July Vibes | Appreciation Day 31

JulyVibes31.LouWeek Four: Appreciation in Deed


Day 31: Appreciation – Your Ultimate Empowerment Tool – Centering Thought

I appreciate knowing that all is well.


When you appreciate you are in absolute alignment with your own Source Energy which means that you know:  You are free, you are powerful, you are good, you are love, you have value, you have purpose, all is well.   ~ Abraham
Finally remembering a word that’s been on the tip of your tongue for so long.  ~ Neil Pasricha


Manifesting Momentum
The Law of Attraction and established neuro-pathways keep our thoughts, words and deeds echoing the same vibration and creating the same life experiences. The momentum or power of attraction increases from a thought to the words we write and speak to our actions. Of course, catching a thought or word before they are repeated and gain momentum, if they are of something you do not want, is beneficial and easier than after they are a pattern and influence our actions.

Appreciating the Blessing of Choices maintains momentum toward what is wanted and shifts the momentum of the energy from movement toward creating what you do not want to what you desire. Appreciating anything, anytime creates momentum toward what you desire.

Week Four Processes:

  • Continue with the Appreciation Pledge: Appreciate rather than complain, praise rather than criticize, talk about the solution rather than restate the problem.
  • Mediation: Obviously meditation is a momentum stopping tool. Use your fifteen minutes of meditation to bask in appreciation of the awareness of your silent witness, your Inner Being. So if your mind wanders, which it will, appreciating your awareness of your wandering keeps the momentum going toward clear alignment.
  • Appreciating the NOW: Even if you got stuck doing the dishes, appreciate the task at hand. For example: It was a wonderful meal. I love that we had such fresh vegetables. I am glad we got to eat together as a family. I have the water at just the right temperature, hot enough to get the dishes clean, but comfortable for me. I love this new serving tray I got on sale. It’s helpful that it is so dry here, there is no need to dry with a towel because everything will be dry by the time I am done washing.
  • Appreciation Activity by Activity: We shift activities many times a day. As you are about to move into another phase of your day, take a moment to set forth what you would like to appreciate in the next activity.
