March Mindfulness | Day 31


March 22 – 31 – The Mindfulness Path to Peace With What Is

Day 31 Law of Attraction Centering Thought


[highlight]I send out my vibrations on purpose. [/highlight]


The Universe knows all things and is responding to the vibration that you are sending. When you are sending your vibration on purpose, you are orchestrating what the Universe is aligning for you.”   ~  Abraham

“Each situation – nay, each moment – is of infinite worth; for each represents a whole eternity.”  ~  Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Spilt Milk
You go to pick up another dish and knock over a class of milk. Milk is dripping down over the counter, into drawers, and making a puddle on the floor. Now you are at choice. Do you start berating yourself for not being more careful, yell at your partner for distracting you so that you weren’t aware of the glass, and complaining that there is no towel in easy reach or . . . do you just get on with wiping it up and appreciating that you’ve cleaned up a drawer that has needed attention and the glass did not break.
Okay, that’s not an earth shattering event, but it is a clear example of our choice to come to peace or not with what is, no matter what occurred. Yes, the initial reaction may be anger, fear, or disbelief to what you don’t like or approve of, but then what are you going to do. Will you stay out of clear alignment or come to peace and back into resonance with the vibration of your Inner Being and Source?

What Is – Was.
What is – just is. Our reactions and perceptions are always ours to make. Mindful living means being aware of not only what happened, but also your feelings that tell you if you are clearly aligned or not.

Now – what is – is a continual stream of nows. It may help to accept without judgment what is to realize:
• it is constantly changing
• it already happened. You may have a take away from it, but you cannot take it away or undo it. No amount of anger, fear, or disbelief will erase it.
• What it gives you is information about what you are vibrating, your point of attraction. What you manifest is always, no exceptions, a match to what you are vibrating. If it is what you want, keep up the good work. If it isn’t, change the thoughts of the Voice in your head.
• What is – clarifies what you do want. A manifestation of what you do not want makes very clear what you do want.

Simple Mindfulness
The Tea Meditation we suggest this week is an example of an easy mindfulness practice you might alter to fit other activities in your day.

Mindful living is a continuing practice, the benefits amazing. If your goal is boosting concentration, easing stress, building your immune system, and being more joyful, not to mention, living an awakened, spiritually fulfilled life while creating all you desire, then mindfulness is the skill for you.

Tea Meditation (Coffee drinkers can certainly adapt the practice to brewing a cup of coffee) 3 – 5 minutes
• Buy some good tea. Whole leaf tea is generally fresher and better tasting. Look for consistency in size, shape, and color. Unflavored teas usually are better quality.
• When you’re boing the water, just boil the water. Don’t do anything else. If you have a glass kettle, watch the bubbles go from tiny to large to rolling. Notice your breath and allow this experience to set the tone. The earth is mostly water. You are mostly water. Water is a miracle, and so is heat. Enjoy them.
• Add about 1 cup of boiled water to 1 heaping tablespoon of tea. Steep the leaves for only 1 minute. The suggestion is to use a generous amount of tea leaves to maximize their flavor and caffeine and brew it quickly. Notice the stream arising out of your cup. Breathe easy.
• Remove the infusion and just sit with the tea for 2 minutes. Let it cool slightly and notice the color of the brew. Enjoy the aroma in the air. Feel the ceramic in your hand. Appreciate the fact that this infusion was made possible by someone thousands of miles away who picked the leaves.
• Now is the time to drink your tea. Sip slowly. Pay attention to the temperature. Is it hot, warm, or cool? Notice the taste. Is it earthy or grassy or floral? How does the body of the tea feel in your mouth? Creamy and full, dry and thin, heavy or light?
• You might notice that taking this time to enjoy just one activity enriches all the others in your day. That’s not because the activities have changed. But you have.
From Jesse Jacobs, founder of Samovar Tea Lounge in San Francisco. Find out about the modern tea movement at:
