Daily Vibes | Awakening Day 23

ABC.FebDay23Day 23 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I know there is enough room for all ideas and experiences.

From your Non-Physical perspective, you understood that there is room enough in this expansive universe for all manner of thought and experience.  You had every intention of being deliberate about your own life experience and your own creations, but you had no intentions of trying to control the creations of others.  ~  Abraham

And I strive to discover how to signal my companions . . . to say in time a simple word, a password, like conspirators; let us unite, let us hold each other tightly, let us merge our hearts, let us create for Earth a brain and a heart, let us give a human meaning to the superhuman struggle.  ~  Nikos Kazantzakis


Age of Aquarius
Jesus Christ Super Star and the heralded Age of Aquarius might have just seemed like a wild musical, but it did sing of this as a time of awakening.

In The Aquarian Conspiracy, Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980’s author Marilyn Ferguson writes of a great shuddering, an irrevocable shift overtaking humanity. Not a new political, religious, or economic system, but a new mind – a turnabout in consciousness in critical numbers of individuals. In The Turning Point, Science, Society, and the Rising Culture, scientist Fritjof Cappra wrote, “We have reached a time of dramatic change – turning point for the planet as a whole. We need a new vision of reality, one that allows the forces transforming our world to flow together as a positive movement for social change.”

Awakening Foretold
Also around the time of those two books, I happened upon a number of “channeled” books. Someone in an altered state whose talks were then recorded wrote them. Perhaps the most known of these is The Course in Miracles. It explains how to live from our spiritual core. It has been widely read and studied. Many of the other channeled books foretold of this time of awakening. Books like New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity, The Starseed Transmissions, An Extraterrestrial Report, The Crystalline Transmission, A Synthesis of Light, and Bringers of the Dawn, Teachings from the Pleiadians. These books proclaimed that we are living in a time when opportunities for self-empowerment, expanded awareness, and spiritual growth are unlimited. They offered creative solutions for changing beliefs, reclaiming your power, and creating a world of unlimited possibilities.

Awakening Now
In 2001 at a Creating A Wisdom Culture conference the authors of the book, The Cultural Creatives, Paul H. Ray, Ph.D. and Sherry Ruth Anderson, Ph.D. spoke about an emerging culture that care deeply about the environment, relationship, peace, social justice, self development and spirituality. Both inner-directed and socially concerned, they are activists and contribute to good causes more often than other Americans. They’ve been invisible but are beginning to discover each other and the vastness of their numbers. Back then there were 45 million “cultural creatives”. Certainly we see evidence of increasing numbers. They are the ones taking yoga and Pilates classes, reading lots of books on empowerment and spirituality, exercising, eating healthy, and creating socially responsible businesses like John Mackey of Whole Foods. Awakening is happening.

To heighten your awareness of guidance, we again suggest a practice From Penny Peirce’s Guide to Living From Inner Wisdom, The Intuitive Way.

  • Be Intuitive Today
  • Tune into people at a distance.
  • Think of three friends you haven’t talked to in long time.
    • Sit quietly, close your eyes, and picture each person in front of you, one at a time. Receive impressions about their facial expression and body language.
    • What sort of mood are they in? In your imagination, ask them what they’re concerned about.
    • Ask what they need help with. Let them show you a symbol that represents an issue they’re dealing with.
    • Write down your impressions in your journal.

Now call each one and casually bring up the information you received intuitively, working it into the conversation: “I’m doing this experiment with my intuition and I got these impressions when I tuned into you. Does any of it mean anything to you? Make a note of any “hits” you had.
