October Daily Vibes | Unconditional Living Day 9

Day 9 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I will visualize Well-Being simply for the joy of visualizing.

When you visualize for the joy of visualizing rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency, your thoughts are more pure and, therefore, more powerful.  ~  Abraham

Whatever is true…honorable…just…pure…lovely…gracious…think about these things.  ~  Philippians 4:8

An unwanted physical condition presents an opportunity for mastering the ability to live in clear alignment – to live unconditionally no matter the condition since you take your body, your physical condition, with you wherever you go. To move from a condition that is unwanted in your body to vitality requires soothing that shifts your feeling to vitality.

Eat Your Vegetables
Talking about eating vegetables comes from the premise that you are not as alive or as healthy as you want to be, so you are going to take this condition or action in order to make that so. There is a little off-ness in this approach. Rather start from the feeling place of what you are going for because the reason anyone wants anything is to feel good whether it is a bodily condition, a state of being, a pile of money or a circumstance. It doesn’t matter what it is, in every case the reason you want it is that you believe you will feel better. The intent of a wanted physical condition is – vitality.

Go General
Rather than starting with an action, go more general and start with a vibration statement. The vibrational reality will translate into physical reality because your Inner Being knows what you want.
Your Source and Inner Being know exactly what you are asking for and what will activate the end of the stick you desire. The power of your Inner Being and Source Energy helps you to get to the emotional place desired. It is the emotion of feeling better. It is the emotion of more vitality. Focus there.

The idea of more vegetables can cause the true desire to be clarified. But the idea of eating vegetables is good for your body is an activity that may have resistance in it. You may say that they are difficult to find where you live, or the preparation for them is difficult.

A Less Unpleasant Feeling
Go for a statement about your body that is general enough that it does not challenge anything, one that feels better. Sometimes in the beginning the only indication that you have chosen a better feeling is that it at least feels less unpleasant. It might not be the best idea in the world, but it is a more allowing path.

Eventually you can get to the place where there is no challenge at all, and you can just romp in the direction of who you really are.

Nutritional Confusion
You can’t always sort out what your body needs nutritionally. You can’t necessarily read enough charts about nutrients to figure it out. When you try you often get your nutrients out of whack. They are not cooperating with each other. No one knows better than your Inner Being what your path of most allowing is. No one knows the path to your vitality better than your Inner Being does. Your work is not to figure out what to eat, it is to figure out how you want to feel and how to feel that way. So, you get off the topic of food altogether and get on the subject of happy. In that happy state you are in a receptive mode and now everything that is important to you will be revealed – impulses, coincidences, the things that are offered to you, the things that light you up.

The Power of Impulses
There are lots of things that you have decided not to ingest that would benefit you in terms of your chemical factory. Sometimes it could be hard to find anything to eat unless you decide how you want to feel and do that consistently. At first following your guidance you may not be on the right track, but it is better to follow your impulses than to second-guess yourself. It is better to follow your impulses than to follow what someone else is telling you to do. Following your impulses is the only way that you are ever going to work out your relationship with who you are following. You have to decide who you are following. Are you following the mainstream, those who are writing articles and showing you pictures that do not have anything to do with you?

The benefit of discovering your own guidance benefits everything.

By being where you are you can get to anyplace you want to be through the path of most allowing.

To tell the difference between your instinct and the research that broccoli is good for you for a while you have to follow the impulse. Follow the impulse to feel good. The best way to discover the path that feels the best with something as specific as food is to allow yourself to focus on other things that are not about that until you have discovered the consistent vibe of clear alignment no matter what. Start with things that are easy to feel good about. That is why meditation is so powerful. Meditation clears your vibration. Having a good night’s sleep clears the Law of Attraction patterns.

To illicit an emotion that feels better, the emotion of more vitality when an unwanted physical condition has manifested you might make some of the following statements.

  • I like feeling good.
  • I know my body knows what to do.
  • I really don’t direct my body that much.
  • My body is really resilient.
  • My body makes fuel of whatever I consume.
  • My body is really efficient at taking what I give it and making the best of it.
  • My body does a good job of making the best of what I give it. I like the idea of the cells of my body letting me know more and more what I want.
  • I think I will follow my cravings a little more for things that come from a place of alignment. (Not my craving that comes from frustration but my craving that comes from a feeling of vitality.)
  • My body knows what to do.
  • My Inner Being knows what my body wants and what my cells are asking for.
  • My Inner Being knows everything about this chemical factory that is my body.