Law of Attraction Daily Vibe | Tip 24

ABC.AprilVibe.Day24Six-Sensory Living Tips


Law of Attraction Daily Vibe


You are an eternal being.  You never get it done
and you never get it wrong.  ~  Abraham


Six Sensory Living – Tip #24

Slow Down
Granted this particular physical life experience is temporal, but who you truly are, a Spiritual Being, is eternal.  When asked where do you go when you die, Deepak Chopra answered that like the space in this building remains if the building crumbles, your soul is just there without the body.  Abraham’s quotes at the beginning of this monthly focus speak of the magnitude of the presences of spirit with us.  In workshops Abraham teaches that when we are in nonphysical we are still interested in what interests us when we were physical.  So what is the rush, we have eternity to do whatever we wish.

Okay that takes some contemplating to get your mind around.  What is important now about slowing down is that if you are overbooked, juggling too many things at one time, constantly playing catch-up, or racing around like crazy, you can’t be aware of the subtle, intuitive guidance of your soul. Usually, if you are living at that pace, you feel some degree of anxiety indicating you are resisting clear alignment.

When your VIBES are in harmony you can leverage the energy of the universe.  Efficiency takes over, things magically fall into place, and you feel a sense of ease and flow.  Chilling may be the order of the day.




From the East and West
Yogananda, a spiritual teacher who drew his inspiration from both Eastern and Western religious traditions taught: It is very difficult to define intuition, for it is too near to every one of us. . . it is through intuition that humanity reaches Divinity. . . This intuition is what all the great savants and prophets of the world possessed. Thus it is by intuition that God can be realized in all aspects.

Six-Sensory Living Perks
Deepak Chopra refers to this realizing God as God Consciousness. Gary Zukav speaks of multi-sensory living. We’d call it living in awareness of the fullness of who you are with your Voice, Inner Being, Emotions and Soul in resonance. We’d call it six-sensory living.

The benefits of six-sensory living abound:
• You feel good.
• You attract into physical form all you want to be, do, and have.
• You know that you are never alone, that the universe is alive, conscious, intelligent, and compassionate ruled by the Law of Attraction.
• You know you are a co-creator of the expansion of the universe.
• You view the physical world as a reflection of your vibrations.
• You know the intention behind an action determines its effects, which extend far beyond the physical world.

As a reminder, we again suggest repeating Abraham’s words below each day.

  • I acknowledge that there are universal forces that are focused right at me.
  • I acknowledge I am the receiver of Divine positive attention.
  • I appreciate the continual gaze of Source on Behalf of my well-being.
  • Today, wherever I am, whatever I am doing, whoever I am doing it with. I will be in conscious awareness that the Divine too is there with me – appreciating me, supporting me, assisting me, acknowledging me, inspiring me, guiding me, having fun with me, helping me, aware of me, loving me, showing me, uplifting me.
