November Daily Vibes Appreciation Power Day 18

ABC.NovDay18Appreciation Power

Day 18 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I appreciate that each day comes bearing its own gifts.

Stretch out your hand and receive the world wide gifts of joy, appreciation and beauty. ~  C. Roosevelt Robinson

The smell of a bakery. – Awesome. ~ Neil Pasricha

Printing Wisely

Invariably your printer runs out of ink much sooner than you anticipated.  The makers of Eofont have a solution.  The idea is simple: By poking holes in the letters, the designers use less ink than ordinary type.  Because printed letters are relatively small, the eye does not register the little gaps in the text, and you read Ecofont the same as any ordinary font.  There are now two varieties of Ecofont: a specially developed font with holes, and a software program that puts holes in standard fonts such a Times New Roman, Arial and Verdana.  Ecofont is available for Windows and Mac and works with programs such as Word, Outlook, Photoshop and InDesign.  ~

[box]Manifesting Momentum

The Law of Attraction and established neouro-pathways keep our thoughts, words and deeds echoing the same vibration and creating the same life experiences. The momentum or power of attraction increases from a thought to the words we write and speak to our actions.

Of course, catching a thought or word before they are repeated and gain momentum, if they are of something you do not want, is beneficial and easier than after they are a pattern and influence our actions.

Appreciating the Blessing of Choices shifts the momentum of the Voice from movement toward creating what we do not want to what we desire.

Appreciating anything, anytime creates momentum toward what you desire.

Appreciation Pledge:
I intend to:
• Appreciate rather than complain
• Praise rather than criticize
• Talk about the solution rather than restate the problem

• Meditation: Have you ever seen photos of a monk who has meditated for years, with electro sensors attached to his skull recording his brain waves as he meditates? His vibrations shift from the usual conscious beta state to the delta state of a deep trance associated with self-healing. Calming the mind is an affective way to build clear neuro-pathways. Try three counts on the in breath and five on the exhale to give yourself a focus.
• Appreciation in Conversation: Whatever the conversation, speak words of appreciation, praise and solutions. Often it is possible to direct a conversation to appreciation by asking anyone complaining or criticizing, “What do you want? What is a possibility? What did you like or appreciate about that situation or person?”
• Appreciation Stories: We have become used to feeling that it is the right thing to do to tell the stories of our lives with historical accuracy. Tell what rings true, but only tell what you appreciate about an event or a person.
• Appreciation Journal: Take some time each day to write words of appreciation about the day or a particular person, place or event.
_ To help Appreciate the Blessing of Choices, write three things you appreciate about a troublesome event or personal interaction.
– To reinforce new pathways, write a stream of consciousness of appreciations.