Law of Attraction Daily Vibe | Tip 20

ABC.AprilVibe.Day20Six-Sensory Living Tips

Law of Attraction Daily Vibe


I am spirit.
~ A Course in Miracles

Six Sensory Living – Tip #20

Name Your Inner Being
The teachings on the Law of Attraction from Abraham actually got started with Esther Hicks wanting to know the name of her spirit guide.  She interpreted the name of the stream of consciousness that flowed through her as Abraham, which represented ancient wisdom to her.

Naming your Inner Being or guide may sound silly, but it can help you tap into your greater knowing making it a more intimate relationship. It clears a path to higher vibrations and perspectives in a fun way. The name you choose isn’t important as long as it appeals to you.  Jane, Tom, Dick or Harry is fine. I call mine Bee, short of for Inner Being.  Napoleon Hill the author of Think and Grow Rich had a whole imaginary counsel that included Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie.

Just like you would ask a trusted friend for advice, ask your guide for guidance in any situation. You can speak to your guide out loud, or through writing.  Once it has a voice, it will freely respond whenever called upon.

Ask it what it feels is best for you right now. Listen for the response.  If it is not immediate, keep an open attitude.  The more specific the questions, the more specific the answers will be. If thoughts of doubt come up, appreciate that you are aware of them and pivot to reassuring thoughts like, “I am just beginning this communication, I’ll give it time to develop.”  Lighten up and enjoy this new perspective.


Six-Sensory Path to Business Success.
Just in case you think it a bit too woo-woo to think of yourself as a six-sensory being, we mention Napoleon Hill, an early nineteen hundreds business advisor. In his book, Think and Grow Rich, which has sold millions of copies and continues to sell, the sixth-sense is his thirteenth step toward riches, “the door to the temple of wisdom”. He calls our sixth-sense the apex of his philosophy where Infinite Intelligence may and will communicate with you. He likens it to creative imagination or the “receiving set” through which ideas, plans, and thoughts flash into the mind as hunches or inspirations notifying you of opportunities in time to embrace them.

First Cause
This passage from his book shows his conviction that spiritual principles are the basis for prospering as an entrepreneur. We would add, it is the basis for an extraordinary life.

There Is a power, or First Cause, or an Intelligence, which permeates every atom of matter, and embraces every unit of energy perceptible to man – that this Infinite Intelligence converts acorns into oak trees, causes water to flow down hill in response to the law of gravity, follows night with day, and winter with summer, each maintaining its proper place and relationship to the other. This Intelligence may be induced to aid in transmuting desires into concrete, or material form.

Just Imagine
He did teach organized planned action, but before that step he taught that thoughts are things, desire is the starting point of all achievements, visualization and belief are necessary for the attainment of desire, and imagination is the workshop of the mind.

Plan of Action
He claimed man could create anything he could imagine. The only limitation is the development and use of imagination. So the need is to master this skill through practice. The transformation of the intangible impulse of desire into the tangible reality, of money, calls for the use of plans. These plans must be formed with the aid of the imagination.
