April Law of Attraction Daily Vibe | Tip 6

ABC.AprilVibe.Day6Six-Sensory Living Tips


Law of Attraction Daily Vibe


My holy vision sees all things as pure.

~ A Course in Miracles

Six Sensory Living – Tip #6

Stand on Your Rock
As a six-sensory person you have the ability to sense others’ vibrations. However, absorbing and internalizing them as your own is not only psychically unhealthy; but it can make you sick physically if you do it often enough.  The key is to mentally sand on your own rock and not soak up the energy around you.

Your job is to be a power of influence as an up-lifter.  The only way to do that is to maintain the high vibration of clear alignment between your physical and nonphysical perspectives – to have your VIBES in harmony.

While you are out and about a way to stand on your rock is to slowly breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth while focusing on your body. The more you are centered within (through conscious breathing), the more you keep to your own spirit and allow others the respect of managing their own affairs.

Another tool to stay centered on your rock is to do a two-minute awareness adjustment. See and name the physical objects around you.  This gives the Voice in your head something to focus on rather than absorbing the vibes of others.



Six Sensory Spiritual Beings
We are spiritual beings having a human experience taught Teilhard de Chardin the priest and scientist. Spiritual teacher and author, Sonia Choquette, writes of us being six-sensory humans since as spiritual beings we can receive guidance beyond our five senses. In his classic book, the Seat of the Soul, Gary Zukav writes of humans as evolving to be multisensory, able to perceive and value the dynamics by which our physical reality is created and sustained. Abraham speaks of us as a nonphysical consciousness that projects a facet of our energy into a physical focus. The larger nonphysical perspective of who we are is ever present as we live life. Plus Abraham teaches that there are universal forces always focused right at us.

This month we shift our format and send a daily tip of how to live more fully as a six sensory spiritual being … how to be aware that you are the receiver of Divine positive attention and clear about what guidance is being communicated. The suggestions are designed to help activate and strengthen your sixth sense. Each is a tool for deepening your awareness of your connection to Source Energy, God, your Inner Being, angels, spirit guides and helpers (whatever you want to call them) from nonphysical.

Since this month’s focus is on guidance from spirit, the quotes will be from Abraham and the Course in Miracles. Both give us messages from nonphysical.

Practicing the Awareness of Spirit
To set the tone for each day’s tip, we suggest reading these words that Abraham taught us to say.

When you read them or say them you might look upward and outward. It is best if you do it outside or standing at a window. If you prefer, call it the universal forces other than Divine or Source as Abraham does.

  • I acknowledge that there are universal forces that are focused right at me.
  • I acknowledge I am the receiver of Divine Positive attention.
  • I appreciate the continual gaze of Source on behalf of my well-being.
  • Today, wherever I am, whatever I am doing, whoever I am doing it with. I will be in conscious awareness that the Divine too is there with me – appreciating me, supporting me, assisting me, acknowledging me, inspiring me, guiding me, having fun with me, aware of me, loving me, showing me, uplifting me.

Get into an endless loop of that acknowledgement and watch what begins to happen in this life as soon as this day.
