August Daily Vibes | Coherence Day 20

Day 20 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I am a creating machine.

We create the effects of reality all the time.  ~  Dr. Joseph Dispenza

Moving On

One of Dispenza’s greatest contributions is his approach to getting unstuck. He explains this happens because of the way our biochemistry works and shows with overwhelming evidence that we get addicted to the negative, fear-based, survival emotions signaled by hormones and other chemicals in our bodies. Just like any other addiction, when our bodies become dependent on survival chemicals such as adrenaline and cortisol, we crave more of them, and thereby subconsciously attract more events that keep us living in survival mode.

The way to break from this pattern, according to Dispenza, is to become a quantum observer. The observer effect is a well-established quantum principle that says basically that reality happens only when there is a consciousness present to observe it.

It also states that the expectation of that consciousness plays a role in determining the outcome.

The Observer Is Us

The way to become the observer is by meditating, which Dispenza advocates for every type of healing. He helps the followers overcome their addiction to their survival emotions through guided processes and urges readers and participants to use meditation to become the quantum observer of their lives.

By referencing their observer effect, he shows his audiences that they can create whatever they want in the field of all possibility. He says in guided meditations, “If you want to create by thought alone, you must become a thought, alone.” This takes meditators into the quantum field and allows them to, as he says; transcend their environment, their bodies and time. By doing this, his audience members learn how to manifest the future they want – to create the reality that metaphysics (and Abraham) have always promised them.

Dispenza also explains coherence and shows that this is the reason meditation works. In his research, he found that various parts of the brain issue waves in different patterns. Electrical impulses instigated by random thoughts and reactions in different parts of the brain cause cells to send out signals without any order. On a brain scan, these wave patterns are scattered, and their peaks and valleys don’t synchronize.

Physics tells us, however, that waves are most powerful when peaks and valleys line up. This is called “coherence,” and it is the reason that a laser can cut steel, while white light is harmless. When we meditate, our brains and bodies naturally fall into a rhythm of coherence – called entrainment. In this state, our thoughts are far more powerful than when our scattered thinking sends impulses.

Adapted from a review of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book, “Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon” in the March 2018 “Guide for Spiritual Living” magazine.


Tuning Into New Potentials Meditation Part 2. (Part 1 was presented last week) We suggest doing the Tuning Up Exercise and Parts I and 2 at the same time when you are grounded in what to do for each section.

You can purchase the Tuning Into New Potentials CD or MP3 download from and follow along as Dr. Joe guides you, or you can choose to do the meditation on your own.

Think about the potential that already exists in the quantum field that you want to tune into by remembering your letter from week one’s process. Sense the energy of that future potential – within you and all round you – and tune into your future. When you do this, you will be moving into a new state of being, broadcasting a whole new electromagnetic signature into the field. When there’s a vibrational match between your energy and that potential, the new event is going to find you-you don’t have to make anything happen. To be clear – it might take more than a few meditations for your future opportunity to unfold. It could happen in a week, a month, or even longer. The key is keep doing it until it occurs.

Once you are in a new state of being, broadcasting a new electromagnetic signature, now remember your future before it happens and begin to mentally rehearse what that future will be like by living in that future. Make it as real as possible, calling up those elevated emotions you listed in the Tuning Up exercise in week one so that you can teach your body emotionally what that future feels like and attract the manifestation of it.

Surrender you creation to a greater mind, planting a seed in the infinite field of possibilities – and just let it go! Finally, bless your body with a new mind. Bless your life, bless your challenges, bless your soul, and bless your past. And bless your future. Bless the divine in you and open your heart and give thanks for a new life before it’s made manifest.

Slowly bring your awareness back to the room and when you’re ready, open your eyes. Get up from your meditation as though your future has already happened – and let the synchronicities and new possibilities find you.

For more information on Dispenza’s body of research, books and workshops, go to