March Daily Vibes | Now Power Day 13

Day 13 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I can choose, at every moment, a better-feeling story.

Peace Now Mantra – I am right on track. 

Under all conditions, you have the power to find thoughts that feel slightly better or slightly worse – and when you consistently choose slightly better; the Law of Attraction will bring steady improvement to your experience.  ~  Abraham

The moment your attention turns to the Now, you have found the life underneath your life situation.  ~  Eckhart Tolle

NOW POWER . . . Being

In his book, The Power of Now, spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle writes that being free of psychological time, focused in the Now, you are aware of the eternal underneath the forms. You know nothing real can be threatened. In the Attraction Based Consciousness construct we would say that when your attention is fully on the present moment minus the mind’s comments, certainly you are in clear alignment and know all is well. You sense yourself as a being. Focusing on the now moment, like meditation, is a power tool to align clearly.

Eckhart writes that all resistance is experienced as negativity in one form or another. All negativity is resistance. In clear alignment between your physical and nonphysical perspectives, the vibrations of the Voice in your head are quiet or thinking thoughts that feel good (your Emotional signal of clear alignment.) You have vectored your power with your Soul and Source Energy.

In the Zone

Many have experienced now power or “being in the zone” (in sports terms) when involved in a creative or challenging sports endeavor. Playing competitive sports both of our sons popped into the “zone” that they described as having a sense of calm and clarity and the feeling that everything is perfect. The soccer player said the ball appeared to roll in slow motion giving plenty of time to get into position. In these teachings, we encourage a flow in and out of clear alignment, but with stability in clear alignment. Being misaligned is a vital part, though hopefully a quick part, of the clarifying, expanding process.

Choose Now

Besides meditating and focusing in the present moment we suggest engaging the mind in thoughts that feel good to think about – to use the Voice in your head to appreciate what is and imagine possibilities. Of late Abraham has suggested recognizing satisfying now moments. That satisfying feeling can lead to feeling any of our pleasant emotions. It is a comfortable, easy feeling to identify. Whatever your tool of choice, the only time you have to use it, is NOW.


Try a suggestion from Eckhart.

Whether caused by an external factor, a thought, or even nothing in particular that you are aware of, look on it as a voice saying, “Attention, Here and Now. Wake up. Get out of your mind. Be present.”

You may be able to just drop it once you realize that you don’t want to have this energy field inside you and that it serves no purpose. But then make sure that you drop it completely. If you cannot drop it, just accept that it is there and take your attention into the feeling.

As an alternative to dropping a negative reaction, you can make it disappear by imagining yourself becoming transparent to the external cause of the reaction. Feel yourself becoming transparent without the solidity of a material body. Now allow the noise, or whatever causes a negative reaction, to pass right through you. It is no longer hitting a solid “wall” inside you.