21 Day Abundance Challenge ~ Day 21

ABC.Abundance.Day2121 Day Abundance Challenge

Week Three: The Abundance Story

Day 21 Centering Thought


[highlight]My financial success does not require hard work.[/highlight]

If you believe that you must work hard in order to deserve the money that comes to you, then money cannot come to you unless you do work hard. Financial success, or any other kind of success, does not require hard work.  It does require alignment of thought. ~  Abraham


Your thoughts about money (or anything else) create your destiny.  The courage to be rich has to do with vision. ~  Suze Orman


Week Three Processes

Meditation:  As an assist in developing the feeling of abundance in your meditation time, we suggest the financial abundance section in the guided meditations CD and user guide, Getting into the Vortex by Esther and Jerry Hicks.  The breathing rhythm of three counts on the inhale and five on the exhale plus the words Abraham speaks makes this a powerful tool.

Journal: Write a new story of your prosperity.  Reread it each day or write a new one.

  • By deliberately telling a new story you will establish a new pattern of thought that provides you with a new point of attraction.  It will set a new vibrational tone that will not only affect the way you feel right now, but will begin the immediate attraction of thoughts, people, circumstances, and things that are pleasing to you.
  • Example: The idea that money is as available as the air I breathe appeals to me.
    • It is a delight to imagine a lot of money flowing to me.
    • That my feeling about money affects the money that comes to me makes sense to me.
    • I am happy to understand that with practice I can control my attitude about money, or about anything.
    • I do notice that the more I tell a story of my abundance, the better I feel.
    • It is nice to know that my only work is to align my own thoughts about money with my own desires even though people around me hold many different perspectives about money.
    • I like knowing that it is clarifying for me to occasionally feel negative emotions about money.
    • I appreciate being aware of my thoughts and being able to redirect them to ones that feel better.
    • I feel tremendous relief in recognizing that I do not have to wait for the money or the things to materialize before I can feel better.

The story you tell is the basis of your life, so tell it the way you want it to be.

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