30 Day Feelings First Challenge ~ Day 2


 Day 2 Law of Attraction Centering Thought


[highlight]I am constantly creating.[/highlight]

From the Nonphysical, you created you, and now from the physical, you continue to create.


If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never keep thinking a negative thought.

~  Peace Pilgrim

Alignment GPS

Yes, thoughts do initiate the feelings.  The intent of this 30-Day Challenge is to make feelings your primary focus.  By choosing a pleasant feeling, a high vibration emotion, you can maintain and/or regain clear alignment with the fullness of who you are.  Thoughts are the means to achieve the desired feeling.  However, in this challenge the importance of the subject you think about becomes secondary to its effect – the feeling.  It puts your focus on your Alignment Guidance System, your emotions, so that you know where you are vibrationally.  Like driving a car, your attention is on the road to know where you are and where you want to go.  Turning the steering wheel then sets you in the desired direction.  The pleasant feeling is what you want. Choose the thoughts to get you there.


VIBES  – Voice, Inner Being, Emotions, Soul

The intent is to have the VOICE in your head resonate vibrationally with your INNER BEING and SOUL.  Your EMOTIONS let you know how you are doing.  Since your INNER BEING and SOUL vibrate high, fast, light and clear, you need to choose a high, fast, light and clear vibrating emotion to be in clear alignment.  Appreciation, love, joy, happiness, delight, peace, contentment, confidence, eagerness are possibilities.  Any feel good emotion will do.


Feelings First Challenge – Choosing High Vibe Emotions

  1. When you go to bed at night, set the intention that when you awaken in the morning, you will choose any high vibrational emotion that you want to experience during the day.
  2. Sleep interrupts the momentum of the thoughts you have been thinking. When you awake there is a fleeting second of clear alignment between the sleep and awakened state. It is best if you can catch that feeling and choose your High Vibe Emotion then.  No worries if you don’t, just choose the emotion for the day or segment. (Certainly you may wish to change emotions as you change activities.)
  3. Meditate for 15 minutes.
  4.  If you don’t maintain the feeling past brushing your teeth – oh well, get on with the day and choose again the next day.  Gradually you will be able to hold the feeling longer.  You might use the day to increase your awareness of what emotions you most often feel.
  5. If you would rather shift back to your High Vibe Emotion sooner than the next day, do whatever processes works for you to think a better feeling thought.  We suggest many in our book, Attraction Based Consciousness and on-line course, Maximizing Self-Empowerment, the Law of Attraction in Action.

As we move in the northern hemisphere into the darkest time of the year, the season traditionally to turn inward, what better time to give your inner feelings center stage.  Peace, joy, and love are all within you for the choosing.

Enjoy the challenge,

Barb and Corinne


Image Courtesy of Third Eye Photography