May Daily Daily Vibes | Spiritual Living Day 20

Day 20 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

Today, I remember that all of life is sacred.

I care not for a man’s religion whose dog or cat are not the better for it.  ~  Abraham Lincoln

All things, ourselves included, are some manifestation of It; hence all things have a direct relationship to It. ~  Ernest Holmes

Rev. Katherine Saux

Rev. Saux is the staff minister at the Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living in Corte Madera, California. It meets at the rec-center at the bottom of the hill from the house we lived in. Every Sunday morning they transform the open space into seating for the service. It was a great delight to have such an inspiring gathering each week so close to home. I took all the classes they offered at their office down the street. They were my introduction to the knowledge that changing your thinking changes your life. Rev. Katherine wrote the Daily Guides for the November 2016 Guide for Spiritual Living Magazine.


Rev. Katherine wrote about how being quiet invites her soul to commune with Spirit. She writes that Meister Eckhart said there is nothing so like God as stillness, yet so often we seem to run from stillness and silence in order to read another book or listen to another inspiring talk on TED. She relates her experience of going on a solitary, five-day silent retreat. No radio, television, newspapers, cell phones or books. It was just she, her journal and Source.

“The withdrawal was intense, and to my surprise I missed books the most. But, eventually the peace of stillness overcame the pain of withdrawal and my mind settled. All conflict in my thoughts faded away along with the questions I had brought to lay before the altar. It was the most spiritually nourishing experience I have ever had.”

I Am That

Most of the time when we use the words “I am,” we probably aren’t thinking about how profound they are. We are in the moment; thinking about temporary conditions and identifying ourselves in some way that will shift quickly – “I’m no good at…” or “I’m always broke.” These are potent words, Rev. Katherine writes. Remember as Ernest Holmes says, something happens to thought. Then we speak that thought, and a vibrational resonance sends out pictures into existence. “I am” has incredible power.

Rev. Katherine explains, “The experiences we claim reach back to claim us as their own, and sometimes we feel abducted by aliens. How did I get here? It’s a good thing that which thought has done, thought can un-do. I can I AM all over again.”

I Am That I Am

“No word can express your understanding of God. You are it.” ~ Emma Curtis Hopkins

Emma Curtis Hopkins was Ernest Holmes’s teacher and her writings are used in the teachings at the Centers for Spiritual living. Rev. Katherine’s reaction to this line was, “ I am so busted.” Those words made her wonder if her daily life demonstrated what she truly believed. When people met her and experienced her, what qualities of the divine was she offering? Was meeting her a blessing in a busy person’s day, or did she spend her time on autopilot, not seeing or acknowledging people in her own haste?

The realization that she was God in action on Earth, for real, was a wake-up call that she took seriously. It was import to her to represent her Beloved in a way that she could feel proud of.


Journal to the following questions:

What is the pre-dominant tenor of your thoughts? How often do you think to bless instead of complain? When people meet you, what kind of God do they see?