September Daily Vibes | Inspired Living Day 8

Day 8 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I reveal the nature of my being in all of my thoughts in every word I speak and, in every action, and interaction on this day.

You are creators, and you are vibrational beings. You are more about electronics; you are more about electricity; you are more about vibration than you are about the physical stuff that you think you are about. This physical stuff that you think you are about is all vibrational.  ~  Abraham

A sense of separation from God is the only lack you really need correct.  ~  A Course in Miracles

Today’s tip: Seek Alone Time     

As you expand your ability to live inspired by Source Energy, lots is happening with your nervous system to accommodate the increase in energy. You are building up your psychic perception to adjust to a higher level of awareness.  You are consciously taking in and processing a lot more energy and information than you are use to.  It is no surprise that you may need more time to rejuvenate.  If you feel overwhelmed, irritable, restless, moody, super tired, or any not so pleasant- feelings, that is your Emotional Guidance System telling you that you are out of clear alignment.  A shift is in order to bring your VIBES (your Voice, Inner Being, Emotions, and Source) back into clear alignment.

Slowing down the energy input with regular and frequent periods of alone time is needed as you grow and expand. Inspired people regenerate best when alone, with no one else to command their attention.

Your most important relationship is the one between you and YOU – your physical perspective with your nonphysical perspective. For that relationship to flourish it must be nurtured. Those on a spiritual path use to hang out in caves.  As a contemporary mystic, a spiritual being involved in everyday life, it is up to you to create the time and space to clearly align.

Spending an hour here and there all by yourself uninterrupted, doing something you enjoy or doing nothing, is one of the most important ways to keep your VIBES clearly aligned.  Unplug your devices.  Make an appointment with yourself and relax in the healing energy of solitude. If guilt comes up about taking alone time, remind yourself that this is vital time as a spiritual being having this human experience.

Now, after a week of tuning into your intuition and being inspired, we suggest doing the Six-Sense questionnaire.  You might be surprised to find that you are more of an intuitive, inspired person than you thought.

For each question, give yourself a one if it rarely applies, a two for sometimes and a three for often.

1. When I am with someone, I easily understand how they feel.

2. I love to physically move and exercise.

3. I listen to my gut feelings, even if they don’t make sense.

4.  I am aware of when someone is lying to me.

5.  I can tell if I am on the wrong track, and I change it.

6.  I know when someone is misleading me.

7.  I tend to get overly involved with other people’s problems.

8.  I get immediate answers even when I don’t fully understand the problem.

9.  I change my plans easily if I get bad vibes.

10.  I share what I have and don’t worry if I have enough.

11.  I feel protected in some way as though someone is watching me.

12.  I can say no even when it’s difficult.

13.  I express my true feelings even when they’re unpopular.

14.  I trust myself to make the final decision.

15.  I am careful whom I ask for advice.

16.  I like to take risks and try new things.

17.  I take care of my body.

18.  I pay attention to people and listen closely when they speak.

19.  I know things before they happen.

20.  I often think of people, and then they call me the same day.

21.  I sense whether people and situations are good for me.

22.  I am a creative thinker and love to doodle or play when I have a free moment.

23.  I have a great sense of humor.

24.  There are a lot of coincidences in my life.

25.  I believe I have helpers in nonphysical.

Total up your responses to get your score.

  • • If your score was 25-39: You’re not presently in the habit of noticing your sixth sense.  As you follow the six-sensory tips, your intuitive sense and your sense of adventure and vitality will grow.
  • • If your score was 40-59: You’re already quite tuned into your sixth sense, although you may not call it that.  You may just consider yourself “hypersensitive” or “lucky.”  As you work the tips, you may experience an increasing sense of safety, guidance and creativity.
  • • If your score was 60-75: You probably realize that your sixth sense is exceptionally developed, but you may not trust it completely. As you practice the tips you will develop confidence and begin to live the joyful life of a fully awakened six-sensory being.  Ease and grace will be a way of life. Problems will become the first step toward grand solutions. Life will be extraordinary.

This six-sensory questionnaire is adapted from the one in Sonia Choquette’s book, Trust Your Vibes.

Practicing the Awareness of Spirit

To set the tone for each day, we suggest reading these words that Abraham taught us to say.

When you read them or say them you might look upward and outward. It is best if you do it outside or standing at a window. If you prefer, call it the universal forces other than Divine or Source as Abraham does.

* I acknowledge that there are universal forces that are focused right at me.

* I acknowledge I am the receiver of Divine Positive attention.

* I appreciate the continual gaze of Source on behalf of my well-being.

* Today, wherever I am, whatever I am doing, whoever I am doing it with. I will be in conscious awareness that the Divine too is there with me – appreciating me, supporting me, assisting me, acknowledging me, inspiring me, guiding me, having fun with me, aware of me, loving me, showing me, uplifting me.

Get into an endless loop of that acknowledgement and watch what begins to happen in this life as soon as this day.