May Daily Vibes | Spiritual Living Day 31

Day 31 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I am one with all life.

The forces that unite us are intrinsic and greater than the super-imposed influences that keep us apart.  ~  Kwame Nkrumah

We recognize, then, in man’s self-knowing mind his Unity with the Whole.  For while a drop of water is not the ocean; yet it does contain within itself all the attributes of the limitless deep.  ~  Ernest Holmes.

Daily Guides

Eugene D. Holden, RScP is the manager of the Department of World Ministries for Centers for Spiritual Living, headquartered in Golden, Colorado. His February 2017 Daily Guides for the Guide for Spiritual Living Magazine is the ninth year he has written one of the year’s guides.

The Fantastic You

Holden writes, “You are magnificent! You are spectacular. You are the way God shows off. So why not be the spectacular magnificent being that God has created itself to be as you. You are like no other person on the planet. You have gifts and talents that only you can express. You are fantastic! You are the way Heaven meets Earth. You are the brilliant illumination of pure Spirit. You must know that for yourself.”

Nothing Is Impossible

In the February guide he includes the Nelson Mandela quote above. Holden writes that we may have figured out who we are. We might have grown strong and courageous and even affirmed that we would offer our gifts and talents. Yet there may still be a whisper that says, “This is impossible.” Not enough is known. Not enough is possessed. Most of us are familiar with that voice. It hinders us from living lives at the highest and best. Habit of thought keeps us from actually believing what we know to be true, that it is done unto us as we believe. We make it a habit of believing that it is impossible to live a life of grace, beauty, and abundance.

Holden encourages us to make today the day to break that habit. Know that there is nothing that is impossible to you. Remember who you are. You are the Spiritual Being having the Spiritual experience of God as you. Nothing is impossible to you. You are the manifestation of God. All that God already has is yours. Your job is to manifest this consciousness.

Much Love

“Love points the way and Law makes it happen,” wrote Ernest Holmes in “The Science of Mind” textbook. Holden suggests giving much love to whatever you choose to do. Love to drive to the office. Love to pay the bills. Love to do whatever it is you are doing and you cannot go wrong. Love is the creative power of the universe. It is an emotion that tells us we are in clear alignment with our Source Energy. Feeling love we will attract what we desire. Love proclaims or announces the Spirit. When you live as love, you proclaim the living Spirit that you are. Love all that comes to your experience. No matter what, love it anyway. Find what you can appreciate.


Appreciation is the vibration of love. Take the appreciation pledge or renew your commitment to it if you have taken it before. Record your experience in your journal.

Appreciation Pledge: Intend to . . .

  • • Appreciate rather than complain
  • • Praise rather than criticize
  • • Speak of the solution rather than restate the problem.