September Daily Vibes | Power of Influence Day 9

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Your Power of Influence Day 9


Since all of life is connected, keeping myself in high spirits has a larger impact, as it is also what I’m putting out to the whole.  ~  Anita Moorjani

A Key To Light
Johan Boswinkel’s instrument designed for use in the home uses biophotons – the light emitted by the body’s cells – for healing.

If it weren’t for the sun – that is, light – we wouldn’t exist.  Light is the essence of life.  We eat it, in converted form; plants absorb light and use it to produce fruit.  Indian Ayurvedic medicine centers on prana – life energy – which, the tradition holds, consists primarily of light.  The Chinese call this energy chi, and it’s fundamental to acupuncture theory.  Modern research has found that acupuncture points near the eyes at as windows, allowing the light into the body.

If light is fundamental to life, then it would seem obvious that a lack or disruption of it could make you sick.  An example is seasonal affective disorder, which is treated with light therapy.  Biophoton medicine is based on this principle.  Making that health-giving light treatment available to anyone is the premise that led to a simple, revolutionary instrument that uses the principles of electro-acupuncture developed for in-home use by Boswinkel, a pioneer in the field for 30 years.

The patient is treated with his or her own light.  Boswinkel claims an 80 percent success rate for a variety of diseases.  Find out more at   ~  Jurriaan Kamp