30 Day Now Power Challenge | Day 9


Day 9 Law of Attraction Centering Thought


[highlight]I choose happiness.[/highlight]

When you visualize for the joy of visualizing
rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency,
your thoughts are more pure and, therefore, more powerful.
~  Abraham

If you want to be happy, be.
~  Leo Tolstoy

After extensive research and writing on the myths of many cultures, Joseph Campbell has said that the universal theme for how to live a fulfilling live is to  – Follow your bliss. We concur since the Emotion of bliss is the indicator that the vibrations of the thoughts of the Voice in your head and your Inner Being and Soul are in harmony.  Your VIBES are in clear alignment.  You are the fullness of who you are.  You are centered and in your power.

Voice – thoughts in your head
Inner Being – silent witness, observer, the one doing the thinking
Emotions – what you are feeling
Soul – your Source

Perks in the Now
The obvious benefit of having your VIBES in clear alignment is feeling good.  Then there is the spiritual benefit of living an enlightened life.  And, since it is an attraction-based universe, you attract what you want to be, do, and have here in physical.

In the Attraction Based Consciousness construct we outline the ABCs of the manifesting process as:

Ask ~ Believe ~ Cooperate

Ask: You are continually asking with each thought and word you speak
Believe:  Once you ask, a virtual vibrational vortex of your desires is created and attracts similar
Cooperate:  Your job is to clearly align the thoughts of the Voice in your head with the vibrations of your Inner Being and Source.

ABC – D . . . Define
The intention of this and last month’s 30-Day Challenges is to put your attention on your guidance system, your emotions.  This brings your focus on being in clear alignment helping you to become stabilized in maintaining high vibrations – living the fullness of who you are.

With these challenges we are adding a fourth step to the ABC manifesting processes – D – DEFINE.
Once you know you
•    are always asking
•    believe that the vibrations of what you are asking for have been gathered
•    have developed the skill to witness the what you don’t want and move back into clear alignment

the next step is to maintain high vibes, to Define yourself as the spiritual being you are.

•    To be unconditionally loving
•    To know all is well, always working out
•    To see the best in others
•    To be clear and confident
•    To be following your bliss

An effective tool is to write in a stream of consciousness about your intentions. The following is a sample taken from the Abraham workshop in Philadelphia on October 28, 2013. It defines you as the powerful spiritual being you are. Read it over often or, better yet, write your own.

Here I am a focusing being.  This focusing mechanism serves me in so many ways.  My physical apparatus is accomplishing so many things, I can’t even begin to define it. It is that magnificent.  It is a product of evolution and inspiration.  It has been divinely inspired.  I stand at this place of culmination that is truly a wonderful thing.  I am here focusing in this physical body.

The reason that I stand as a deliberate creator of my own experience is because I am a vibrational being in a vibrational universe.  The way I understand vibration is through focus.  Focus is all about what I am thinking about and speaking about. I understand the relationship between what I am thinking and speaking and my Source Energy by what I am feeling.

We are all rather complicated beings and we are all rather living in different worlds.  People walking down the same street can be having very different experiences. People can live in the same environment and even be born in the same family and have very different life experiences.  Makes me realize that we are all individually powerful creators of our own experiences.  I have come to understand that as we focus, we offer a vibration that is answered by law of attraction.

The way I feel is a really good indicator of what I have been creating.  I get valuable information if I can be observant of what I have been feeling and then what comes to me.  It is not as useful after the fact to know why that went that way as it is to know before hand but it takes some of all of that.

I practice and pay attention to the thoughts that I am thinking and how they feel and play out. I have come to show myself that not only am I the creator of my own experience because I think and therefore I vibrate and therefore I attract, but I can be the deliberate creator of my own experience.

I understand that there is a Source within me who is really routing for me, who has my back.  When I think thoughts that are in alignment with the vibration of what Source feels about me, or what Source feels about anything, I can feel the power of that energy flowing through me.  I can feel a leverage that I did not know I had.

I have come to realize that I the Source Energy that I come from is offering a very strong current. When I match up with it I feel like I have plugged into high-flying energy.  I can feel clarity and well being that is almost indefinable. It is just something that I feel and I know. I recognize it. I have come to know when I am doing it and when I am not doing it.

I like clarity way more than confusion, happy way more than sad, a feeling of love more than a feeling of distain.  I like appreciating.  I like optimism more than pessimism.  I pay attention to the way I feel. I can control the way I feel by focusing my thoughts because the Source within me is always in a place of pure positive energy and love and power.

This understanding of the relationship between my thoughts, how I am feeling and what happens has put me in a place of true empowerment.  I care about how I feel more than all other things put together. When I find a thought that doesn’t feel good, I do whatever I can do to distance myself from it.

The sooner I realize the way I am feeling, the easier it goes.  So I just pay attention to the way I feel.   If I catch myself thinking a thought that doesn’t feel good, I just say, “ I can say that better.”  Sometimes I can shift and sometimes I can’t. But, if I do it first thing in the morning, I can stay with the high vibe thought longer.  I can get the momentum going that feels good.  Then I am in lockstep with Source.  Source Energy will walk through the day with me, everyday, all day giving me insight and clarity about everything I am thinking about everyone I am talking with.  I am inspired to the right words at the right time.  Everything in my world is better now that I am no longer walking around by myself, but walking in vibrational harmony with Source, with the guidance that comes forth from within me.  [/box]