21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 8


Awareness Challenge Day 8

Seat of the Soul/Self

Gary Zukav writes of the Seat of the Soul. In his book, The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer talks of the Seat of Self.  So we have combined the two into the phrase, Seat of the Soul/Self to mean the place within us that is the observer, the peace and love at our core, our Inner Being.  It is the window or connection point to our Source Energy/Soul/Nonphysical Perspective. When you center or meditate you can feel or be that place of peace within.

 The Voice

Then there is the voice, that constant running commentary of thoughts going on in your head.  Michael Singer talks of recognizing that we are not “the voice” as the most important realization on the spiritual journey.  Really it is the beginning of the journey, the awakening to who we truly are.

Directing the Voice

We would add that the other important realization on the spiritual journey is that you as the Soul/Self, the Awareness or Observer can direct that Voice. In the Attraction Base Consciousness the work is to use that Voice to clearly align our physical and nonphysical perspectives.


In the ABC construct our emotions are initiated by our thoughts. They are an internal guidance system.  Pleasant feelings indicate clear alignment between our physical and nonphysical perspectives. Unpleasant feelings indicate a clouded or resisted connection.

Week Two Processes:

A reminder: As always, feeling good is the goal.  The key is to set up what works best for you.

Meditate for fifteen minutes each day.  Be aware of your Soul/Self and the voice. Breath into the place of calm within you. Be the observer of the voice.

Directing the Voice: Try one or both of these tools.

  1. Thought Shift:  If you become aware that you are experiencing an unpleasant feeling, shift the voice to another thought. Think about another topic or go more general about that topic. The “bigger” the topic, the more times it will take to be able to shift.
  2. Lean Back:  From Michael Singer – When you become aware that you are experiencing an unpleasant feeling, physically lean back into your Soul/Self rather than leaning into the thought or conversation. Breath and let the thought dissipate.

Journal: about what you have been aware of in meditation and during the day.  Where in your body do you experience the sense of calm, your Soul/Self? What has the voice been saying? Do you see patterns?  Were you able to Thought Shift?  Did leaning back work for you?

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