October Daily Vibes | Living Comfortably in the Cosmos Day 3

ABC.OctoberVibesDay3Living Comfortably in the Cosmos

Day 3 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

My priority is to have the thoughts of the voice in my head resonate with my Inner Being and Source.

The ultimate blending together of the mind, the heart, the soul and the body will bring you into complete alignment. ~  Emmanuel

You could see peace instead of this. ~  The Course in Miracles

[box]The theme for this month comes from Emmanuel’s Book compiled by Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton. It is a collection of the teachings from the nonphysical -consciousness whose voice Pat could hear. She would relate what Emmanuel had to say. Unlike some channeling Pat was always present. Spiritual teacher, Ram Dass wrote the forward for the book, as he was part of a small group who often gathered to ask questions of Emmanuel.

Since our favorite teacher is Abraham who is nonphysical we thought it is of interest to learn what other nonphysical beings have to say. The quotes this month are from different forms of nonphysical communication.

Besides Emmanuel they include the Course in Miracles, the Pleiadians channeled by Barbara Marciniak in the book, Bringers of the Dawn, the “Christ” transcribed by Virginia Essene in New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity, Raphael transmitted to K.X. Carey in The Starseed Transmissions, an Extraterrestrial Report, and Mark Dooley’s Notes from the Universe. Mike is a physical being, but his words of wisdom do seem to come directly from the universe.

The Benefits of Negativity
Emmanuel points to negativity, “evil” or “sin” as necessary components of the curriculum of incarnation. They are not errors nor do they reflect any lack of compassion of spirit. He encourages us to see life not as a prison but as a schoolroom, not as a battle but rather as a dance.

Nothing To Fear
He reiterates again and again that there is nothing to fear in darkness either in life or in death. Confusion, doubt, chaos and crisis, anger, despair and pain, are all excellent conditions for growth. He encourages us to look at these emotions as reflections of the way our minds distort the light. He asserts that the roots of the universe are love and light and that every experience can serve to renew our appreciation of that fact.

Process: Suggested by Emmanuel
A Mode of Tuning In To Your Inner Text
Take a moment out of each hour during your day and ask yourself, “What do I want now?” “What decisions am I making now?” “Who am I now?”, and “What am I doing now?”

This practice focuses on inner awareness. It is a tuning in to your very essence that will give you the freedom of choice at 360 degrees.
