How wonderful I am!
We are wanting to awaken, within you, your memory of how wonderful you are! How good you are, and how worthy of whatever you are wanting you are. ~ Abraham
Often when I step away from otherness into myself, I behold a most wondrous beauty. It is then that I believe most strongly in my belonging to a higher destiny. ~ Plotinus, philosopher in the Platonic tradition
The Choice Is Always Ours
How do you view yourself? Do you feel worthy as a being? How worthy?
Part of me suspects I’m a loser, and part of me thinks I’m God Almighty. ~ John Lennon
The key is that it is YOUR CHOICE to identify with either of these extremes and anything in between. Who you tell yourself you are depends on the beliefs you have adopted from your life experiences. Those beliefs are just thoughts you keep thinking, attracting similar thoughts forming neuropathways that keep running. You, the awareness can take control of “the voice” within and know your immense worth.
The intent of this month’s focus is to become aware of your current self-concept and encourage the knowing that . . .
• Meditate for fifteen minutes each day. As always, we suggest this time honored practice to observe what “the voice” has to say and experience the silent witness you are.You might try to:Close your eyes and take three deep, slow breaths. Then place your attention behind your own body, so that you can see your body from every angle – from above, from below, from behind, from in front. Notice the shift in perspective that occurs. See if you can station yourself as that observing witness of your body, seen from all sides. Still holding the perspective, ask yourself, “Who or what is witnessing my body? Who or what is witnessing my thoughts?”
• Throughout the day become aware of your “I am” statements and thoughts. Appreciate that you noticed that you had the thoughts or made the statements whether or not they were supportive or undermining in nature.
Whenever you are experiencing discomfort or sadness, rather than trying to change the thought behind your emotional state, instead just put it back onto the never-ending conveyor belt of thoughts, and then select a different thought. Keep doing this until you’ve selected a thought that allows you to feel good, and you’re no longer condemning yourself for creating unhappy thoughts.
• Journal: Did you notice that you repeated the same statement or thought? Was there a pattern? What was the feeling tone initiated by the statement or thought? Where you able to put the thought on the never-ending conveyor belt?