August Vibes | Happiness Day 22

ABC.AugustVibe22.TallieAugust Daily Vibes – The Happiness Path to Empowerment

Week Four: Choosing Unconditional Happiness

Lots of Happiness Advise
Happiness Is an Inside Job by Sylvia Boorstein, Ph.D., The Ultimate Happiness Prescription, 7 Keys to Joy and Enlightenment by Deepak Chopra, Happiness Now! and Be Happy, by Robert Holden, Ph.D., The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama and The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin are a few examples of my favorite books that acknowledge happiness as a path to empowerment and creating a life you love. Deepak likens happiness as the key to healing the entire world. Robert Holden writes of happiness as a spiritual practice. Sylvia Boorstein relates happiness to Buddha’s Eight Fold Path.

Everyday Happiness
In the Happiness Project Gretchen Rubin takes on a year “trying to sing in the morning, clean my closets, fight right, read Aristotle, and generally have more fun.” She didn’t want to reject her life. She wanted to change her life without changing her life, by finding more happiness in her “own kitchen.” She declares herself happy, but not as happy as she should be. She realizes that she is at her best when she is happy, more patient, more forgiving, more energetic, more light hearted, and more generous. Working on her happiness didn’t just make her happier, it boosted the happiness of the people around her. She comes up with resolutions that she calls the Twelve Commandments which included being Gretchen and there is only love. One of her goals for the happiness project was to prepare for adversity – to develop the self-discipline and the mental habits to deal with a “bad thing” when it happened.

Unconditional Happiness
The first weeks of these vibes focused on strengthening awareness of the happiness within by savoring when you are happy and nurturing your happiness by appreciating. This week we do the heavy lifting of finding happiness no matter the outer circumstances as everyday life presents itself.

Week Four Processes


  • Meditation: The mantra, Sat Chit Ananda – existence, consciousness, bliss might be a good choice for this week.
  • Be Aware of Your Feelings: During the day be as conscious as you can of your feelings and note, in writing if possible, any time you felt less than good. Examples: I felt irritated that I hit all red lights. I felt hurt that he said that about me. I felt disappointed that I did not get that opportunity.
  • Expansion Spiral: The Expansion Spiral is a powerful tool to help you move to unconditional happiness from a less than happy perspective. Pick at least one of the experiences you noted from the day and do an Expansion Spiral.
    • Expansion Spiral:
      • Draw a large spiral in your journal
      • In the center write how you are feeling about what is. Examples: I feel irritated that… I feel hurt that … I feel disappointed that …
      • On the outer edge of the spiral write how you do want to feel about the “issue”. Examples: i feel comfortable that it will work out. I feel fine; the person must feel threatened. I feel sure something better will happen.
      • To start, you do not resonate with the other statement. The goal of the process is to write statements around the spiral that do ring true so that you find relief statement by statement and come into harmony with what you wrote at the end of the spiral – even though the outer circumstance remains the same.
      • Hint: Begin with more general statements about the circumstance to help find relief.
      • Shifting the vibration of one subject does raise your point of attraction. However, your vibration on any subject is where you last left it, so it is very helpful to clean up vibrations one subject at a time.


Day 22 Law of Attraction Centering Thought


Happiness is my spiritual practice.


Our Cherokee elders have always taught – Let us be like the water lily floating on the waters of experience, rooted in the mud and yet ever open to the sun and the clear light of reality. It is discipline at first, and then a continuing state of mind, a recognition that it is and that one is simply being. ~ Dhyani Ywahoo

Don’t wait for those feelings of excitement, confidence and expectation that will come when your life suddenly takes off, because your life cannot suddenly take off until you first have those feelings of excitement, confidence and expectation. ~ Mike Dooley