May Vibes | You Magnificent You Day 26

Sunflower 4May Daily Vibes – You Magnificent You


Day 26 Centering Thought


Thanks to my emotions, I always know my alignment status.


I can’t say this strongly enough, but our feelings about ourselves are actually the most important barometer for determining the condition of our lives! ~  Anita Moorjani

There is something beyond our mind, which abides in silence within our mind.  It is the supreme mystery beyond thought.  Let one’s mind and spirit rest upon That, and not anything else.  ~Kena Upandishad, Sage of the ancient Indian teachings


Week Four –Magnificent Living

Thursday Morning . . . at breakfast at a Challenge to Change weeklong seminar given by the Creative Initiative Foundation, I had what is called a transpersonal experience. The days of writing, meditating and sharing at the retreat center in the Los Altos, California hills set the environment for me and the other participants to pop into an altered state. All of a sudden I experienced being the love we are and a knowing that all is perfect. Back home raising our two sons, the state gradually faded over the next two weeks, but the clarity of who I am remained.

How to live that love became my quest. Many seminars, workshops, books and trainings, particularly the teachings on the Law of Attraction by Abraham-Hicks, have given me a construct of how the universe works and the tools to be that love no matter the outer circumstances. I love knowing how to regain and more constantly maintain unconditional love. It makes for a joy-filled life to share the knowledge.

The Thread

From ancient wisdom traditions to contemporary spiritual teachers and now quantum physics, in many different words the knowledge that we are spiritual beings having a human experience emerges. Books on near death experiences certainly concur. The many case studies reported in Dr.Raymond A, Moody’s book, Life after Life, made it clear to me that that there is more after this physical life. In Proof of Heaven neurosurgeon, Dr. Eben Alexander, had his near death experience all hooked up to monitors that documented that he was “dead”. Yet his experience was that he still had consciousness.


In a coma after four years of cancer Anita Moorjani awakens after her near death experience to a new view of who she is and is cancer free in a few days. She not only relates what it was like in nonphysical, but more importantly, how it felt, how she now is in life and how you can be too. Through Wayne Dyer and Hay House Publishing Company’s encouragement she writes the book, Dying To Be Me. In her words, “I share my story here in the hope of touching your heart in some way and reminding you of your own magnificence. Many who have read it gained an inner peace and make the vow to “change their thinking and change their lives.” We certainly suggest you read it.

I believe that the greatest truths of the universe don’t lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind and soul. Until we understand what is within, we can’t understand what is without. ~ Anita Moorjani

Week Four Processes:

* Meditation: Of course there is always getting comfortable and quiet and following your breath to help calm your mind. We do suggest listening to the CD by Anita Moorjani, DEEP Meditation for Healing. It is a powerful guided meditation.
* Journal: Since feeling good, the indication that your physical and nonphysical perspectives are in alignment, you are the fullness of who you are – each day write about what you like to do. What is fun to do? Give lots of details to get into the feeling tone. [/box]