Being Love | Day 28

ABC.FebDay28February Focus | Being Love

Unconditional Love

Law of Attraction Centering Thought


[highlight]My clear alignment is the example I have to give.[/highlight]


Your value to those around you hinges upon only one thing: your personal alignment with Source. And the only thing you have to give to another is an example of that alignment—which they may observe, then desire, and then work to achieve—but you cannot give it to them.  Everyone is responsible for the thoughts they think and the things that they choose as their objects of attention.
~  Abraham


You cannot look at that which you do not want and not join and perpetuate that vibration. Take your attention from that which is not in harmony with who you are, and in taking your attention from it, your “now vibration” will adjust to who you really are, and then you can uplift others.
~  Abraham


[box]Easy and Not So Easy To Love
Granted it is easy to be the love we are when our attention is on a person who is easy to love. Being the love we are no matter the circumstances is harnessing the energies of love. This ability Teilhard de Chardin, the priest and scientist, said for humans is equal to the magnitude of the discovery of fire.

Unconditional Love
It has been Barb’s and my experience that being able to love unconditionally is both a developed skill and a continual deepening of the knowing that I am a spiritual being having a human experience. As we live more grounded in the love we are, it becomes more natural to appreciate, to love no matter the circumstances. This does not mean we approve of all that goes on, but we can find reason to appreciate the person or event. Tools, processes, and perspective are vital.

Imagining what a loving relationship could be like when you are not with the person who is harder to love, is one of the best unconditional love training tools.

Another process is to make it your job in any conversation to discern and articulate what is wanted. Finding that something and defining the clarification of what is wanted from the unwanted occurrence puts the focus on possibilities that feel good to think and talk about.

Synchronized Breathing is a process that uses a nonverbal method of promoting unconditional love.

Process – Synchronized Breathing
One of the best ways to open up positive communication and good vibrations with others is to share a breath.
• Observe anothers breathing pattern.
• For four or five breaths (or more) match the pattern.
• Enhance the rapport by breathing deeply in through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth.
This relaxes your muscles, relieves tension, and opens your fifth chakra, or communication center, to a higher vibration. Sharing a breath is particularly effective when you feel anxious, or are having difficulty understanding or agreeing with another. It is a powerful technique in diffusing conflicts because your spirits connect and establish a common vibration, making for harmony in thought and emotion.

A shared breath is a shared spirit and invites solution, creativity, and cooperation to any situation.[/box]