November Daily Vibes Appreciation Power Day 14

ABC.NovDay14Appreciation Power

Day 14 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I appreciate that wonders shall never, ever cease.

Are we really grateful for the good already received?  Then we shall avail ourselves of the blessings we have, and thus be fitted to receive more.  ~ Mary Baker Eddy

Eating cookies way past your bedtime. – Awesome.  ~ Neil Pasricha

[box]Clear alignment or misalignment

Since as humans we are a projection of our Source Energy, we are always connected or in alignment. But, depending on the focus of our Inner Voice, we sure can resist or clog up the connection to misalign. The ideal is for your Voice to observe and articulate the experiences of life in order to decipher and discern from the contrasting diversity of choices what is wanted and then focus on the clarity gained. Then our Voice, Inner Being, Emotions, and Soul would be in clear alignment allowing us to attract what we desire.

However. . . because the Law of Attraction keeps bringing similar thoughts and we develop neuro-pathway – super highways, we keep thinking about the problem, clogging the connection and attracting what we do not want.

Appreciation to the rescue
Because to appreciate is to clearly align with your essences, it is a powerful and easy way to bring your Voice, Inner Being, Emotions, and Soul into vibrational sync.

Developing the ability to Appreciate the Blessing of the Choices; of the diversified contrast even when you do not like the choice is a life changer. Appreciating anything and everything that is easy to appreciate creates new neuro-pathways leaving the old static filled, entrenched pathways to wither. Clear pathways on any topic means clear alignment and the allowing of the attraction of all we desire.

When you focus upon what you want – when you tell the story of how you want your life to be – you will come closer and closer to the vicinity of appreciation. ~ Abraham

Appreciation Pledge:
I intend to:
• Appreciate rather than complain
• Praise rather than criticize
• Talk about the solution rather than restate the problem

• Meditation: a suggestion for this week’s fifteen minutes of meditation is to use the mantra, I am love, since appreciation and love are similar vibrations.
• The Voice: To help keep the attention of your inner Voice on appreciating do the A to Z Appreciation Process.
• On a walk, standing in line, driving the car, in a quiet moment or before falling asleep, go through the alphabet and think of words from A to Z about things that you appreciate.
• Appreciate the Blessing of Choices: If the thoughts of your Voice are about a problem, appreciate the problem for the clarity it brought about what you do want. If confused, you want clarity; in conflict, you want resolution; in dis-empowerment, you want empowerment.
