21 Day Conscious Creating Challenge ~ Day 20

ABC.ConsciousnessDay2021 Day Conscious Creating Challenge

Week Two: Cooperate- Calibrating your Vibrations

Day 20 Centering Thought


[highlight] My creative workshop process works for me. [/highlight]

If you will use your time with an intention to collect data that you may bring into your creative workshop you will find everyday to be one of fun. ~  Abraham

Imagination is the beginning of creation. ~  George Barnard Shaw



Meditation: Engage your imagination during your fifteen-minute meditation to feel the good feeling of love.

  • Close your eyes.  Focus on your breathing, following the breath for a few moments to let your mind calm down.
  • Then think of someone for whom you feel love or whom you have loved in the past.  Imagine that you are with this person.  Visualize him or her before you or beside you.  To anchor the memory, you might become aware of the setting or notice what this person is wearing.  Let yourself feel love for this person.  Open yourself to the feeling.
  • Once you are fully present with that feeling of love, let go of the thought of the person.  Focus entirely on the feeling of love.  Allow yourself to rest in it.  Feel the energy of love within your body and within your heart.


Journal:  A Screenplay

This process will help you focus on the details and be clearer about your desires.  There is power in zooming into the specifics of a topic WHEN YOU ARE IN CLEAR ALIGNMENT.  The longer you concentrate on a subject and the more detail you give to it, the faster and more powerfully the energy moves.

Because of the whimsical nature of this game, you are more likely to stay light and playful (clearly aligned).  Thus you will be able to maintain focus on the details without resistance, which is the basis for the creation of anything.

In the production of this play, the director and actors have all agreed to follow what you have written to the letter.  Your job is to describe in detail everything exactly as you want it to be.

  • Cast yourself in the leading role.
  • Identify other main characters in the scenario.
  • Establish the plot.
  • Let the story line unfold.

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