21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 20

Awareness.Day20Awareness Challenge Day 20

Week Three – Awareness of our creative ability.

Centering Thought for the day:

My Creative Power Lies in This Moment

Whether you are thinking about something happening now, or something that happened in your past, or something you would like to have happen in your future – you are doing the thinking now, and it is this present-thought vibration that the Law of Attraction is responding to.  Therefore – your power to create is now.

 When you finally get it that the Universe is only answering your vibration, then you understand that if you are victim to anything, it’s only your haphazard offering of vibration.          ~ Abraham

Through your ability to think and feel, you have dominion over all creation.  ~ Neville Goddard


  • Meditate to clearly align your two perspectives.
  • Thinking/Manifesting Correlation: Give a subject some attention and see what occurs during the week in relationship to that particular subject.
  • Journal: Record your experiences with your “subject”. Did it show up during the week?  How?
    • Also write to times you experience a direct correlation between what you were thinking and what happened next.  Did you think of a friend you had not seen in a while and then they called? Any instances this week of something manifesting after you had thoughts or conversation about it?

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