step is light, your mind is free, and your spirit soars when you let happiness happen.

Alignment GPS

A most important concept in the Attraction Based Consciousness construct is that happiness, like all emotions, is absolutely an inside job. Our emotions are a guidance system, our Alignment GPS.  They indicate the degree of vibrational alignment between the focus of our thoughts of the Voice in our heads and our Inner Being and Soul.

Week Two Process

Many times, throughout the day we are happy indicating our clear alignment with Source.  The focus of this week is to be aware of those moments of happiness and savor them to build your feel-good muscles and neuropathways and attract more of what you desire.

  • Meditate:  Of course, we include this time-tested tool for knowing the happiness, love and peace that we can evoke within.  A suggestion:  Start your meditation by saying – Dear Inner Heart, I honor you.  Please open to the sweetness that is your real nature and allow my meditation to be filled with your grace.
  • Savor moments of happiness:  As mentioned, we do have times of happiness through the day, even if they are infrequent and fleeting.  To build our happiness neuropathways and attract more thoughts that feel happy to think about, become aware when you do feel happy during the day.  Then savor, relish, and milk the details of the experience.  Why did it feel happy?  Where were you?  What was the scene?  What where you doing? Who was there?  Think about the happiness happenings and use them as topics of conversation.
  • Journal:  Write of the happiness moments you experienced through the day.  Writing increases focus, thus the developing of a new habit.

January Daily Vibes | Happiness Path to Empowerment Day 7

Day 7 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I was born to feel joyous happiness.

Feeling good is your most natural core belief.  ~  Abraham

The greatest joy of all is the realization that the potential for happiness is available to us now and always.  ~  Robert Holden, Ph.D.

The Happiness Path to Empowerment

Week One: Happiness Equals Empowerment
Week Two: Savoring Moments of Happiness
Week Three: Nurturing Happiness with Appreciation
Week Four: Choosing Unconditional Happiness

This month we put the emphasis on the feeling of happiness as an indication of empowerment.

Week One – Happiness Equals Empowerment

Why Happiness?
Perhaps you do not equate the feeling of happiness with empowerment but being happy is a sign that you are in your power. Being happy indicates that the thoughts of the Voice in your head are in clear alignment with the vibrations of your Inner Being and Source Energy. Your power is vectorized. You are emanating high, fast, light and clear vibrations and attracting the same. So, you are attracting experiences that you want, that feel good.

Feel Good
The reason you want anything is to feel good. So, the idea is to go for being happy no matter the circumstances and all else will follow. Actually, the happiness path to empowerment is more of a Feel any Good Feeling path since clear alignment comes if you feel any of the range of “feel good emotions” that indicate clear alignment between your physical and nonphysical perspectives. Any of the following emotions indicate clear alignment: optimism, confidence, trust, belief, eagerness, enthusiasm, serenity, passion, bliss, knowing, freedom, appreciation and ecstasy.

We will interchange the labels happiness and joy to indicate a high, fast, and light vibration that feels good.

Happiness Now
Robert Holden, Ph.D., the director of the Happiness Project and Success Intelligence, teaches “The Happiness Formula” to millions of television viewers and through his books, Happiness NOW! and Success Intelligence. He encourages us to use the power of happiness to bless your life, let your relationships flourish, and help you be a truly loving presence in the world. Happiness, he says increases your natural capacity for prosperity and success, so teach yourself how to enjoy more happiness. He likens happiness to a spiritual path because the more you learn about true happiness, the more you discover the truth of who you are, what is sacred, and what your life is really for. The challenge is to be happy and release the power of happiness in you.

Week One Process
We suggest the “Follow your Joy” meditation that Dr. Holden uses in the Happiness Course.

1. This meditation is an attunement, not an invocation. You are not inviting joy to arrive from someplace else or from some other heaven that is far away from here, but tuning in to ever-present joy, tuning in to your unconditional self, and running in to the spiritual DNA of your being. It’s like finding an “inner smile” in your heart. It is sensing the tingle of aliveness in every cell your body. It is enjoying the spaces in your mind that are empty of doubt.

2. Appreciate the essential qualities of joy. Perhaps listen to music you love and let yourself have a direct experience of the full force and power of what joy really is. With each inhalation, you breathe in the aliveness, the sparkle, the creativity, and the sense of possibility that exists in joy. The goal is to enjoy the innate intelligence of joy, and also its peacefulness, and its wholeness.

3. Acknowledge when, where, and with whom you allow your joy to express itself. Is it at work? Is it at home? Is it with the kids? Is it when you go jogging? Is it when you meditate? Welcome joy even more into every part of your life and to let joy inspire and guide you, direct and navigate you. We invite you to commit to joy, to follow your joy, and to bring joy with you into your day, your work, and your life.

Let joy lead the way.

January Daily Vibes | Happiness Path to Empowerment Day 6

Day 6 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

My power is in the NOW.

Our “I want it now” world, this clamor for happiness now, reflects an instinctive wisdom and a great spiritual truth, which states that … everything – absolutely everything is available to you “now.”  ~  Robert Holden, Ph. D.

There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy.  ~  Robert Louis Stevenson

The Happiness Path to Empowerment

Week One: Happiness Equals Empowerment
Week Two: Savoring Moments of Happiness
Week Three: Nurturing Happiness with Appreciation
Week Four: Choosing Unconditional Happiness

This month we put the emphasis on the feeling of happiness as an indication of empowerment.

Week One – Happiness Equals Empowerment

Why Happiness?
Perhaps you do not equate the feeling of happiness with empowerment but being happy is a sign that you are in your power. Being happy indicates that the thoughts of the Voice in your head are in clear alignment with the vibrations of your Inner Being and Source Energy. Your power is vectorized. You are emanating high, fast, light and clear vibrations and attracting the same. So, you are attracting experiences that you want, that feel good.

Feel Good
The reason you want anything is to feel good. So, the idea is to go for being happy no matter the circumstances and all else will follow. Actually, the happiness path to empowerment is more of a Feel any Good Feeling path since clear alignment comes if you feel any of the range of “feel good emotions” that indicate clear alignment between your physical and nonphysical perspectives. Any of the following emotions indicate clear alignment: optimism, confidence, trust, belief, eagerness, enthusiasm, serenity, passion, bliss, knowing, freedom, appreciation and ecstasy.

We will interchange the labels happiness and joy to indicate a high, fast, and light vibration that feels good.

Happiness Now
Robert Holden, Ph.D., the director of the Happiness Project and Success Intelligence, teaches “The Happiness Formula” to millions of television viewers and through his books, Happiness NOW! and Success Intelligence. He encourages us to use the power of happiness to bless your life, let your relationships flourish, and help you be a truly loving presence in the world. Happiness, he says increases your natural capacity for prosperity and success, so teach yourself how to enjoy more happiness. He likens happiness to a spiritual path because the more you learn about true happiness, the more you discover the truth of who you are, what is sacred, and what your life is really for. The challenge is to be happy and release the power of happiness in you.

Week One Process
We suggest the “Follow your Joy” meditation that Dr. Holden uses in the Happiness Course.

1. This meditation is an attunement, not an invocation. You are not inviting joy to arrive from someplace else or from some other heaven that is far away from here, but tuning in to ever-present joy, tuning in to your unconditional self, and running in to the spiritual DNA of your being. It’s like finding an “inner smile” in your heart. It is sensing the tingle of aliveness in every cell your body. It is enjoying the spaces in your mind that are empty of doubt.

2. Appreciate the essential qualities of joy. Perhaps listen to music you love and let yourself have a direct experience of the full force and power of what joy really is. With each inhalation, you breathe in the aliveness, the sparkle, the creativity, and the sense of possibility that exists in joy. The goal is to enjoy the innate intelligence of joy, and also its peacefulness, and its wholeness.

3. Acknowledge when, where, and with whom you allow your joy to express itself. Is it at work? Is it at home? Is it with the kids? Is it when you go jogging? Is it when you meditate? Welcome joy even more into every part of your life and to let joy inspire and guide you, direct and navigate you. We invite you to commit to joy, to follow your joy, and to bring joy with you into your day, your work, and your life.

Let joy lead the way.

January Daily Vibes | Happiness Path to Empowerment Day 5

Day 5 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I go within and know joy.

We must exercise ourselves in the things which bring happiness, since, if that be present, we have everything, and, if that be absent, all our actions are directed toward attaining it.  ~  Epicurus  

Happiness doesn’t come and go; what comes and goes is your attunement to happiness.  ~  Robert Holden, Ph.D.

The Happiness Path to Empowerment

Week One: Happiness Equals Empowerment
Week Two: Savoring Moments of Happiness
Week Three: Nurturing Happiness with Appreciation
Week Four: Choosing Unconditional Happiness

This month we put the emphasis on the feeling of happiness as an indication of empowerment.

Week One – Happiness Equals Empowerment

Why Happiness?
Perhaps you do not equate the feeling of happiness with empowerment but being happy is a sign that you are in your power. Being happy indicates that the thoughts of the Voice in your head are in clear alignment with the vibrations of your Inner Being and Source Energy. Your power is vectorized. You are emanating high, fast, light and clear vibrations and attracting the same. So, you are attracting experiences that you want, that feel good.

Feel Good
The reason you want anything is to feel good. So, the idea is to go for being happy no matter the circumstances and all else will follow. Actually, the happiness path to empowerment is more of a Feel any Good Feeling path since clear alignment comes if you feel any of the range of “feel good emotions” that indicate clear alignment between your physical and nonphysical perspectives. Any of the following emotions indicate clear alignment: optimism, confidence, trust, belief, eagerness, enthusiasm, serenity, passion, bliss, knowing, freedom, appreciation and ecstasy.

We will interchange the labels happiness and joy to indicate a high, fast, and light vibration that feels good.

Happiness Now
Robert Holden, Ph.D., the director of the Happiness Project and Success Intelligence, teaches “The Happiness Formula” to millions of television viewers and through his books, Happiness NOW! and Success Intelligence. He encourages us to use the power of happiness to bless your life, let your relationships flourish, and help you be a truly loving presence in the world. Happiness, he says increases your natural capacity for prosperity and success, so teach yourself how to enjoy more happiness. He likens happiness to a spiritual path because the more you learn about true happiness, the more you discover the truth of who you are, what is sacred, and what your life is really for. The challenge is to be happy and release the power of happiness in you.

Week One Process
We suggest the “Follow your Joy” meditation that Dr. Holden uses in the Happiness Course.

1. This meditation is an attunement, not an invocation. You are not inviting joy to arrive from someplace else or from some other heaven that is far away from here, but tuning in to ever-present joy, tuning in to your unconditional self, and running in to the spiritual DNA of your being. It’s like finding an “inner smile” in your heart. It is sensing the tingle of aliveness in every cell your body. It is enjoying the spaces in your mind that are empty of doubt.

2. Appreciate the essential qualities of joy. Perhaps listen to music you love and let yourself have a direct experience of the full force and power of what joy really is. With each inhalation, you breathe in the aliveness, the sparkle, the creativity, and the sense of possibility that exists in joy. The goal is to enjoy the innate intelligence of joy, and also its peacefulness, and its wholeness.

3. Acknowledge when, where, and with whom you allow your joy to express itself. Is it at work? Is it at home? Is it with the kids? Is it when you go jogging? Is it when you meditate? Welcome joy even more into every part of your life and to let joy inspire and guide you, direct and navigate you. We invite you to commit to joy, to follow your joy, and to bring joy with you into your day, your work, and your life.

Let joy lead the way.

January Daily Vibes | Happiness Path to Empowerment Day 4

Day 4 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I nurture my joy.

Align with the fantastic expanding rhythm of this Universe.  Seek joy and fun.  ~  Abraham

Sometimes in order to be happy in the present moment you have to be willing to give up all hope for a better past.  In other words, you have to forgive and let go.  ~  Robert Holden, Ph.D.

The Happiness Path to Empowerment

Week One: Happiness Equals Empowerment
Week Two: Savoring Moments of Happiness
Week Three: Nurturing Happiness with Appreciation
Week Four: Choosing Unconditional Happiness

This month we put the emphasis on the feeling of happiness as an indication of empowerment.

Week One – Happiness Equals Empowerment

Why Happiness?
Perhaps you do not equate the feeling of happiness with empowerment but being happy is a sign that you are in your power. Being happy indicates that the thoughts of the Voice in your head are in clear alignment with the vibrations of your Inner Being and Source Energy. Your power is vectorized. You are emanating high, fast, light and clear vibrations and attracting the same. So, you are attracting experiences that you want, that feel good.

Feel Good
The reason you want anything is to feel good. So, the idea is to go for being happy no matter the circumstances and all else will follow. Actually, the happiness path to empowerment is more of a Feel any Good Feeling path since clear alignment comes if you feel any of the range of “feel good emotions” that indicate clear alignment between your physical and nonphysical perspectives. Any of the following emotions indicate clear alignment: optimism, confidence, trust, belief, eagerness, enthusiasm, serenity, passion, bliss, knowing, freedom, appreciation and ecstasy.

We will interchange the labels happiness and joy to indicate a high, fast, and light vibration that feels good.

Happiness Now
Robert Holden, Ph.D., the director of the Happiness Project and Success Intelligence, teaches “The Happiness Formula” to millions of television viewers and through his books, Happiness NOW! and Success Intelligence. He encourages us to use the power of happiness to bless your life, let your relationships flourish, and help you be a truly loving presence in the world. Happiness, he says increases your natural capacity for prosperity and success, so teach yourself how to enjoy more happiness. He likens happiness to a spiritual path because the more you learn about true happiness, the more you discover the truth of who you are, what is sacred, and what your life is really for. The challenge is to be happy and release the power of happiness in you.

Week One Process
We suggest the “Follow your Joy” meditation that Dr. Holden uses in the Happiness Course.

1. This meditation is an attunement, not an invocation. You are not inviting joy to arrive from someplace else or from some other heaven that is far away from here, but tuning in to ever-present joy, tuning in to your unconditional self, and running in to the spiritual DNA of your being. It’s like finding an “inner smile” in your heart. It is sensing the tingle of aliveness in every cell your body. It is enjoying the spaces in your mind that are empty of doubt.

2. Appreciate the essential qualities of joy. Perhaps listen to music you love and let yourself have a direct experience of the full force and power of what joy really is. With each inhalation, you breathe in the aliveness, the sparkle, the creativity, and the sense of possibility that exists in joy. The goal is to enjoy the innate intelligence of joy, and also its peacefulness, and its wholeness.

3. Acknowledge when, where, and with whom you allow your joy to express itself. Is it at work? Is it at home? Is it with the kids? Is it when you go jogging? Is it when you meditate? Welcome joy even more into every part of your life and to let joy inspire and guide you, direct and navigate you. We invite you to commit to joy, to follow your joy, and to bring joy with you into your day, your work, and your life.

Let joy lead the way.

January Daily Vibes | Happiness Path to Empowerment Day 3

Day 3 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

By shifting my thoughts, I can find happiness.

Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim, and end of human existence.  ~  Aristotle

Happiness is not just the absence of sadness; happiness is also the capacity to face sadness – and face it with love, not fear.  ~  Robert Holden, Ph.D.

The Happiness Path to Empowerment

Week One: Happiness Equals Empowerment
Week Two: Savoring Moments of Happiness
Week Three: Nurturing Happiness with Appreciation
Week Four: Choosing Unconditional Happiness

This month we put the emphasis on the feeling of happiness as an indication of empowerment.

Week One – Happiness Equals Empowerment

Why Happiness?
Perhaps you do not equate the feeling of happiness with empowerment but being happy is a sign that you are in your power. Being happy indicates that the thoughts of the Voice in your head are in clear alignment with the vibrations of your Inner Being and Source Energy. Your power is vectorized. You are emanating high, fast, light and clear vibrations and attracting the same. So, you are attracting experiences that you want, that feel good.

Feel Good
The reason you want anything is to feel good. So, the idea is to go for being happy no matter the circumstances and all else will follow. Actually, the happiness path to empowerment is more of a Feel any Good Feeling path since clear alignment comes if you feel any of the range of “feel good emotions” that indicate clear alignment between your physical and nonphysical perspectives. Any of the following emotions indicate clear alignment: optimism, confidence, trust, belief, eagerness, enthusiasm, serenity, passion, bliss, knowing, freedom, appreciation and ecstasy.

We will interchange the labels happiness and joy to indicate a high, fast, and light vibration that feels good.

Happiness Now
Robert Holden, Ph.D., the director of the Happiness Project and Success Intelligence, teaches “The Happiness Formula” to millions of television viewers and through his books, Happiness NOW! and Success Intelligence. He encourages us to use the power of happiness to bless your life, let your relationships flourish, and help you be a truly loving presence in the world. Happiness, he says increases your natural capacity for prosperity and success, so teach yourself how to enjoy more happiness. He likens happiness to a spiritual path because the more you learn about true happiness, the more you discover the truth of who you are, what is sacred, and what your life is really for. The challenge is to be happy and release the power of happiness in you.

Week One Process
We suggest the “Follow your Joy” meditation that Dr. Holden uses in the Happiness Course.

1. This meditation is an attunement, not an invocation. You are not inviting joy to arrive from someplace else or from some other heaven that is far away from here, but tuning in to ever-present joy, tuning in to your unconditional self, and running in to the spiritual DNA of your being. It’s like finding an “inner smile” in your heart. It is sensing the tingle of aliveness in every cell your body. It is enjoying the spaces in your mind that are empty of doubt.

2. Appreciate the essential qualities of joy. Perhaps listen to music you love and let yourself have a direct experience of the full force and power of what joy really is. With each inhalation, you breathe in the aliveness, the sparkle, the creativity, and the sense of possibility that exists in joy. The goal is to enjoy the innate intelligence of joy, and also its peacefulness, and its wholeness.

3. Acknowledge when, where, and with whom you allow your joy to express itself. Is it at work? Is it at home? Is it with the kids? Is it when you go jogging? Is it when you meditate? Welcome joy even more into every part of your life and to let joy inspire and guide you, direct and navigate you. We invite you to commit to joy, to follow your joy, and to bring joy with you into your day, your work, and your life.

Let joy lead the way.

January Daily Vibes | Happiness Path to Empowerment Day 2

Day 2 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

My feeling of joy is my guide.

Nobody else knows your reason for being.  You do.  Your bliss guides you to it.  When you follow your bliss, when you follow your path to joy, your conversation is of joy, your feelings are of joy – you’re right on the path of that which you intended when you came forth into this physical body.  ~  Abraham

You won’t ever find happiness until you are willing to accept that you are what you seek.  ~  Robert Holden, Ph.D.

The Happiness Path to Empowerment

Week One: Happiness Equals Empowerment
Week Two: Savoring Moments of Happiness
Week Three: Nurturing Happiness with Appreciation
Week Four: Choosing Unconditional Happiness

This month we put the emphasis on the feeling of happiness as an indication of empowerment.

Week One – Happiness Equals Empowerment

Why Happiness?
Perhaps you do not equate the feeling of happiness with empowerment but being happy is a sign that you are in your power. Being happy indicates that the thoughts of the Voice in your head are in clear alignment with the vibrations of your Inner Being and Source Energy. Your power is vectorized. You are emanating high, fast, light and clear vibrations and attracting the same. So, you are attracting experiences that you want, that feel good.

Feel Good
The reason you want anything is to feel good. So, the idea is to go for being happy no matter the circumstances and all else will follow. Actually, the happiness path to empowerment is more of a Feel any Good Feeling path since clear alignment comes if you feel any of the range of “feel good emotions” that indicate clear alignment between your physical and nonphysical perspectives. Any of the following emotions indicate clear alignment: optimism, confidence, trust, belief, eagerness, enthusiasm, serenity, passion, bliss, knowing, freedom, appreciation and ecstasy.

We will interchange the labels happiness and joy to indicate a high, fast, and light vibration that feels good.

Happiness Now
Robert Holden, Ph.D., the director of the Happiness Project and Success Intelligence, teaches “The Happiness Formula” to millions of television viewers and through his books, Happiness NOW! and Success Intelligence. He encourages us to use the power of happiness to bless your life, let your relationships flourish, and help you be a truly loving presence in the world. Happiness, he says increases your natural capacity for prosperity and success, so teach yourself how to enjoy more happiness. He likens happiness to a spiritual path because the more you learn about true happiness, the more you discover the truth of who you are, what is sacred, and what your life is really for. The challenge is to be happy and release the power of happiness in you.

Week One Process
We suggest the “Follow your Joy” meditation that Dr. Holden uses in the Happiness Course.

1. This meditation is an attunement, not an invocation. You are not inviting joy to arrive from someplace else or from some other heaven that is far away from here, but tuning in to ever-present joy, tuning in to your unconditional self, and running in to the spiritual DNA of your being. It’s like finding an “inner smile” in your heart. It is sensing the tingle of aliveness in every cell your body. It is enjoying the spaces in your mind that are empty of doubt.

2. Appreciate the essential qualities of joy. Perhaps listen to music you love and let yourself have a direct experience of the full force and power of what joy really is. With each inhalation, you breathe in the aliveness, the sparkle, the creativity, and the sense of possibility that exists in joy. The goal is to enjoy the innate intelligence of joy, and also its peacefulness, and its wholeness.

3. Acknowledge when, where, and with whom you allow your joy to express itself. Is it at work? Is it at home? Is it with the kids? Is it when you go jogging? Is it when you meditate? Welcome joy even more into every part of your life and to let joy inspire and guide you, direct and navigate you. We invite you to commit to joy, to follow your joy, and to bring joy with you into your day, your work, and your life.

Let joy lead the way.

January Daily Vibes | Happiness Path to Empowerment Day 1

Day 1 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

Happiness is my most treasured goal.

The search for happiness is a hoax.  Happiness is not a search; it’s a choice.  ~  Robert Holden, Ph.D.

Be happy: remember, it is our sacred duty to let that energy of happiness flow from our hearts.  ~  Dhyani Ywahoo, Cherokee Wisdom Teacher

The Happiness Path to Empowerment

Week One: Happiness Equals Empowerment
Week Two: Savoring Moments of Happiness
Week Three: Nurturing Happiness with Appreciation
Week Four: Choosing Unconditional Happiness   

This month we put the emphasis on the feeling of happiness as an indication of empowerment.

Week One – Happiness Equals Empowerment

Why Happiness?
Perhaps you do not equate the feeling of happiness with empowerment but being happy is a sign that you are in your power.  Being happy indicates that the thoughts of the Voice in your head are in clear alignment with the vibrations of your Inner Being and Source Energy.  Your power is vectorized.  You are emanating high, fast, light and clear vibrations and attracting the same.  So, you are attracting experiences that you want, that feel good.

Feel Good
The reason you want anything is to feel good.  So, the idea is to go for being happy no matter the circumstances and all else will follow.  Actually, the happiness path to empowerment is more of a Feel any Good Feeling path since clear alignment comes if you feel any of the range of “feel good emotions” that indicate clear alignment between your physical and nonphysical perspectives.  Any of the following emotions indicate clear alignment:  optimism, confidence, trust, belief, eagerness, enthusiasm, serenity, passion, bliss, knowing, freedom, appreciation and ecstasy.

We will interchange the labels happiness and joy to indicate a high, fast, and light vibration that feels good.

Happiness Now
Robert Holden, Ph.D., the director of the Happiness Project and Success Intelligence, teaches “The Happiness Formula” to millions of television viewers and through his books, Happiness NOW! and Success Intelligence. He encourages us to use the power of happiness to bless your life, let your relationships flourish, and help you be a truly loving presence in the world.  Happiness, he says increases your natural capacity for prosperity and success, so teach yourself how to enjoy more happiness.  He likens happiness to a spiritual path because the more you learn about true happiness, the more you discover the truth of who you are, what is sacred, and what your life is really for.  The challenge is to be happy and release the power of happiness in you.

Week One Process
We suggest the “Follow your Joy” meditation that Dr. Holden uses in the Happiness Course.
1.    This meditation is an attunement, not an invocation.  You are not inviting joy to arrive from someplace else or from some other heaven that is far away from here but tuning in to ever-present joy, tuning into your unconditional self, and running in to the spiritual DNA of your being.  It’s like finding an “inner smile” in your heart.  It is sensing the tingle of aliveness in every cell of your body.  It is enjoying the spaces in your mind that are empty of doubt.
2.     Appreciate the essential qualities of joy.  Perhaps listen to music you love and let yourself have a direct experience of the full force and power of what joy really is.  With each inhalation, you breathe in the aliveness, the sparkle, the creativity, and the sense of possibility that exists in joy.  The goal is to enjoy the innate intelligence of joy, and also its peacefulness, and its wholeness.
3.    Acknowledge when, where, and with whom you allow your joy to express itself.  Is it at work?  Is it at home?  Is it with the kids?  Is it when you go jogging? Is it when you meditate? Welcome joy even more into every part of your life and to let joy inspire and guide you, direct and navigate you.  We invite you to commit to joy, to follow your joy, and to bring joy with you into your day, your work, and your life.

Let joy lead the way.

December Daily Vibes | Celebrating the Light Day 31

ABC.Dec31Day 31 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I take time to be still and know that I am God.

You are a pioneer preparing a path for a new interpretation of reality.  ~  the Pleiadeans

In order to manage the accelerated energies, take it easy, slow down, laugh, and allow yourself the luxury of actually enjoying life.  ~  the Pleiadeans

The Shift

Many books I came across from the seventies to nineties (some were channeled words of galactic beings and some a human perspective) told of an internal shift. We as humans would realize that we are not separate. We would shift from a separate fear-based belief, always assessing who or what is for us or against us, having to discredit or get rid of what is determined is against us. We would know the love and internal light that we are, that we are one; that we are all in this together.

Our True Nature

In the 1982 book, “The Starseed Transmissions An Extraterrestrial Report” by the being Raphael by Ken Carey, Raphael states that there is the flimsiest of screens between our present condition and our true nature. It is his mission to assist us in bridging this gap, to awaken us from sleep, to bring us to the fulfillment of our destiny.

“When you have learned to allow the silencing of your thoughts and have begun to focus attention on inner vibrational frequencies, you will become aware of a far more comprehensive picture of all I am telling you. Until such time as the life-giving information that comes to you from the source of your being is more readily accessible, I will work within the limitations of your linguistic structure and translate as accurately as I am able.”

The awakening is to our oneness – that we are all in this together. We are not separate and thus fear based always assessing who or what is for us or against us. “There is only one of us here in consciousness. It is you bubbling up in a billion different guises, surfacing to reawaken your unified awareness with a coating of humanity.”

A Commission

In his 1989 book, “The Planetary Commission” John Randolph Price describes what is needed to make this more of a planet of Love and Light with more of us awake to the fullness of who we are.

“The fever pitch in the evolutionary process is not something that is building for the future. Whether we realize it or not, the new Millennium is already upon us. It is not something to come, but it already is! We have been waiting for the New Age of Light and Love – and it’s here, all around us, right now! It took place with the splitting of the atom!” ~John Randolph Price in “The Planetary Commission”

The mission of the Planetary Commission wrote Price was to create a civilization on the path of Love and Light and Peace. All you have to do to be part of the commission is to make a definite and dedicated commitment in writing to renew your mind, and with love in your heart, to choose to be a part of the healing, harmonizing influence for the planet. We know the power of one individual consciousness. We know that each one of us can affect matter.

Certainly, our news media does not verify this shift. But, if you get the Optimist Daily you read about all the positive, innovative life supporting things happening all over the planet. Then you do realize love and light are occurring. Those of us who know we are spiritual beings in human form and do seek clear alignment between our physical perspective and our Source Energy are certainly part of the Commission now.

Donald Keys in his 1982 book, “Earth At Omega, Passage to Planetization”, sights the quote from Rev. Theodore M Hesburgh the president of Norte Dame. “The greatest fallout of the space program was not the close-up view of the moon, but a look at spaceship earth for afar. For the first time in the history of humanity we were able to see our planet for what it really is.” We could see this is one earth with no borders.

Keys further quotes U-Thant, a Former Secretary-General of the United Nations. “I believe the mark of the truly educated and imaginative person facing the twenty-first century is that he feels himself to be a Planetary Citizen. Since we in the United States identify with the whole country, states do not maintain an army. They do not go to war with each other because we identify as being part of a whole. Imagine if we did identify as being earthlings, all a part of the whole and would naturally find non-violent ways to resolve conflict.

This Little Light of Mind, I’m Going To Let It Shine

In 1990 the transcripts from Barbara Marciniak’s channeling sessions of the Pleiadeans, a collective of energy from the Pleiades, were published in the book, “Bringers of the Dawn, Teachings from the Pleiadeans. They encouraged us to go beyond fear to “Step forward as a member of the Family of Light; have the courage in all the days you walk this planet to live that light and to share that light with all you encounter.”

“Bringers of the Dawn” pointed out a creative and positive way to turn on our inner light and commitment to spiritual growth, which would lead to the reclaiming of our natural power in any situation. The need is for each individual to become sovereign and for the planet to unite. They taught that love is the basic building block, so when one has love, all possibilities exist. Bring back the concepts of light, which are information and love – which is creativity – is the plan. They suggested that it will take renegades as a Family of Light to unite the planet.

This Season of Light might be a good time to be the love you are and let your Light shine.


We suggest saying this World Healing Prayer from John Randolph Price at the beginning of your meditation time.

World Healing Prayer

I am one with the Light.

I am filled with the Light.

I am illumined by the Light.

I am the Light of the world.

With purpose of mind, I send forth the Light.

I let the radiance go before me to join the other Lights.

I know this is happening all over the world at this moment.

I see the merging Lights.

There is now one light. We are the Light of the world.

The one Light of Love, Peace and Understanding is moving.

It flows across the face of the Earth,

touching and illuminating every soul in the shadow of the illusion.

And where there was darkness there is now the Light of Reality.

And the Radiance grows, permeating, saturating every form of life.

There is only the vibration of one Perfect Life now.

All the kingdoms of the Earth respond,

and the Planet is alive with Light and Love.