June Vibes | Empowerment Now Day 20


Day 20 – Empowerment Now


You are all perfect and expanding; you are all adored and worthy; you are all here having your exposure to experiences and doing the best that you can from where you are. ~  Abraham
Every object, every creature, every man, woman and child has a soul and it is the destiny of all, to see as God sees, to know as God knows, to feel as God feels, to Be as God is. ~ Meister Ekhart



Week Three – Awareness of our Inner Being and the Voice in our heads

Gary Zukav writes of the Seat of the Soul. In his book, The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer talks of the Seat of Self. We use the term Inner Being to mean the place within us that is the observer, the silent witness, the consciousness doing the thinking. It is the window or connection point to our Nonphysical Perspective. When you center or meditate you can feel that place of peace within.

The energy modality, Theta Healing suggests that the Inner Being is located at the pineal gland in about the center of your brain. Can you feel a sense of serenity if you place your attention in that region of your brain and breath into it?

The Voice
Then there is the Voice, that constant running commentary going on in your head. Michael Singer talks of the recognition that we are not “the voice” as the most important realization on the spiritual journey. Really it is the beginning of the journey, the awakening to who we truly are.

Voice Control
In his book, The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle writes of the mind as a superb instrument, if used righty. “Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive. To put it more accurately, it is not so much that you use your mind wrongly – you usually don’t use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease. You believe that you are your mind. This is the delusion. The instrument has taken you over.”

Empowerment is knowing and experiencing the control of that Voice. Our job here in physical as humans is to be the leading edge of nonphysical. We are to observe the contrasting diversity of life on this planet, to be in the magnified minutia and discern what is wanted to expand to now.

Even thinking about what you don’t like, approve of, or want, that Voice is expanding all that is since the higher, faster, lighter vibrations of the thought is incorporated by our Source Energy expanding it. Then we are always at choice to keep running the thoughts of what we don’t want – keeping ourselves from clear alignment and attracting what we desire – or thinking of the solution and enjoying the manifestation of it.

Thinking for the Fun of Thinking
It might often feel like the thoughts are thinking themselves, but if you have practiced mindfulness at all, you know you can control them. Mindfulness practices abound. For this week we suggest a “mindful” use of any time you can bring your focus inward – waiting in line or waiting for an appointment, on a plane ride, having a cup of tea etc.


Week Three Suggested Processes:

• Make awareness your intent in this week’s meditation time. Use your preferred method of meditation and appreciate when you are aware of the “voice”. Then gently bring your attention back to your intended focus.

Thought Exercise
• Think about something that you like to do. Imaging doing one of your favorite things. Give it lots of details and just enjoy the thoughts.

Journal: More questions from Abraham to ponder and comment on.
• Does everything have to be bouncing off the wall enthusiasm?
• Is their power in satisfaction?
• Do you like molding the clay of your mind deliberately?
• Do you think you need to think more or rest more?
• Do you think you need to try harder or try less?
• Do you associate trying with action? Or thinking?
• Do you need to try to think better thoughts? Or relax into better thoughts?
• Will the better thought come in the relaxation?
• Is the better thought already there?
• Is the thought a manifestation that will flow into our grid of creation if you will allow it?
• Do you think you get more done with your long list of things to do or do you get more done by allowing yourself more leeway?


Photo Courtesy of Third Eye Photography