Daily Vibes | Awakening Day 21

ABC.FebDay21Day 21 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

Life is always in motion, so I cannot be stuck.

It is not possible to stand still or be stuck, because Energy, and therefore life, is always in motion.  Things are always changing . . . The reason it may feel to you as if you are stuck is because while you are continuing to think the same thoughts, things are changing – but they are changing to the same thing over and over.  ~  Abraham

The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe.~  Hazrat Inayat Khan


Awakening Through a Near Death Experience
In his first book, Proof of Heaven, Eben Alexander M.D. recalls his experience of being in a deep coma caused by a rare form of spinal meningitis and medically dying. Though dead according to the machines, Dr. Alexander was conscious for a spiritual journey that he remembers clearly. Proof for him that we are spiritual beings having this human experience. The charts prove that he was “dead” but his consciousness continued. It changed his core belief that all was of the physical. Having written two books, he speaks extensively of our dual nature physical and non-physical.

In Map of Heaven he adds quantum physics findings and wisdom teachings that support the existences of a causative unseen world. As a bestselling author and authority figure, Doc Eben speaks extensively on our spiritual nature.

The Map
In his second book, Map of Heaven Dr. Alexander sites near death experiences as one of the proofs of our spiritual nature. He adds scientific findings and wisdom teachings to support our ability to awaken to who we really are. Included in the book are excerpts from some of the many letters he has received from people who have had similar kinds of experiences.

Eternal Life
When I read account after account of people’s near death experience in Life After Life by Moody, I too was more convinced that we are spiritual beings. I have had a transpersonal experience when at a carefully orchestrated spiritual conference my consciousness popped into knowing I was love. Being love. Love was all there was, all was perfect. The state dissipated in a week, but the being love, knowing it is within me, as me sent me on a quest to find out how to live from that love, as that love. The Attraction Based Consciousness construct has given me a structure that makes sense and tools to use again and again to realize the fullness of who I am. We are Eternal Beings.

Map of Heaven includes excerpts from some of the many letters he receives from people who have had similar experiences. Here is one.

Dear Dr. Alexander,
In 1952 at the age of 8, I was diagnosed with a brain abscess. Surgery was performed and afterward I was in a coma for two weeks. During that time I believe I had a near death experience.

When I awoke my mother was at my side and I asked why she looked worried. She explained how ill I had been and I told her she didn’t need to worry. I was with Aunt Julie. This great-aunt had recently passed. I vividly remember sitting in her lap and being comforted by her. Yes, it might have been a dream, but I don’t think so. This many years later it’s still clear in my mind. I made a full recovery and have had a good life. Your book, Proof of Heaven, was so like my story. I had to share. ~ Jane-Ann Rowley

To heighten your awareness of guidance, we suggest this practice From Penny Peirce’s Guide to Living From Inner Wisdom, The Intuitive Way.

Be Intuitive Today
Seek guidance from vision, voice and vibration. Be on the alert each day this week for intuitive information coming to you through your senses of sight, hearing, and touch.

  • Make a decision based on how something looks to you. Does the situation have a lot of light on it? Does it have the right color? Does it have a pleasing design?


  • Make a decision based on the way something “sounds” to you. Does the situation sound screechy, shill, melodious, quiet, hollow, or harmonious?


  • Make a decision based on the way something “feels” to you. Does the situation feel smooth, rough, sharp, soft, old, hot, slipper, or sticky?


  • Journal about your experiences.
