October Daily Vibes | Agreements Day 14

Day 14 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

My response to what others say and do is the key to maintaining clear alignment with my Source.

Sometimes it seems like others have the power to negatively affect your experience, but that is never true; only your response to them has the power to pinch you off from the naturally good-feeling person you are.     ~  Abraham

Taking things personally makes the assumption that everything is about “you”.  Actually what others say and do is about them.   ~  Don Miguel Ruiz

The Second Agreement – Don’t Take It Personally

Don Miguel writes that we are all living in our own universe. Abraham teaches that what the other is doing is not about you. Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of them. All people live in their own dream, in their own mind, they are in a completely different world from the one you live in. You live in a completely different world from them. When you understand that we are really living in our own creation, not taking whatever “they” are saying or doing personally makes sense.

Our Voice

We all have that voice in our heads giving constant comment on what is happening, what did happen or what is going to happen. We are most often not present in the present moment. We are wound up in our own perceptions of what the other might want.

Being Right

When you take things personally, you feel offended and your reaction is to defend your beliefs and create conflicts. You make something big out of something little because you have the need to be right and make everybody else wrong so that you will feel okay.

You try hard to be right by giving them your own opinions. But what you say, what you do, and the opinions you have are according to the agreements you have made – and these opinions have nothing to do with the people around you. Your point of view is something personal to you. It is no one’s truth but yours.

Opinions Everywhere

In the same way, others are going to have their own opinion according to their belief system. Nothing they think about you is really about you; it is about them. If you understand this, then when if they get mad at you, you know they are dealing with you themselves. You are an excuse for them to get mad.
Knowing this knowledge that we live on the planet together but live in our separate worlds it becomes rather silly to take things personally because nothing the other does is about you.

The practice is to look to the connection of your source for love, validation and know that each interaction is a mirror of the vibration that you are emanating. Any contrast, any behavior you observe clarifies the vibrations you are broadcasting and what you want. You can develop the skill of not taking anything personally by focusing on the bigger picture, what is wanted, the expansion that is occurring.

For this week commit to not taking anything personally.