October Daily Vibes | Unconditional Living Day 2

Day 2 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I can focus my thoughts for 17 seconds.

With only a few seconds of focusing your attention on a subject, you activate the vibration of that subject within you, and immediately the Law of Attraction begins to respond to that activation.  ~  Abraham

The only limit is your mind.  ~  Melissa Phillippe

Living in Clear Alignment Regardless of the Condition
This month we look at various aspects that make for unconditional living.

The practice is to not ask the condition to bring you clear alignment (a feel-good thought), but to ask clear alignment to bring the condition.

If you ask your conditions to follow your alignment and you are stable in your ability to accomplish clear alignment, then in time you can get the condition turned around. But as long as the condition is the basis of the way you feel than the momentum is taking you further into distress more and more of the time.

You As A Receiver
When you are in clear alignment – you are receptive to the broadcast of Source, the replenishing mode, and the rejuvenating mode. In this clear alignment you cannot be depleted. Because you have embraced contrast, you are not judging anything against you or any other.

Selected Conditions
Achieve clear alignment before the events of life. Be happy for the sake of being happy when it is easy to be happy. This may sound a bit contradictory, but by looking for things that easily make you happy, you create what you desire.

Maybe at first looking at things that easily make you happy is using a condition to create the feeling, but it gives you a start so that you can relish it. You have to find some way to not have your thoughts based on the condition.

Let it be conditional on clear alignment, on feeling good, on the refreshing, rejuvenating mode not conditional on the condition. Don’t focus on the outcome to produce more energy. Produce more energy to produce the outcomes you desire. Get to the headwaters of the source of the energy.

68 Second Focus
An exciting part of Living Unconditionally is experiencing your power as a creator, because 68 seconds of a clearly aligned focus is a quick and easy way to practice deliberate creating.

When you hold a thought for 17 seconds there is enough attraction power in that constant thought to begin the process of physical manifestation. By holding, we mean holding it without contradicting it, holding the thought purely without introducing resistance. The Law of Attraction will add momentum to that thought. Hold the focus for another 17 seconds and then another until you cross the 68-second mark. Then there is enough momentum to start receiving thoughts and impulses about it.

Surprisingly 68 seconds is a rather long time to focus purely because we are all accustomed to the pros and cons, the pluses and minuses and being very objective about things. Every subject has two subjects, having it and the lack of it. Even when you think you are focused on what you want, you often activate the end of the stick about what you do not want. You think about the one end and the other end is activated. So…17 seconds does take focus and concentration to maintain it without introducing resistance.

Feelings As the Goal
Key is to accept that the whole purpose of paying attention that 17 seconds is to affect the way you feel (and nothing more than that). Then when you stay there for 17 seconds until your enthusiasm for the subject has built up- that is all you have to accomplish. If you can get across that 68 second mark and even beyond, everything else will take care of itself. It really is the most productive process that we could ever offer to any of you.

You Have Asked. It is Done
Key is accepting the fact that you have already created the vibrational reality that you now want to come into physical form that you can see, taste, smell and touch. It already exists. If you play the 17-second game with this knowledge that it does already exist and it is a forgone conclusion that it will manifest, you will not get hung up in misalignment.

The distance between the emotion and the manifestation is where you most resist or clog your clear alignment.

If you are in clear alignment there is no resistance, maintain it until you own it. Then come there again on another subject and another and another and another until you are in that emotional state of positive expectation. Then the inspiration just flows. You find yourself feeling inspiration, your timing becomes really good, the entire universe cooperates with you.

You almost stand in amazement at the universe’s ability to give you right timing. Creation is more about timing than anything else. Unless you are in clear alignment, your timing is off. Your timing is off if you have been trying to deal with the condition rather than the emotion.

Feelings For Feeling Sake
Do the process and never mind about the rest of it. Just feel it and never mind how it plays out. It is not your business. Feeling it, you have already accomplished your manifestation, the manifestation of feeling the energy move. It requires trusting the process. If you get that far, the rest is inevitable.

Once the manifestation is there, go as quickly as you can into an attitude of appreciation about it. That will help you maintain it. It continues the momentum of it.

68 Second Focus
When you feel stable in clear alignment, take the following steps.
Imagine anything in the past, present, or future that feels good to think about.

In your imagination, zoom into specific thoughts about the details of what you want. Feel yourself there. See it. Hear what is going on.

If you start to stray from pleasant feeling thoughts, stop and do what is needed to get back into clear alignment.