21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 10

Awareness.Day10Awareness Challenge Day 10

Week Two – Awareness of our Seat of the Soul/Self and the voice in our head

Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts. ~ Louise L Hay

•    Meditate: fifteen minutes a day.  Sometimes changing the cadence of your breathing gives you a focus that keeps your attention.  Try inhaling to the count of three and exhaling to the count of five.

•    Directing the Voice: Thought Shifting and Lean Back

Awareness does not fight; Awareness releases.  Awareness is simply aware while everything in the universe parades before it (including your thoughts). ~  Michael Singer

•    Journal: about what you have been aware of in meditation and during the day.  Where in your body do you experience the sense of calm, your Soul/Self? What has the voice been saying? Do you see patterns?  Were you able to Thought Shift?  Did leaning back work for you?

Additional Question: Is the voice inside your head constantly criticizing you?


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