July Vibe | Intentional Living Day 4

Day 4 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

Today is a brand new day.

Today and tomorrow can be very different from yesterday if I can let yesterday go and focus on today.  Today and tomorrow are about my NOW vibration, and I have complete control over that. I look for things to feel good about, and watch how everything in my life unfolds to reflect that good-feeling vibration.  ~  Abraham 

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.  ~  Dr. Wayne Dyer

Daily Intention Invitation

Every morning for the rest of this month,

begin your day by saying:

I intend to see,

I expect to see,

Wherever I am, whatever I am doing,

Who ever I am doing it with,

I intend to see that which I want to see.

Intention Circle

In her book “The Power of Eight – Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal others, Your Life, and the World,” Lynn McTaggart shares about the successes of doing intention experiences around the world for ten years. After reading “The Power of Eight” the idea came up to create an intention Circle of us who follow the teachings of Abraham teachings. We certainly have experienced our power to create our own reality on our own. So why not focus our power?

We suggest you create a circle of your own. It doesn’t have to be eight people. A group of three to twelve people can work. Following the Process section of this post are suggestions from Lynn McTaggart’s book for setting up an Intention Circle.

What Is Wanted

Many times Abraham has suggested doing this intention invitation for thirty days. Of course, through out your day you may see and experience what you do not want. That is part of having a human perspective. The practice is to witness the condition and glean the clarity of what is wanted from it – to see what you want to see – which feels good to see, to think about – so that you are in clear alignment.

The dance of life is to use experiences to ask for what is wanted. This happens with each thought. Even if your attention is on what is not wanted, the vibration you are emanating has both the wanted and unwanted frequency. Your Inner Being incorporates the wanted vibration. You have asked and it is given vibrationaly. The Law of Attraction begins to attract more of the same. To be the fullness of who you are your job is to then sync with the vibrations of what you want.

In Sync

The invitation to see what you want means to develop the skill to resonate with the vibrations of who you are and what is wanted. It is developing mastery in the five steps of the creative life process – AB -CDE . . . Ask, Believe, – Cooperate, Define, Embrace.

  1. Ask – You do this with every thought. Each is a vibrational request.
  2. Believe – Source incorporates the vibration of what you want and attracts more of the same vibrations to form a Virtual Reality full of your desires. Your job is just to believe this has occurred.
  3. Cooperate – After asking, coordinate your vibrations – get in sync with the vibration of what you have clarified you want. The vibrations of the Voice in your head, your Inner Being, your Emotions and your Source should resonate.
  4. Define – Now you move into mastery of the process of asking and then cooperating, getting back into clear alignment with the fullness of who you have become after observing the contrast.
  5. Embrace – You embrace and appreciate the blessing of the contrast – for the clarity and expansion it has brought. You do not get mad at yourself for being in step 1, asking.


This invitation to live with intention, to intent to see what you want to see no matter the condition, is doing the fifth step, Embracing, a way of life. You are able to stay in clear alignment with your fullness. Unwanted conditions are viewed as just information. Seeing them does not take you out of sync with the love you are. You appreciate your awareness of the new clarity. You automatically begin to focus on the new possibility – you see what you want to see.


Each morning say the Intention Invitation. The first question you might ask is it that is that you want to see? What do you want to put your attention on seeing? We suggest this as a topic for a journal entry. Perhaps begin a list and then choose one as the focus for a day.

Gathering the Power Circle

Adapted from:

“The Power of Eight” – Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal others, Your Life, and the World

By Lynn McTaggart

It is not necessary to be physically present with the members of the group. A virtual connection, has worked in the experience of McTaggart’s intention experiments. It’s also not strictly necessary to have exactly eight people, but eight is the optimum number. The suggestion is that a group be no fewer than six and no more than twelve so that you have enough of a critical mass to feel like a group, but not so many that you get lost in it.

For a virtual group, which we will be for our Power of Eight group, Lynn McTaggart suggests a first meeting to get connected. Since we have been meeting for years, we will just get started with the process.

  1. Ask if any of the members of the group with a healing challenge of some sort (emotional or physical) would like to be the target of the healing intention. Allow the person nominated as the recipient to describe their problem in detail so that a clear intention may be developed.
  • • Enter your intention space.
  • • Power up through meditation.
  • • Move into peak focus through mindful awareness of the present.
  • • Get onto the same wavelength by focusing on compassion and making a meaningful connection.
  • • State your intention and make it specific as possible.
  • • Mentally rehearse every moment of it with all your senses.
  • • Visualize, in vivid detail, your intention as established fact.
  • • Time it right – intend when you are in clear alignment, when you feel good.
  • • Move aside – Surrender to the power of the universe and let go of the outcome.

Choose Your Intention Space

A number of scientific studies suggest that your intention works faster and better if you use the same intention space each time.

Power Up

Powering up involves developing the ability to attend with peak intensity, moment by moment. One of the surest ways to develop this is to cultivate a meditation practice. Abraham always recommends fifteen minutes a day. Also practice mindfulness – maintaining your concentration in the present and focusing on your five senses while involved in everyday activities.

Peak Focus

For an intention session, sit in a comfortable position in a chair. Breath slowly and rhythmically in through the nose and out through the mouth (slowly blow all the air out), so that your in-breathe is slightly shorter than the out-breathe. Breathe through your diaphragm.

Repeat this every fifteen seconds, but ensure that you are not overexerting or straining. Carry on for three minutes and then keep observing it. Work up to five or ten minutes. Begin to focus your attention just on the breath, and then slowly take an inventory of your five senses. What does the present moment look like? Sound like? Taste like? Feel like? Practice this repeatedly.

Make a Connection

Touch, or focus, on your heart and/or compassionate feelings for the other. This is a powerful means of causing “hyperbrain” between two people.

Be Compassionate

Use the following methods to encourage a sense of universal compassion.

  • • Focus your attention to your heart as though you are sending light to it. Observe the light spreading from your heart to the rest of your body. Send a loving thought to yourself, such as “May I be well and free from suffering.”
  • • On the out-breathe, imagine a white light radiating outward from your heart. As you do, think: “ I appreciate the kindness and love of all living creatures. May all others be well.” As Buddhists recommend, first think of all those you love, then your good friends. Move on to acquaintances and finally to those people you actively dislike. For each stage, think: “may they be well and free from suffering.”

State Your Intention

The rule of thumb is to be as specific as you can and stay in clear alignment. If it is an intention for you, it is possible that you will need to make more general statements in order to stay in clear alignment. Usually it will be easier to be more specific when it is an intention for another since you are not as connected to the desire. State your entire intention, and include the desired change, to whom, when, and where.

  • • If you are trying to heal the fourth finger of your left hand, specify that finger.
  • • If you need more people to sign up for a program, specify how many.
  • • If something isn’t working for you in your work life, work out what it is. The people? The marketing of something? Your role?
  • • If you want a particular job, write down a full and detailed job spec.
  • • If your income isn’t steady, ask for a very specific job or situation that is likely to offer you a steady flow of money.
  • • If you want to meet a special other, describe him or her in detail. Draw a mental and physical picture.

Mentally Rehearse – Visualize, in vivid detail, your intention as established fact.

The best way to send an intention is to visualize the outcome you desire for yourself or others with all your five senses. You can create mental pictures for anything: a new house, a new job, a new relationship, a healthier body, or a healthier mind. Imagine yourself the target of your intention, engaging in whatever new aspect of life you wish to create.

Visualizations don’t have to be strictly visual. Some of us are kinesthetic, and have an acute sense of feel; others are auditory, and think in sounds. Your mental rehearsal will depend on which senses are most developed in your brain.

Time It Right

Studies at the University of Arizona showed that healing did not take place if the practitioner sending the intention was out of sorts – experiencing unpleasant emotions. That we know indicated that the thoughts of the Voice in the person’s head were not in sync with Source Energy. Being in clear alignment is key.

Move aside – Surrender to the power of the universe and let go of the outcome.

After framing the intention, state it clearly and then let it go. In the Centers for Spiritual Living the affirmative prayer process ends with the statement, “And so it is.” You state what is wanted and the Law of Attraction orchestrates bringing it into physical reality.