21 Day Loving Relationships Challenge ~ Day 12

LovingRelationship.Day12Week Two: Your Personal Trainers

Day 12 Centering Thought:


[highlight]Others are always doing their job of training me to be a powerful creator.[/highlight]

If you remember that you are a powerful creator who wanted to experience contrast in order to help you decide the things that you now want, it will help you to feel more patient about others’ not remembering.  ~  Abraham

He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own. ~  Confucius

Week Two Processes:

  • Meditate: In your daily fifteen minute meditation you might try silently saying “I am” on the inhale and “love” on the exhale.
  • Appreciation Journal: Each day list at least three things you appreciate about someone that is easy to appreciate.  This assists you to feel good. Then list at least three things you appreciate about someone not so easy to appreciate.  Even if you have to go to the far ends of the galaxy, find something that rings true to appreciate.
  • What Do You Want?  Consider each encounter with others through out the day as a training session.  You are training in the fine art of unconditional love.  If the conversation is uplifting, you’ve got it easy.  If the other is bent on talking about a problem, to help yourself stay or get back to clear alignment ask, “What is it that you want to happen?”  You might say, “It is clear what you don’t want. What is the solution, what do you want to happen?  Or articulate what you see as a possible solution.  “That certainly clarifies what you don’t want.  It sounds like you want…….”

Photo Image Courtesy of Third Eye Photography

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