March Daily Vibes | Conscious Creating Day 28

Day 28 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I align with the decisions I make.

Make a decision and then make it right. There just are no wrong decisions. You could go this way, or that way, and either way will eventually get you to where you want to be. But in the moment you start complimenting yourself on the decision you’ve made, in that moment, you come back into vibrational alignment with who-you-really-are.  ~  Abraham

 We must do the drinking.  No one else can do this for us.  ~  Ernest Holmes

Step E – Embracing – Appreciating the Blessing of the Contrast

When you are really good at the process, recognizing the power and value of the variety that surrounds you. You appreciate the value of the contrasting diversity because of its value to you. You no longer treat negative emotion with guilt. Instead, when you observe contrast feel unpleasant emotions you know, as your Inner Being does, that this is not a bad thing. This is a good thing. This contrast is life giving. It is supportive of the eternalness that you are about. You are never again mad at your self for having a Step A – Asking moment. Instead you ask: what is this guidance about? What is this nugget that I just came across? What opportunity is this negative emotion providing for me to help me to bridge a belief that isn’t serving me into one that is.

You say:
• I know I am a deliberate Conscious Creator.
• I feel worthy even when I see something that I do not want.
• Even though a condition isn’t pleasing me, I feel worthy.
• Just as the conditions caused me to put in my Vibrational Reality what I wanted, but I did not yet understand. I have now mastered clear alignment and I am mostly in alignment.
• Now in this receptive mode I am being guided to more and more clarity.

Inspiration in Contrast
Step E is understanding that there is inspiration in contrast. Contrast is what causes the expansion. That is why we all came. The contrast is not a mistake even though you sometimes think that it is. It is not all just the way you would like it to be because it is part of the construct of the universe because it is the key to expansion. But you do not need to experience it for long. You do not have to keep focused on what you do not want. You have the ability to take the clarity that is born out of contrast and run with it. That is what you intended to do. It becomes so delicious to be in Steps, C, D & E because when you are in Step E, Step A, the asking step, is okay too. You never have to worry about Step B. Source has that covered, just believe that.

You are a master of Step A. You have put so much in your Vibrational Reality that it would take you life times to experience all you have desired.

Mastership is that no matter what is happening, you are able to get into the reviving mode of Clear Alignment. You are not there all day, but you are able to choose how you want to feel, knowing that Source exists, that your Inner Being is right there with you, that momentum is strong it will help you make the bridge to your Virtual Reality. You know that you can get there because you have the power of focus.

Allow those desires their natural unfolding while you stand in amazement and appreciation in the way the universe is working on your behalf

How it Works
The way Step E works is to focus and be aware of how you are feeling and a desire to feel good. Humans love to find a problem and solve it because there is nothing that is liked more than expansion. You are wired for eternalness. You are wired for infinity, for forever, never ended-ness. How it will always be for you is that contrast will cause you to ask for something beyond what you are currently experiencing. At once it will be a flitting reception of an idea that is born from the contrast that your Source recognized and you received. At first it is foreign to you, but you care about the way you feel so you think about it and you don’t think of its opposite. Then you close that gap which keeps feeling better and the thought is turned to a thing. Then you stand in a new experience. Now you are experiencing the solution, the invention, the harmony, and a sort of conclusion, the manifestation the physical manifestation. Now at the same time that you get that, you get a whole new set of contrasting experiences. You know what you don’t want and you know what you do want. The process begins again.

The sweetness of life is in the moving toward the satisfaction of something that was at first a problem or contrasting experience. Step E is understanding the eternal inevitability of your ability to see improvement. That is what makes you expanding, evolving, eternal consciousness. It is natural to the human experience.

To give a jump start to living more happily ever after is to make the statement:

I will never again defend where I am as if where I am is wrong

When that defensiveness is gone from you when you stand in that place of knowing the rightness of that Step A moment there will be such a free flowing, such an ease in moving toward your desire. You will be one of such clarity that all who know you will experience that power within you.