September Daily Vibes | Inspired Living Day 21

Day 21 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

What someone thinks about me is none of my business.

My happiness and my function are one.  ~  A Course in Miracles

Today’s tip: Don’t Take It Personally

Don’t take it personally is the first agreement Don Miguel Ruiz outlines in his book, The Four Agreements.  Everyone is actually in his or her own universe he writes. We can’t control the other’s perspective or what they do, but we have control over our response.

It may seem that a negative behavior projected toward you is personal, but it isn’t. What other people think and do has nothing to do with you.  As Abraham teaches, everyone comes from his or her own selfish perspective. By realizing that what has occurred is not personal you are more able to stay clearly aligned. You don’t have thoughts of being attacked, so you don’t feel emotions like hurt or anger that indicate misalignment.

By choosing to not take it personally you stay tuned in, turned on and tapped into the love you are.  You are not being unloving or unkind; it actually allows you to be a power of influence, by holding the knowing that all is working out for them. Besides you then are attracting more congenial people into your life and staying open to sixth-sensory guidance.

Practicing the Awareness of Spirit

To set the tone for each day, we suggest reading these words that Abraham taught us to say.

When you read them or say them you might look upward and outward. It is best if you do it outside or standing at a window. If you prefer, call it the universal forces other than Divine or Source as Abraham does.

* I acknowledge that there are universal forces that are focused right at me.

* I acknowledge I am the receiver of Divine Positive attention.

* I appreciate the continual gaze of Source on behalf of my well-being.

* Today, wherever I am, whatever I am doing, whoever I am doing it with. I will be in conscious awareness that the Divine too is there with me – appreciating me, supporting me, assisting me, acknowledging me, inspiring me, guiding me, having fun with me, aware of me, loving me, showing me, uplifting me.

Get into an endless loop of that acknowledgement and watch what begins to happen in this life as soon as this day.