September Daily Vibes | Power of Influence 1

ABC.SeptemberVibes1.Tallie.jpgSeptember Daily Vibes –  Power of Influence

Empowerment Now Movement Expands
As we grow in our experience of the magnitude of our power – to be empowered to create the life we want,  it seems only natural to broaden our awareness and experience of the scope of our power of influence.  So, this month our focus is on our global influence. For tips on how to participate in the Empowerment Now Click here.  

In her 2000 book, Imagine, Marianne Williamson gathered essays on what America might be like in the 21st century. The chosen contributors, were selected because she considered them to be people who imagined great light-filled possibilities ahead and worked each day to invoke them.  “I believe that by illuminating higher possibilities for the future, the essays here have the power to help us create them,” she wrote.

Our power to create “higher possibilities” depends on each of our states of resonances between our physical and nonphysical perspectives.  The question is, are the vibrations of the Voice in our heads and our Inner Being and Soul in clear alignment?  Abraham speaks of one person in clear alignment as being more powerful than millions.  After calibrating the results of many, many kinesthetic tests, scientist, David Hawkins states that a person in optimism is 90,000 times more powerful that a person in pessimism.

Internal Power
When we imagine the “higher possibility” for ourselves, others in our life, humanity in general or the planet itself from a state of clear alignment, we are a super power of influence. We are in harmony with the creative power of the universe.

If you listen to the news or even just witness a person do a hurtful thing, the “higher possibility” might not be the first thing that comes to mind.  Then you are at choice to either continue to focus on the “problem” or appreciate it for the solution it suggests – the “higher possibility” that comes clear. That is the job of a powerful influencer. With practice it can become a way of life.

Good News
This month we encourage you to imagine “great light-filled possibilities” for us all on this planet.  To help with the imagining of solutions to lots of “troublesome” things around mother earth, each day we’ll write of inspiring stories of good news happenings from the magazine, The Intelligent Optimist.  Check it out at and get your feel good power of influence on.  Be Empowered Now.

Law of Attraction Daily Vibe – Your Power of Influence Day One

Just as we each create our own lives moment by moment with our thoughts and emotions, we’ve also collectively decided what’s humanly possible and what isn’t.  ~  Anita Moorjani

The World’s Biggest Dragonfly
In the world of wind turbines, the bigger the turbine, the more power it generates.  However, colossal windmills are most suitable to remote and open areas.  Italian architect, Renzo Piano mimicked nature to design a better solution, the Libellula (Italian for “dragonfly”), a small, efficient windmill anyone can place in his own backyard.

Before designing the rotor blades, Piano studied the flight technique of the dragonfly, one of the most efficient flying insects.  The blades generate power from the slightest breeze, even air blowing just four miles an hour, making it effective almost all the time.  One Liellula generates enough power to run 15 households.  ~ Willemun