September Daily Vibes | Power of Influence Day 15

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Your Power of Influence Day 15


You Too Can Learn to Be an Optimist

In his book, Learned Optimism, Martin Seligman writes that you can learn to be an optimist.  He has helped turn people who have 30 years of practice thinking pessimistically into optimists.  His lesson plan is a combination of creative brainstorming techniques and exercises in assertiveness, relaxation and decision-making – all in the context of “learning to cope with life.”   The program has been used for years with freshmen at the University of Pennsylvania, where Seligman teaches psychology, and the results are clear:  better health, fewer visits to the doctor, better grades, fewer suicides, better eating habits, more exercise, better self-care and so on.

Law of Attraction Daily Vibe – The Power of Laughter

Optimists naturally embrace two elements more readily than pessimists.  Optimists are appreciative, and they have a sense of humor.  They take themselves less seriously.  Norman Cousins overcame a painful disease by watching Marx Brothers films.  “Laughter interrupts the panic cycle of an illness,” Seligman wrote. There is a correlation between laughter and the levels of certain hormones in the body that regulate our perception of pain.  It is as if the painful reality fades for a time, and space opens up for a new and broader perspective.  More of what brings laughter is attracted.

A Way

The Brazilians have a saying that might explain why they always place near the top in the list of most optimistic countries.  Da um jeitinho:  There’s always a way.  Dark skies are always clearing up.  That is why optimism offers us the best way to live.

More Powerful than a . . .

In the Boston 2014 workshop, Abraham tells the story of Esther and her daughter at the first game of the NBA championships between the Spurs and Heat.   Their favorite team the Spurs where losing.  Daughter Tracy suggested doing Positive Aspects and started to list some of their team’s former achievements.  Esther thought there was a feeling of effort in that, a sign that clear alignment was not achieved.  Esther thought of a film they had seen about the working relationships on the team, how they worked together for the good of the whole, not worrying who actually made the basket.  The two of them recalled how they felt so touched and delighted by that look into the inner workings of these men as a team.  Seconds later the Spurs began a scoring streak and went on to win the game.  Tracy wondered at their power of influence.  Esther was certain of it.  David Hawkins proved, that one person in optimism is 90,00 times more powerful than one in pessimism.  The two women in clear alignment did have the power to shift the energy of the game.   Beyond the benefits to your personal life, your clear alignment is a powerful force for good in the world.


Choose a local circumstance you would like to see change to something more pleasing.  By acknowledging the desire for a change you introduce a disturbance into your clear alignment.  Which is fine, the “contrast” clarifies what is wanted.  You have asked.  The frequency of a solution is out there vibrationally in your morphic field.  To realize it in physical form clear alignment is needed.  In the desire for an outcome, most often the dominate vibration emanated is the lack of it.  Returning to clear alignment might require distracting thoughts, meditation or a nap.  Try doing an Expansion Spiral on the topic.  (Chapter #7 in the Attraction Based Consciousness book).  But key is clear alignment.  You have put it out there, so do what it takes to feel good.

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Laughter is the currency of hope.   ~ Victor Frankl


Where’d You Get Your Bag?

Garment workers are often underpaid and explored, but HAENOW’s mill in Kolkata, India, gives 700 workers high premiums, insurance,  education reimbursements and hope.  Pesticides cause health problems and debt, but HAENOW’s 10 percent organic, fair-trade products prevent this.  They encourage a system where all workers and the environment are respected.  Made with high-quality cotton and stitching, their Deil Organic Tote (cost $7.95) works well for holding just about anything.  Personalize it and keep it with you to help reduce the use of plastic bags. Find out more:  ~  Tatiana Goncalves