November Daily Vibes | Abundance Day 3

ABC.NovDailyVibeDay3The Power of Abundance Thinking

Week One: Abundance Is

Day 3 Law of Attraction Centering Thought:

When I look for abundance, it is everywhere.


The quantum field is just another label for the field of pure consciousness or pure potentiality.  And this quantum field is influenced by intention and desire.
~ Deepak Chopra


Week One Processes:

Meditation: Certainly this abundance focus is the time to appreciate the abundance of thoughts of the Voice in your head. If your mind wanders (which it will) from your chosen focus, appreciate the never-ending stream of thoughts you do have and bring your attention back to focus.

Observable Abundance: Look out your window or go outside. Name five things you can see that exist in great abundance right where you are.

Questions to Ponder: How many blades of grass are in your lawn? How many leaves are on a nearby tree? How many cherry blossoms blanket Washington DC every spring? How much sand is on all the beaches of the world? How many cars are on L.A. freeways at rush hour? How many bytes fly around the Internet each day?